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How to redirect wallet native app from a browser dapp?

We would like to create a feature that would allow a user to press the buy button on a browser dapp(not native dapp) and it would switch to a wallet app such as metamask to sign and issue the ...
ttt's user avatar
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Can you connect to the blockchain and send dapp data without a wallet?

I want to be able to process dapp info outside of the dapp. So usually you open the dapp site and connect your wallet. In my case I can then interact with the dapp to say buy crypto. I have a dapp ...
user7668482's user avatar
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When Interacting with a DAPP, how can I see what it is passing to Metamask?

I am looking to intercept calls from Dapp to metamask to be able to see what is inside. I would like to be able to see with which contract am I interacting with and what is the transaction data passed ...
FracaShaw's user avatar
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Signing once-and-for-all recurrent transactions with a wallet such as MetaMask from a backend

I've been searching this for a while now but couldn't find a proper answer. Is there any way to have users use a wallet such as MetaMask, Formatic etc. on a backend and allow the user, from the Wallet'...
user1838898's user avatar
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How to handle connection to a wallet in a dapp

I'm a bit confused on how to handle a connection to a wallet such as Metamask in a decentralised web-app. Let's consider this very simple contract: pragma solidity ^0.8.0; contract ToDo { struct ...
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Issue in Integrating metamask to chrome browser in mobile

I am trying to create an DeFi app by integrating the MetaMask wallet. Desktop The DeFi app works fine with the MetaMask integration Mobile I have my MetaMask setup in my Android mobile. When I tried ...
iappmaker's user avatar
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Error creating contracts on Ethereum wallet. Need help [duplicate]

I am trying to create an ERC20 token off of ethereum, but when I put the code in the editor in the ethereum wallet, I get a weird error. It says: "throw" is deprecated in favour of "revert()", "...
Crypthusiast's user avatar
7 votes
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Login system for DAPP without metamask

I'm building Dapp on Ethereum. Imagine I have companies to register in my dapp, I will provide them with their own smart contract and public and private key pair, which they will use to just unlock ...
O. Shekriladze's user avatar
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Turnkey/White-label solution for custom ERC20 token wallet GUI

I've created a token and I feel Ethereum's Wallet/Mist is too cumbersome for my users, as well as Parity. I don't want to guide my users step-by-step into watching my contracts, I want to give them ...
Ronen's user avatar
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