Leccion 1

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Lesson one 1

(Lección 1)

1.1. Greetings – Meeting people.

 How to greet and ask a person how they are doing.

English Spanish
Hello / Hi Hola
Good Morning Buenos Días
Good Afternoon Buenas Tardes
Good Evening Buenas Noches
Good Night Buenas Noches
How are you? ¿Cómo estás?
How is everything? ¿Cómo está todo?
How are you doing? ¿Cómo te va?
How is your family going? ¿Como esta tu familia?
What´s up? ¿Que tal?

 Answer

English Spanish
I am very good Estoy muy bien
I ´m good Estoy bien
I´m excellent Estoy excelente
I´m great Estoy genial
I´m awesome Estoy espectacular
I´m tired Estoy cansado
I´m bad Estoy mal
I´m sad Estoy triste
I´m hungry Estoy hambriento(a)
I´m thirsty Estoy sediento(a)
I´m bored Estoy aburrido(a)

 How to say “Goodbye”

English Spanish
Good bye Adios
Bye Adios
See you later Nos vemos mas tarde
Good night Buenas noches
Take care Cuidate
Keep in touch Mantenerse en contacto
See you soon Hasta pronto
See you Nos vemos/te veo luego
Have a good day Que tengas un buen día
 Dialogue about personal information

Teacher: What is your name?

Student: My name is ______________________

Teacher: How old are you?

Student: I am _________ years old.

Teacher: Where are you from?

Student: I am from _________

Teacher: Where do you live?

Student: I live in ____________

Teacher: What do you do?

Student: I am _____________ (Profession or occupation)

Teacher: Where do you study/work?

Student: I study/work at ________________

Teacher: What kind of music do you like?

Student: I like ________________. (Pop, romantic, rock, electronic) music.

Teacher: What is your favorite movie?

Student: My favorite movie is ________________.

Para conocer personas y participar en diferentes diálogos es importante conocer y aprender las
tres preguntas claves:

 What is your name? (¿cual es tu nombre?)

Esta pregunta permite conocer el nombre de la persona con quien se está hablando.

Para responder:

1- My name is + el nombre
2- I am + el nombre.

 Where are you from? (¿de donde eres?)

Esta pregunta permite saber el país o la nacionalidad de la persona con quien se está
Para responder:

1- I am from + el pais de origen

2- I am + la nacionalidad.

 How old are you? (¿cuántos años tienes?)

Para preguntar la edad de la persona con quien hablamos.

Para responder:

1- I am + la edad + years old

Nota: es muy importante colocar el “years old” en la respuesta de esta pregunta.

1.2- Identifying. Listen and repeat

1.3- The articles A/AN – THE

Usamos “A/AN” para sustantivos singulares solamente. Ellos se refieren a un sustantivo no

especificado. Usamos cada uno en diferentes casos:

 Usamos “a” cuando la letra siguiente comienza con un sonido consonante:

A book
A Table
A Horse
A university
A uniform

 Usamos “an” cuando la letra siguiente comienza con un sonido vocal:

An airplane An honest man

An orange
An umbrella
An hour
 Usamos “the” para referirnos a una específica cosa. Además, puede ser usado con
sustantivos plurales para referirnos a un grupo de personas, animales u objetos.

The book the boys the computers

The door the girls the children
The boy the students
The girl the colors

 Exercises I: Complete with “A/AN or the

1. _________ flower 6. __________ spoon 11._________ markers

2. _________ ring 7.__________ train 12._________ notebook
3. _________ animal 8.__________ egg 13._________ engineer
4. _________ doll 9.__________ hospital 14._________ pear
5. _________ airplane 10.__________apple 15._________ actress

1.4- Plural and singular nouns.

NOTA: En el inglés, la forma plural se logra agregando “s” o “es” al final de la palabra. Siempre y
cuando cumplamos con las siguientes reglas gramaticales:

Normalmente transformamos un sustantivo Los sustantivos finalizados en SS,SH,CH,X,Z y O

en plural, agregando la letra “S”. Se convierte en plural agregando “ES”
Book – books Glass- glasses
Flag-flags Watch-watches
Pencil- pencils Box-boxes
Table- tables Quiz-quizzes
Car - cars Potato- potatoes

 Sustantivos irregulares en plural

Los sustantivos irregulares son muy diferentes y deben ser aprendidos de memoria. Aquí tenemos
varios ejemplos:
Fish Fish
Sheep Sheep
Deer Deer
Tooth Teeth
Foot Feet
Man Men
Woman Women
Fireman Firemen
Mouse Mice
Child children
Person Persons
Person people

