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How to read the content of the Smart Contract?

Suppose below is my Solidity code // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.0; contract HelloWorld { string public greeting = "HELLO WORLD"; } Now when after I deploy it on the ...
Jatin's user avatar
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Is it possible to develop a multifunctions token?

i try to know where the capabilities of smart contract are, is it possible to write a smart contract for a token that will be : Ownable Transferable Burnable POS Compatible POW emulated compatible ...
Bakhouche Akram's user avatar
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How to redirect wallet native app from a browser dapp?

We would like to create a feature that would allow a user to press the buy button on a browser dapp(not native dapp) and it would switch to a wallet app such as metamask to sign and issue the ...
ttt's user avatar
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Why does a wallet user need to sign a message to login?

We all know how Ethereum signing works for user authentication. MetaMask asks you to sign, you sign it and application's server validates it and, if true, allows you to use services. Assume that in my ...
Neo's user avatar
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Metamask getBalance method doesnt work

When I wanted show my eth balance in my web site it gives me this "0x103cf17cc1518eb4" how can i turn into string?
seojunchian's user avatar
2 votes
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How to Reduce Wallet Prompts for Enhanced User Experience in a Blockchain Gaming dApp?

I am developing a gaming dApp on the Ethereum network and aim to optimize the user experience, particularly in interactions with the blockchain. A major challenge is the frequent Metamask prompts ...
blockchaineng's user avatar
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View Function Error in Ethers js

I Use ethersjs Cdn when i call getCounter Function in my SmartContract it return me transaction object not give me counter value. View Function not give me value it give me transaction object async ...
adil-techcode's user avatar
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Can i transfer token to a account for next 180 days automatically without any further interaction with function using for loop?

I have written a function to lock some amount of tokens. If user lock tokens then by calling this function then token will be locked for 180 days. One of the important logic I wanted to implement is I ...
Hacek 's user avatar
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Web3Auth method to enter email Id and get the value of wallet address as return value

Is there any web3Auth method which takes email id as input and returns a wallet address as output ? The wallet address returned should be real . By real I mean , if the user logs in with the emailId ...
Gaurav Pant's user avatar
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Doubt related to offchain

I know that offchain means the logic is stored out side of blockchain. So a contract is deployed to the onchain, and my offchain logic can't be in the contract, if it is in contract then it will be ...
Hacek 's user avatar
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Call Requests Limit

I made a bot swap on bsc network using 1inch 0x and para swap.. everything is great except one thing which is Call requests I can’t make call every 1 sec for more than 1 token when make 2 tokens my ip ...
Nashwan Salah's user avatar
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hardhat script giving this error when ran

Please, I need help clearing this. root@DESKTOP-O7HMHFH:/mnt/c/pr0/projects/arbitrage/comp# npx hardhat run scripts/manipulate.js --network localhost Beginning Swap... Input Token: COMP Output Token:...
Soyaya's user avatar
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How to take inpur as ether?

Suppose i have a function like these: function submit(address to, uint256 value) public {} In case no. 1 i want to take the input of value as ether. How can i do it?
Hacek 's user avatar
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Query on multisig wallet

All i know about multisig wallet logic is => if someone wants to transact in this wallet he/she need all owner's signature. Am i right? I need more idea on multisig.
Hacek 's user avatar
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3 answers

SQL Querying ability using Blockchain

I am working on an application that can handle SQL queries for data stored in Blockchain. Currently I am using Smart Contract for achieving this as this allows me to store the data in a well ...
Suvam Tamang's user avatar
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Handling user transaction fee

Im creating a user whitelisting contract when a user asks for whitelisting hes paying for the contract execution how do i make it so that the creator of the contract pays for the transaction?
mrnandan's user avatar
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smart contract exclusive for an app

I created a Smart Contract and a Dapp that Mint some NFTs, however I would like to be able to create: interact with my contract, only through my application. Does anyone know if it's possible? I didn'...
brunovjk's user avatar
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How to create a metamask address(custodial) for a user who can login with Gmail

I am trying to implement a dApp in which instead of asking users to create metamask account. I am thinking to create a Metamask address(Custodial) for each user when they login with Gmail and Private ...
aravind mandiga's user avatar
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Transaction triggered successfully but users can edit transaction amount, How can I stop this?

