Showing posts with label Summer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Summer. Show all posts

Saturday, August 25, 2007


Again the weather was too hot and, without anything to drink, it was difficult to walk and stand on streets, or evn take a step. All these disposable cups were supposed to be put in a dustbin but I couldn't see anything nearby.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A Cool Summer Breeze

Exceptionally, we've had a cool summer breeze all day and now it's even cooler. If the summer just goes like this, I will definitely be able to survive the summer but I know it won't happen.

I snapped this view from my office on the 13th floor.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Rainy Season 장마

The rainy season started from today.
Although it comes every year, never skipping,
we have a flood disaster every year too.
I wish the disaster forget to happen this year...

오늘부터 장마가 시작되었다.
한 해도 거르지 않고 늘 오는 장마인데,
매해 대형 수해 사고가 난다.
올해는 부디 거르고 갈 수 있기를...

Monday, June 18, 2007

Summer in the City 도심 속의 여름

'Vacances Mobiles' hanging from the ceiling at Lotte Department Store main branch. Looking at the windsurf boards at one of the most crowded places in the city, I think they don't encourage the desire to go to the sea, rather console the city dwellers who can't (or who find difficult to) go to the sea.

롯데백화점 본점의 지하 천정에 매달린 '바캉스 모빌'.
도시에서 사람이 가장 붐비는 곳 중 하나인 이 곳에서 윈드 서핑 보드를 보니
바다로 향해 가고 싶다는 열망을 자극한다기 보다는
바다로 가지 못하는(혹은 가기 어려운) 도시인들을 위로한다는 생각이 든다.