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Questions tagged [ethereum-wallet-dapp]

Tag for the questions related to the deployment of the contracts using Ethereum wallet.

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ETH to RXS token exchange showing incorrect balance in Coinbase wallet

I exchanged ETH for RXS finance at 0.06 and 0.08. About $5200 total worth. I have just above 62000 RXS tokens showing in my Ethereum Coinbase wallet after all fees, but value balance only shows $430 ...
Easy's user avatar
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Exploring Solutions for Enhanced Data Storage in Ethereum Wallets

Vitalik recently raised an important point about the need for robust data storage solutions in crypto wallets Chris Were, the CEO and co-...
Mykhailo's user avatar
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How to recover a tokens in base network that was sent to a non listed exchange in base network

Can anyone help? I transferred some tokens from the Metamask base network wallet to the Binance base network but later, I found that the token was not listed on Binance, and Binance customer care said ...
sumeet's user avatar
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How to read the content of the Smart Contract?

Suppose below is my Solidity code // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.0; contract HelloWorld { string public greeting = "HELLO WORLD"; } Now when after I deploy it on the ...
Jatin's user avatar
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Error: transaction execution reverted in SimpleAccount Contract worldchain

When I try to perform a transaction with my contract for Account Abstraction, I get an transaction execution reverted error Connected to network: Network {} Master wallet: ...
Dylan Leguizamon's user avatar
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transaction execution reverted worldchain

I'm trying to create a code that sends Worldcoin through Worldchain using a master wallet that pays for the gas, but when I try to send it, I get an error. I’m not sure what’s causing it; this is the ...
Dylan Leguizamon's user avatar
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Implementing a Meta Transaction Relayer with Separate Gas Fee and Worldcoin Wallets on Worldchain

What changes should I make to my code to create a Meta Transaction Relayer that pays the gas fee with an ETH wallet (on the Worldchain network) different from the one sending the Worldcoin (on the ...
Dylan Leguizamon's user avatar
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Error: insufficient funds for intrinsic transaction cost Worldchain

I am trying to send Worldcoins via the Worldchain mainnet. I have 4.94 WLD available in my Worldcoin address, but when I call the function to transfer, I get the following error: Error: insufficient ...
Dylan Leguizamon's user avatar
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smart contract deployment taking too much eth as gas fee

I'm following JSMastery's web3.0 project on YT and this is my solidity code //SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.8; contract Transactions { uint256 transactionCounter; event ...
remotestbeach's user avatar
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Unable to fetch data from smart contract into my frontend

I'm working on a lottery dapp using Solidity and Next.js. While trying to call the getEnteranceFeefunction from my contract, I keep encountering the following error: ContractFunctionExecutionError: ...
ALISHA REDDY's user avatar
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I am writing this smart contract Remix but when I try transferFrom my CELO wallet show me an error

I am using the compiler version of 0.8.19 as it was the one that could run this code. The error I am getting from the wallet connected on the Alfajores Test net is: ALERT: Transaction Error. Exception ...
tip. rock's user avatar
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WAGMIv2: hex_.replace is not a function in useWriteContract

I tried to write a contract but I got this error: "hex_.replace is not a function". Could you tell me the solution about this. My code: const abi = [ { type: "...
ttt's user avatar
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The most popular ways to scam on crypto EVM

I want to describe the methodologies in my bachelor's thesis, but I don't know what kind of crypto scams there are and which ones are used most effectively Thanks
Eligijus Girdenis's user avatar
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I think I am been scammed and need help [duplicate]

I invested some money through the website After completing a 60-day staking period, they sent me instructions to unstake my earnings. However, they are asking for additional funds, and ...
Romane's user avatar
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Multi-Signature Wallets

In a 2-of-3 multisig wallet , what if 2 persons team up to extract all the fund themselves and thereby betraying the 3rd person, Is there any way to avoid such situations for this specific multi-sig? ...
Code Blocker's user avatar
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How to know whether a wallet has an airdrop?