Exercise III: Change the following nouns into plural

1- Book ____________ 11- mouse _____________

2- Pen _____________ 12- child ______________
3- Toy _____________ 13- fish ________________
4- Box _____________ 14- friend ______________
5- Glass ______________ 15- teacher _____________
6- Computer ___________ 16- sheep ______________
7- Flag ________________ 17- person _____________
8- Brush _______________ 18- fox ________________
9- Tooth _______________ 19- woman _____________
10- Witch _______________ 20- tomato _____________

Exercise IV: Write the correct article (a/an/the), depending if the noun is singular or plural

1- __________ house 6- _________ foxes 11- __________ ball

2- __________ mouse 7- _________ tooth 12- __________ strawberry
3- __________ apples 8-_________book 13- __________ dogs
4- __________ cup 9- ________ laptop 14- __________ glasses
5- __________ teachers 10-________ hospital 15- __________ children

Exercise V: change the following nouns and articles (a/an/the) into singular

1- The children _______________ 8- the men ________________

2- The mice __________________ 9- the people ______________
3- The books _________________ 10- the colors _______________
4- The teachers _______________ 11-the presents _____________
5- The balls __________________ 12- the pencils ______________
6- The laptops ________________ 13- the ships ________________
7- The women ________________ 14- the plates _______________
8- The teeth _____________ 18- the flowers _______________
9- The apples ____________ 19- the oranges ______________
10- The numbers __________ 20- the sheep _________________

Exercise VI: Let´s write plural form of these nouns by adding “s” or “es”

 A bracelet _________________
 A dog _____________________
 A pig ______________________
 A cow _____________________
 A bird _____________________
 An orange _________________
 A peach ____________________
 A glass _____________________
 A plate_____________________

Other plural forms

Sustantivos que terminan en

Sustantivos que terminan en F
CONSONANTE + Y, Sustantivos que terminan en
o FE , eliminamos la F o FE y
Eliminamos la Y , agregamos VOCAL + Y , agregamos S
agregamos VES

Baby --- babies Boy --- boys Leaf --- leaves

University --- universities Key --- keys Knife --- knives
Party --- parties Day --- days Wolf--- wolves
Lady --- ladies Toy --- toys Dwarf --- dwarves

Exercise VII: Transform the following nouns into plural form

1- Butterfly _____________ 11- knife ______________

2- Toy _________________ 12- City _______________
3- Baby ________________ 13- Boy _______________
4- Nanny _______________ 14- Leaf _______________
5- Leaf _________________ 15- Raspberry ___________
6- Country ______________ 16- Key ________________
7- Life __________________ 17- Thief _______________
8- Strawberry ____________ 18- Shelf _______________
9- Wolf _________________ 19 – Calf ________________
10- Lady __________________ 20- Half _________________
Exercise VIII: Transform the following nouns from plural to singular. Use all of the plural rules.

1- Spoons ____________ 11- Cities ______________

2- Saucepans _________ 12- Boys ______________
3- Cows ______________ 13- Leaves _____________
4- Wives ______________ 14- Raspberries__________
5- Countries ___________ 15- Keys ________________
6- Toys ________________ 16- Bushes ______________
7- Horses ______________ 17- Shelves ______________
8- Cats ________________ 18- Calves _______________
9- Rings _______________ 19- Hamburgers ___________
10- Knives ______________ 20- Trees __________________

1.4- “This is” (interrogative form and affirmative form)

 A doll ---------------- This is a doll

 An apple ----------- This is an apple

Exercise IX : Make a sentence with the following word

- A car __________________________________
- A truck ________________________________
- A train _________________________________
- A ship __________________________________
- An airplane ______________________________
- A cup ___________________________________
- A glass __________________________________
- A spoon _________________________________
- A fork ___________________________________
- A knife __________________________________

From this example, change the sentences to the interrogative form:

- This is a saucepan. Is this a saucepan?

- This is a ring _____________________________________
- This is a necklace _________________________________
- This is a dog _____________________________________
- This is a cow _____________________________________
- This is a pig ______________________________________
- This is a flower ___________________________________
- This is a plant _____________________________________
- This is an orange ___________________________________
- This is an apple ____________________________________
- This is a banana ____________________________________
1.5- The Alphabet

 The numbers

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