I've recently added FTM payments to my website and discovered once the transaction is sent to MetaMask everything goes to plan but looking at the image below, Users can directly edit the amount sent ...
ozftm's user avatar
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Dapp can not be modified once deployed!

If Decentralised Applications are immutable and can not be modified once deployed then how we can implement large projects like Instagram, Facebook, Amazon using blockchain technologies using Agile ...
KARTIK MISHRA's user avatar
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Send transaction in the backend on behalf of another person

I am designing like platform service. The user (browser) will send a web request to a backend server. The backend server will send transaction with platform's wallet, for the user. The user does not ...
rtdoit's user avatar
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Next JS versus React. Which to use when for your Dapp? [closed]

This is a broader theoretical question. What advantages does a Next JS Dapp give over a React Dapp? Apart from file-based routing and an option to protect some code on the server side? In case I am ...
Zubin Madon's user avatar
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How to create a launch function for a smart contract?

I'm trying to integrate a launch function into a smart contract, however I'm running into an error. When I compile the smart contract I get the following output error: DeclarationError: Undeclared ...
Mike's user avatar
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Can you connect to the blockchain and send dapp data without a wallet?

I want to be able to process dapp info outside of the dapp. So usually you open the dapp site and connect your wallet. In my case I can then interact with the dapp to say buy crypto. I have a dapp ...
user7668482's user avatar
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When Interacting with a DAPP, how can I see what it is passing to Metamask?

I am looking to intercept calls from Dapp to metamask to be able to see what is inside. I would like to be able to see with which contract am I interacting with and what is the transaction data passed ...
FracaShaw's user avatar
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How to Automate End to End Testing For Etherium Dapps With Metamask?

I'm wondering what the best way to test the entire stack of a dapp is? From UI -> to wallet connection -> web3.js and interacting with the smart contract? In web2 we could just use something ...
Zachary Denham's user avatar
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Possible to connect to Wallet from android (java/kotlin)?

I would like to program a mobile DApp which connects to a wallet, like a webapp. I thought it may be possible with WalletConnect. Has anyone ever done this? Thanks!
Markusbug's user avatar
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Connect to metamask and WalletConnect using web3-react

I have been using web3-react to connect different wallets: I want to connect to metamask extension with the help of import { WalletConnectConnector } from "@web3-react/walletconnect-connector&...
Akash Kulkarni's user avatar
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Automatically and programmatically storing of a small piece of data on Ethereum

Is it possible to have a dApp automatically and programmatically store a small piece of data on Ethereum, when needed (so upon request), without the need for manually connecting a wallet like MetaMask?...
R_K's user avatar
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wallet_addEthereumChain is not working in metamask android app

I am using wallet_addEthereumChain RPC function to add the custom network in metamask android app through our Dapp but it is showing an error wrong chainid. The chainid(80001) is correct and the code ...
Anuj Pandey's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

"TypeError: Cannot read property 'sendTransaction' of null" error when deploying to Ropsten testnet using hardhat

I am getting the error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'sendTransaction' of null at ContractFactory. (/Users/UserName/Downloads/nft-marketplace-ethereum/node_modules/@ethersproject/contracts/src.ts/...
shadow's user avatar
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I couldn't make ERC2981 royalties work

I have implemented royalty function to my ERC721 NFT smart contract. When I deploy my contract, royalty contract is equal to my address so this way I have defined which address the royalties get ...
Molly Hatchet's user avatar
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Ways to use/integrate an Ethereum - Polygon wallet in an Android app

Where I work, we have an ERC-20 token, running on Polygon Testnet at the moment, and the plan is to to run on the Polygon chain on the future. We have an Android app, where we want to explore ways on ...
tzegian's user avatar
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Assign Username To Wallet Address

I have Created Dapp in Which People can Sign in With Their Metamask , How Can I Add Option To Assign a Nickname or Username to Their Wallet Address When They Sign in and Show the Username in the Dapp?
Pankaj Bhadane's user avatar
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Signing once-and-for-all recurrent transactions with a wallet such as MetaMask from a backend

I've been searching this for a while now but couldn't find a proper answer. Is there any way to have users use a wallet such as MetaMask, Formatic etc. on a backend and allow the user, from the Wallet'...
user1838898's user avatar
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How to redirect from browser to Metamask or similar app like trustwallet on android?

