WEEK 34 HANDOUT 1 My Actions Are Important

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English Level A2

“” This is Peru”
Teachers : Prof. Gloria Lourdes, Medina Ranilla. Grade: Fifth A, B, C, D, E.
Date : November 21st. to 25th. Week 34
Activity 1: My actions are important. (Handout 1)
Student’s name: ………………………………………………………………………

b) Propósito del c) Reto: Brinda

a) Planteamiento de la situación.
aprendizaje. recomendaciones para
La familia melgariana sabe que en este 2022 nuestro
Comprender ser una buena
país ha celebrado los 201 años de independencia. ciudadana o un buen
¿Puedes creerlo? El Perú es un país multi-diverso ciudadano a través de
breves escritas en
culturalmente además de los recursos naturales, así un artículo en inglés.
mismo, nuestra región Arequipa, por su biodiversidad, identificando Desarrolla las
su cultura y sus tradiciones, todos tenemos diferentes detalles específicos actividades 1, 2 & 3. Te
motivos para sentirnos orgullosos de nuestra región y e información ayudarán a enfrentar
de nuestro país. Sin embargo, sabemos que todavía personal y tu reto
podemos mejorar como sociedad en diversos sectores deduciendo el c. Challenge: students
léxico y las will give suggestions
como salud, educación y calidad de vida. ¿Qué acciones
estructuras, con el about how to be a
crees que nos ayudarían a mejorar como sociedad?
fin de elaborar una good citizen in an
¿Podrías brindar recomendaciones para ser mejores article.
conversación para
ciudadanos? ¿Qué harías para que estas Do your activities 1 & 2
presentarse y
recomendaciones lleguen a una mayor cantidad de conocer a otras They will help you to
personas? personas. get your challenge.

Remember, keep updated your physical or virtual portfolio. CLASSROOM or DRIVE.

14: contenidos de 1.Presentación de los componentes de la actividad 2.
Lee diversos tipos los textos en Let's observe! L
de textos en inglés para 2. Previous Knowledge: Share a good activity. I
inglés como describir 3. Breaking Knowledge: Recognize good/bad S
lengua extranjera. cómo ser un activities. T
●Obtiene peruano 4. Practice 1. Write short texts. Ficha 1 Ficha de
información del utilizando el 5. LISTENING COMPREHENSION. Proyector Trabajo 1
texto escrito. vocabulario y Practice-exercise – 1. Listen to the podcast. Parlante Fill the
●Infiere e las estructuras 6. Exercise 2. Read in Pairs. Laptop. blanks to say
Video. action they C
interpreta adecuadas en LET’S UNDERSTAND!
Internet should or O
información del inglés. 7. Exercise 1. New vocabulary.
shouldn’t T
texto escrito. 8. Exercise 2. Answer the questions.
do. E
●Reflexiona y Complete texts should/shouldn’t. J
evalúa la forma, el 9. Exercise 3. Watch video should/shouldn’t. O
contenido y el 10. