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4 votes
1 answer

DoS when a contract with too much storage is SELFDESTRUCT-ed?

SELFDESTRUCT-ing a Smart Contract requires effectively removing the EVM storage of that contract from the Ethereum database. What would happen if a newly-submitted tx would lead to the SELFDESTRUCT-...
Iaroslav's user avatar
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How can I improve the cancelSale or depositEarnest functions to guard against DoS attack scenario where an attacker could call cancelSale & get ETH?

I have tried onlyBuyerSeller modifiers and refund distribution solutions in the cancelSale function to guard against attacker calling cancelSale function. In testing, attacker can still get the ETH. ...
gitatron.eth's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

If dos a single function solidity, will other functions not work?

I read lots of articles about dos causing a Denial Of Service. Let say that a contract has 2 functions, if called one of them repeatedly, will the other function works? Contract ABC { function one() ...
anonauditor's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How can I find out the sender's gas limit?

Is there a way to check Sender's Gas Limit? If the sender sets too low, I will just accept whatever gas amount that he had set and return immediately without hitting the limit. I am trying to ...
s k's user avatar
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Why assert expends gas while require does not? (My intuition says te opposite is true)

Since assert corresponds to conditions that must never happen if the smart-contract code is correct my intuition tells me that someone calling an smart-contract that raises an assert must never be "...
earizon's user avatar
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2 answers

Dos with revert

While I was reading a guide on smart contract security (by consensys) I found this: // INSECURE contract Auction { address currentLeader; uint highestBid; function bid() payable { ...
mrNick's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

During which blocks did the DDos attack create millions of empty accounts?

This post (Why were empty accounts allowed to be on the blockchain?) discusses the Ddos attack from fall 2016. It mentions that nearly 20,000,000 account were created and then immediately deleted ...
Thomas Jay Rush's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to count empty accounts?

Is there a way to count empty accounts using geth ? I just want to be able to track current DDOS cleanup process.
0x8000's user avatar
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1 answer

is ethereum a victim of new dos attack : geth 1.5 too slow

After the fork occured recently my geth 1.5 client process blocks too slowly is it another DDos attack? if not how to deal with this problem
Arslan Smal's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

What happens if the Ethereum network is separated?

Say China's internet suddenly is separated from the rest of the World (by accident or government action). Miners in China keep mining Ethereum blocks, all other miners, as well. Then after a couple ...
jotud's user avatar
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Running Wallet 0.8.6 with Parity 1.3.8 [Low # peers, Low speed] [duplicate]

Wondering why my blocks are processing so slowly. Peers ranging from 0 to 10. About 45,000 blocks behind... Processing 1 block about every 5 seconds.
MistProblemsGuy's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Trying to get DAO tokens back to ETH, nothing works

Is it too late or something? Have they run out of ETH to give back? I followed the steps in this question: How do I convert my The DAO tokens into ethers using the withdrawal contract after the hard ...
Victor's user avatar
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