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Questions tagged [erc-777]

ERC777 token standard:

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2 answers

Error When Deploying Custom ERC777 Token: Transaction Reverted

I'm trying to deploy a custom ERC777 token using Hardhat and ethers.js version 6. However, I keep getting an error related to a "function call to a non-contract account". I've been ...
Elkana Liman's user avatar
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What are examples of high-liquidity ERC777 tokens on ETHEREUM? Any other token standards apply too, as long as there's a beforeTransfer callback

I'm looking to make a list of popular tokens that implement hooks on transferFrom(address owner, address receiver, uint256 amount) and are deployed on the Ethereum blockchain in particular. For ...
Mila A's user avatar
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Truffle hit a require or revert statement in simple ERC777 constructor

I have incredibly simple code, taking straight from openzeppelin's ERC777 contract. When I run truffle migrate, however, I receive Replacing 'Implementation' -------------------------- *** ...
chriscrutt's user avatar
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How can I verify that a function (IERC777.send) is executed successfully if it doesn't return anything but only emits an event

In a solidity smart contract function, I want to verify that an IERC777.send function has executed successfully before proceeding. Unfortunately, IERC777 has no bool return that I could use in this ...
robertrongen's user avatar
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The Get Functions of ERC1820 (added in genesis file) not working correctly on Quorum

Because I cannot deploy the magic ERC1820 directly to my private Quorum Network, I must add it to the genesis file like this: "0x1820a4b7618bde71dce8cdc73aab6c95905fad24": { "...
Majd TL's user avatar
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How to call an undeployed contract from a solidity code that only implements a constructor

I've two contracts, and I want to call a contract from another contract. I've two ways to do it, as described here but, my case is different, the callee contract only implements the constructor inside ...
Adil Nehal's user avatar
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Truffle cannot pass array of addresses as constructor arguments during deployment

I have a standard ERC777 Openzeppelin contract pragma solidity ^0.8.9; import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC777/ERC777.sol"; import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC777/IERC777.sol&...
Russo's user avatar
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how to use erc777 tokensreceived hook for already deployed erc20 token like BUSD?

hi I'm trying to build a contract that receives erc20 token like BUSD and transfer it to an address but it needs two confirmations. so I decided to use approve and transferFrom function but this one ...
Meysam's user avatar
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ERC777: token recipient contract has no implementer for ERC777TokensRecipient

In my Hardhat test, I can deploy the following: ERC1820 contract via a Hardhat plugin ERC777 contract Staking contract to hold ERC777 tokens Then I can mint some ERC777 tokens to an user: await ...
Russo's user avatar
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ERC777 upgradeable deployment error: cannot estimate gas; transaction may fail or may require manual gas limit hardhat

Hi I could not deploy my ERC777 Upgradeable contract into Hardhat test network. My ERC777 contract: pragma solidity ^0.8.15; import "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/token/ERC777/...
Russo's user avatar
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Sign with metamask and send with backend

I am making an online store, where you can buy physical products. And I want to be able to pay with metamask. Is it possible to sign the transaction with metamask and send it in the backend (to verify ...
GNUrub's user avatar
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Attack on ERC-777 smart contract and UniswapV2Pair resulting in 104 ETH liquidity drain

My ERC-777 smart contract (Schnoodle, symbol SNOOD) was attacked yesterday resulting in the entire liquidity in the UniswapV2Pair token being drained (104 ETH). The attack was by way of an attacker ...
Neo's user avatar
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How would you structure this smart contract: ownership percentages, ERC777, UI flow?

I'm trying to get familiar with the patterns in designing Solidity smart contracts. For example, say I'm trying to model a Mall with multiple Restaurants in it. Each restaurant can have multiple ...
Rizzo's user avatar
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ERC777 AuthorizeOperator function

I was implementing some functionalities of ERC777 and need some help with the Authorize Operator function. Does this function approves for all the ERC20 tokens present within a wallet or the operator ...
Bhavishyag2's user avatar
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How to I make our Gnosis Safe ERC777 Receivable?

Currently, when minting new ERC777 tokens to our Gnosis Safe, the transaction reverts. This article seems to imply that Gnosis Safes created via official interfaces should be able to support token ...
zane witherspoon's user avatar
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Is ERC777 and Uniswap drama resolved?

Reference Apparently, an years ago, there was reentrancy exploit on uniswap that was caused by ERC777 functionality: "Technically, the main logic ...
Kaneda's user avatar
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managing multiple smart contracts

Looking for general feedback or advice about multiple smart contracts, each with unique options, offered by a platform for users. Is this common? For example, contract 1 is a barebones contract, costs ...
aug2uag's user avatar
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Remix VM error when deploying

I'm trying to deploy this code. // contracts/GLDToken.sol // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.0; import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC777/ERC777.sol"; contract ...
LostXOR's user avatar
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Is it possible to trigger an ERC777 receiver hook by receiving ERC20 tokens?

I noticed that the callTokensReceived hook is called when using a few of the ERC777 functions but I am wondering how this could be triggered if an ERC20 token was sent to it? Example (pseudo code): ...
Jonathan Scialpi's user avatar
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How to recover ERC777 tokens from a ERC20 account

I have transferred some ERC777 tokens to an ERC20 Ethereum account on my Ledger wallet. The transaction was successful and confirmed by etherscan. However, I cannot find the tokens in my Ledger ...
Yih Neng Lee's user avatar
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Should new tokens be developed using the ERC-777 token standard?

EIP-777 came out in late 2017 and yet many projects still use ERC20 token standard. The only one I've heard of using ERC777 was UNI which was hacked because the attacker was able to set how the ...
Jonathan Scialpi's user avatar
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Difference between tokensToSend() and OperatorSend()?

I read eip777 but have no idea what's difference between tokensToSend() and OperatorSend(). Could you please clarify them for me? Thank you.
ikaop's user avatar
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Identifying ERC-721, ERC-777, & ERC-223 Contracts in the EVM via eth.getTransactionReceipts(), etc

Is there any specific way of identifying ERC-721, ERC-777, & ERC-223 contract events under the EVM, specifically under the eth.getTransactionReceipt() function? I know there's a way for ERC-20 ...
keennay's user avatar
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Correct usage of granularity in ERC777

Hello I would like to create an ERC777 token which cannot be divided. I understand that, because decimals() have to remain 18, I have to override the granularity() to 10^18. What I don't understand ...
user3025417's user avatar
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Is there a token standard that allow for future minting and burning of tokens?

I am interested in an ethereum token with the functionality for an operator to mint new supply at any time. It would also be nice if the operator could burn supply explicitly rather than sending to an ...
rrbest's user avatar
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How to implement the ERC777 token standard?

Does anyone know how to correctly implement the new ERC777 token standard? I've been trying to create an ERC777 contract (see code below) but keep struggling with a couple of things. According to ...
hurb's user avatar
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