How to know whether an address has receive an airdrop of token ? Example - In this transaction, multiple ...
James_sheford's user avatar
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Which multi-wallet connect to use in 2024?

hope all is well. I am relatively new to the space and I was wondering for an NFT marketplace, which multi-wallet connect should I use? More specifically, it seems that most web3 apps use web3modal, ...
Jeff's user avatar
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reentrance in ERC20 token transfer

Since ERC20 token transfer is prone to reentrance attack because they do not invoke any function in external contract. is it okay to update the state after external call??. since its impossible for ...
Olivia Nicole's user avatar
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Is it possible to develop a multifunctions token?

i try to know where the capabilities of smart contract are, is it possible to write a smart contract for a token that will be : Ownable Transferable Burnable POS Compatible POW emulated compatible ...
Bakhouche Akram's user avatar
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My ETH is stuck... I have 6 transactions that are stuck now. Please help

I've tried to cancel all of them, and/or re-submit the ones I can with higher fees. Nothing seems to work, they all say that there's an older transaction that is stuck, but there isn't any older ...
Shane Waddell's user avatar
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how to call function two different contracts with the help of ERC-681

at the moment i am utilizing the ERC-681 url format for a contract transction and the logic of my contract needs the approval transaction of erc20 before procedding to call the function. what i was ...
Anwar's user avatar
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Getting empty response after calling safeFactory.init() function on Safe MultiSig wallet

I created a multiSig address from the UI and I'm trying to call an external contract using that safe address. I want to use that safeAddress and create a sort of safe Instance so that I can call ...
Pankaj Jagtap's user avatar
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How can scams involving cryptocurrencies like Ethereum, Bitcoin be reported?

How can scams involving cryptocurrencies like Ethereum, Bitcoin be reported? My brother presently got hacked and lost all his funds. How do scammers perceive and pick their victims? Is there a medium ...
Diana Truff's user avatar
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Error handling while fetching account from useWeb3React() hook of '@web3-react/core'

I'm fetching account from useWeb3React() hook and want to detect if there is any error while fetching the value to initiate further operations. How to do it?
soumyadeep.eth's user avatar
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How to redirect wallet native app from a browser dapp?

We would like to create a feature that would allow a user to press the buy button on a browser dapp(not native dapp) and it would switch to a wallet app such as metamask to sign and issue the ...
ttt's user avatar
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Why does my from address changes when signing an eth_sign transaction

I need help with something. I am trying to create a transaction, sign it, and send the transaction with web3, but every time it gets signed, the from address changes to a random address. After much ...
Zurik Dev's user avatar
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how to use the js library in nest js that doesn't have types

below is a controller and service code import { Body, Controller, Get, Post, HttpStatus, Res } from '@nestjs/common'; import { AppService } from './app.service'; import { request } from '../utils/...
Anwar's user avatar
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Fail with error 'ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance' - Error encountered during contract execution [execution reverted] I had an issue during staking $meme in Stakeland. The amount deducted from my Metamask wallet but not added ...
Master Basha's user avatar
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Searching for proof-readers: "The Aftermath of the Ethereum Merge"

Dear Ethereum enthusiast, I am currently a Business Engineering student at Ghent University in Belgium. As part of my degree requirements, I am conducting research on the Ethereum Merge for my master’...
Simon Van Erdeghem's user avatar
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How can i claim airdrop from contract with another wallet not whitelisted

i have an airdrop wallet to claim DOP token on erc20 which cant be transfer yet on chain, but the wallet is compromised, i need a way out
Wagmi Bruh's user avatar
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'Error :project ID request rate exceeded' on deploying contracts to Sepolia Test Network using command truffle migrate --reset --network sepolia

I have Ethereum Blockchain application(DAPP) using truffle framework with React as Frontend I want to deploy my contracts to sepolia test network so I run truffle migrate --reset --network sepolia ...
jisa_anu's user avatar
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Error Connecting to Ethereum Wallet Using ethers.js in HTML Page

I am working on an HTML page to connect to an Ethereum wallet and initiate transactions using ethers.js. However, when I attempt to connect to the wallet by clicking the 'Connect Wallet' button, I ...
Talha Sajid Chaudhary's user avatar
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Invalid parameters: must provide an Ethereum address

I am using ethers.js and Blocknative to connect wallets for my DApp. I have both MetaMask and OKX Wallet extensions installed on Chrome. Under certain circumstances, when initiating interactions, I ...
R L's user avatar
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Ethereum instance not intiialized - call Ethereum.factory first