I have a website that detects metamask and connects with it on pc, but on the android mobile app browser when I open my website it doesn't show some functions as it needs to be connected with BSC, So ...
Abdul Shaikh's user avatar
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MetaMask - RPC Error: execution reverted {code: -32000, message: "execution reverted"}

Facing this error => MetaMask - RPC Error: execution reverted {code: -32000, message: "execution reverted"} after calling the contract method. This is called via the useEffect hook in the ...
SWAROOP B S's user avatar
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How to handle connection to a wallet in a dapp

I'm a bit confused on how to handle a connection to a wallet such as Metamask in a decentralised web-app. Let's consider this very simple contract: pragma solidity ^0.8.0; contract ToDo { struct ...
user avatar
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Need Help with a University Project to make a DApp

I want to make a DApp which stores information of people who have taken the COVID vaccine. Information to be stored will be: Name of the Person Date of Birth Some Form of PIN Provided by the ...
QuixoticVI's user avatar
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Interact with a contract function using Web3.js

I finished testing my smart contract functionality with "unlocked accounts" (which don't require complex signing) on a local dev blockchain, but now I would like to deploy on MAINNET and use ...
Luka's user avatar
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Where can i find a documentation of all `wallet_` RPC calls?

Looked everywhere, and all I can find are a bunch of EIPs. Is there a document/repo somewhere listing all available RPC calls that interact with the wallet (wallet_...)? Specifically, I'd like to ...
Traveling Tech Guy's user avatar
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Issue in Integrating metamask to chrome browser in mobile

I am trying to create an DeFi app by integrating the MetaMask wallet. Desktop The DeFi app works fine with the MetaMask integration Mobile I have my MetaMask setup in my Android mobile. When I tried ...
iappmaker's user avatar
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Display the user object array in react app using drizzle

I have been trying to do a simple use case where we return all the user details please find my code myComponent.js <div className="section"> <h2>JurStatus</h2> ...
Manoj Kumar's user avatar
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why does ERC20 Token Balance shows 0 frequently?

I have a DAPP and ERC20 Token which has an initial supply of 9000 for testing purpose..First step is to login/register into the DAPP where all the information resides..There is an element in the DAPP ...
Yash's user avatar
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web3.js convert hex value to string [duplicate]

I use web3.js to read all events and I get the return values when convert this field to original string (string indexed name) original name like mmmm the hex retrund is ("...
Nasr Aldin's user avatar
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Sending ether directly from metamask to fallback function

I want to send some amount of ether to a smart contract from metamask (without using web3) and want it to perform some specific tasks based on that amount. For example, if I send 0.9 ether, I want it ...
Nima shiri's user avatar
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Compilation Error

Hi guys I got this error when I try to compile using truffle develop. truffle(develop)> compile Compiling your contracts... Compiling ./contracts/StarNotary.sol /mnt/d/Blockchain/...
Sreesankar G Warrier's user avatar
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vyper no mappings allowed when adding a function to initialize a struct that has a map inside

Version Information vyper Version (output of vyper --version): 0.1.0b17+commit.eaa6754 OS: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) Python Version - 3.6.2 Environment (output of pip freeze): asttokens==2.0.3 ...
Henry H.'s user avatar
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Can I make a proper website by using ganache and truffle? Like maybe

I have developed a voting system usinh dapp that runs on local host. It uses accounts from ganache and metamask for transactions of votes. Now if i want to buy a domain and make the thing work, is it ...
Pari Deshpande's user avatar
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how to build Dapp for Android using react-native

I have a ethereum Dapp for web application and have metamask extension installed in my chrome browser to make transactions. Now i want the same application to be developed in android using react-...
Sulvin's user avatar
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