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Truffle migration of an ownable contract

Initially, I deploy everything using REMIX IDE, currently I would like to try to deploy a contract that is ownable into local ganache blockchain using truffle migration: pragma solidity ^0.8.18; ...
tony's user avatar
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Truffle hit a require or revert statement in simple ERC777 constructor

I have incredibly simple code, taking straight from openzeppelin's ERC777 contract. When I run truffle migrate, however, I receive Replacing 'Implementation' -------------------------- *** ...
chriscrutt's user avatar
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Truffle migrate - TypeError: migrations.setCompleted is not a function

I ran $ npx truffle migrate to deploy 2 contracts to Ganache but I got an error: This version of µWS is not compatible with your Node.js build: Error: Cannot find module './uws_darwin_x64_88.node' ...
aahd_fr's user avatar
0 votes
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Could not find artifacts for " + import_path + " from any sources"

I'm following this tutorial on creating my own nft and I came across this problem. Can someone help me PS C:\Users\caclc\contracts> truffle migrate Compiling your contracts... Everything is up to ...
IJC's user avatar
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Uncaught TypeError: is not a function

I`m trying to check if I correctly deploy a contract with truffle and ganache. I run truffle console and then contract = await Kryptobird.deployed(). But when I try to get the name of the contract I ...
Mariia Synelnyk's user avatar
0 votes
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Cannot connect to Ethereum client using truffle/ganache

I first started ganache and see in the log that "Ganache started successfully" with the RPC Server set as: HTTP:// While running truffle migrate command, I've received the ...
sqlnewbie1979's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Truffle test deploys everytime a new contract with .deployed()

I want to test some contracts^^ And now Im wondering because like I understand .deployed() should take the contracts from the migration in truffle and dont deploy new ones? My test.js: const one = ...
MaTok's user avatar
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UniswapV2 addLiquidityETH() reverting when trying to deploy to ganache locally

I'm trying to locally deploy a contract similar to sushiswap, but I keep getting a revert from addLiquidityETH(), no message other than VM Exception while processing transaction: revert //module....
Zimri Leijen's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to test your smart contract against currently existing ones on mainnet locally using Truffle?

Background I am fairly new to smart contracts and am currently experimenting using Ganache and Truffle to test on my local machine. My goal would be to have the smart contract interacting with other ...
nothingnix's user avatar
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How of should I migrate my Smart Contract?

I am developing a scraper which scrapes data and puts it on ethereum blockchain(ganache for dev) every week. So as to put this data onto the blockchain should I migrate my smart contract each time I ...
Sanket Shevkar's user avatar
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How to fix? Tx nonce go out of sync when using multiple unit tests on the same contract under Ganache+Truffle

Here is my example contract (ignore the fact this could be pure, this is a simplified example and my real example is not a pure function, it changes state, but I can reproduce the bug with this simple ...
Dr Lee A. Christie's user avatar
-1 votes
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Truffle ganache error

I have this error~! Contract has not been deployed to detected network (network/artifact mismatch) Can you help me thank you!
Panos Kor's user avatar
4 votes
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Ganache + Truffle: how to deploy a contract without considering the gas

I am working with Ganache and Truffle. I am trying to deploy kind of a huge smart contract, but most of the functions in this smart contract are pre-prod functions, so I do not really worry about real-...
Thanh-Quy Nguyen's user avatar
2 votes
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When does 'truffle deploy' yield a different output every time?

truffle deploy (aka truffle migrate) is documented here. I'm doing the following sequence: Starting a local Ganache node Running truffle deploy I'd expect this sequence to yield the exact same ...
goodvibration's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How use Truffle Framework [closed]

Anyone please help me to understand what is exactly Truffle & Ganache ? How to install & use Truffle ? Please reply who are know this.
Rahul Rakshit's user avatar
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4 answers

truffle migrate --network ropsten issues

When i run truffle migrate --network ropsten i don't see the contract deployment but just Compiling your contracts... =========================== > Everything is up to date, there is nothing to ...
Simone R.C.'s user avatar
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3 answers

Truffle compile and migrate not working

I have a geth node running on my laptop. This is the command I used to start geth. geth --port 4321 --networkid 1234 --datadir=./dataDir --rpc --rpcport 8543 --rpcaddr --rpcapi "eth,net,...
skr's user avatar
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Error: Cannot create instance of X; no code at address

Having a little issue. I have deployed a Mock ERC20 contract on development network like so: const ERC20Mock = artifacts.require("ERC20Mock"); module.exports = async function(deployer, network, ...
isaacsultan's user avatar
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Truffle migrate not working with 2_deploy_contracts.js

I have made a sample contract using Truffle's pet-shop. I have also added the 2_deploy_contracts.js file. I have changed the solidity version and also the constructor() public {} to comply with the ...
Akhil Kintali's user avatar
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1 answer

Set up backup from private Ethereum (Ganache) [duplicate]

I have created an ethereum application with Ganache and truffle js. i have installed ganache in a server, and th application work. but when i stop the server i lose the the smart contract that i have ...
Safa SAKLY's user avatar
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Truffle migrate hangs when I run ganache with the --db flag

From the command line, when I run the following command: ganache-cli --db ~/Documents/Ethereum/ --mnemonic "bride forest screen jazz injury grit rather seek also donate media mechanic" and I run "...
Vernon McRaspberry's user avatar
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"truffle migrate" running all migrations everytime

I have a very weird behavior happening whenever I run "truffle migrate". Ideally, as per the documentation, it states: This will run all migrations located within your project's migrations ...
Shuja Ahmed's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Contract Deployed via Truffle doesn't work, Remix deployed contract does work. Why?

So, I am developing (or trying to) with Truffle against ganache. When I do "truffle migrate" I get: Using network 'development'. Running migration: 1_initial_migration.js Replacing Migrations......
Dennison's user avatar