I am using @metamask/sdk-react in a react project. Below is the code: import { MetaMaskProvider } from '@metamask/sdk-react'; <MetaMaskProvider debug={true} sdkOptions={{ ...
Joey Yi Zhao's user avatar
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ETH Transaction confirmed after sending to EasyCrypto Address but balance not reflected

In March 2024, I created a sell order for 0.93 ETH on EasyCrypto. However, when attempting to transfer the ETH from my wallet to EasyCrypto's address, I discovered that my wallet had a balance of 0.00 ...
Tony Montana's user avatar
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Set Up Browser Extension Trust Wallet with the wong private keys

I had set up a Trust wallet on my iPhone. Recently I decided to set the Trust browser extension wallet on my computer. When I set the Trust wallet extension on my computer, I imported the wallet using ...
Derek J DeLisle's user avatar
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sender doesn't have enough funds to send tx

i am trying to create a uniswap pool but when i am testing my smart contract i am getting an error . import { expect } from "chai"; import { ethers, network } from "hardhat"; ...
unni krishnan's user avatar
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Unapproved transaction on BaseL2 **basically my funds have been stock for a minute now**

I currently have an unapproved transaction on the Base L2, and it's strange that my wallet is essentially stuck on an unapproved transaction. I can't send any other transactions with that wallet. I ...
yahdielo's user avatar
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Wallet injection to dapps

I have a react-native wallet application and I'm trying to achieve automatic wallet connection to dapps when a dapp is rendered from a react-native web-view. Are there any implementations available ...
Nikhil's user avatar
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Blind signing when trying to send USDT over Arbitrum network

I am trying to send USDT ERC20 token through arbitrum network and all things go well until i want to personally sign it using my hardware wallet. seems like the ABI is wrong or corrupt as i get bling ...
saugat giri's user avatar
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How to integrate mobail Metamask or any cryptocurrency wallet with mobile browser?

I have been looking for the way of integrating mobile Metamask or any cryptocurrency with mobile browser, not with internal built-in mobile browser in Wallets. If I correctly remember it, I have seen ...
DHC's user avatar
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ERC4337's biggest confusions in terms of social logins

After some digging, I realize that I am not able to understand this subject. I understand the source code of ERC4337's entrypoint and how paymasters and wallet contracts are written(mainly ...
Neo's user avatar
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I mistakenly used Ethereum Network for my Arbitrium Address & I am unable to access the funds on it

I accidentally selected network as arbitrium but the transactions are done on the Ethereum network for the same address displayed as Ethereum on my gnosis safe wallet. The transactions are visible on ...
Naman's user avatar
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Unhandled Rejection (Error): ENS is not supported on network private

Unhandled Rejection (Error): ENS is not supported on network private l.<anonymous> /packages/web3-eth-ens/lib/ENS.js:481 478 | if (!this._detectedAddress) { 479 | var networkType = await ...
Nishant Patil's user avatar
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How to you fetch all transactions ERC-20/ERC-721(swap, mint, burn) of a wallet?

I'm looking for an API that will give me exactly All transactions for a wallet, clearly broken down and labelled as Nft transfers, erc20 transfers, Nft purchases, token swaps etc. I've seen Moralis ...
Haseeb Saeed's user avatar
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getPublicKey is not a function

I'm trying to generate public key from private key using secp256k1, but I'm getting error saying: getPublicKey is not a function const { getPublicKey, ecdsaSign } = require("ethereum-cryptography/...
That Web3 Guy's user avatar
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Please Help! It seems my tokens are stuck in the contract

here is the etherscan link . Whenever I import the token to my wallet it shows the ...
Arnav's user avatar
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Why does a wallet user need to sign a message to login?

We all know how Ethereum signing works for user authentication. MetaMask asks you to sign, you sign it and application's server validates it and, if true, allows you to use services. Assume that in my ...
Neo's user avatar
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Have I lost my my wallet funds [duplicate]

So I transferred my eth from trust into but when I go back to it it shows my balance as 0.. my friend who is helping me on this journey has said as I didn’t put £500 in to start with it ...
Lee's user avatar
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does account abstraction wallets have different address across different chains?

i was using ambire wallet which is abstraction wallet and it have same account address across differnt chain . but i read it somewhere that abstraction account wallet have different address across ...
MD AZAD's user avatar
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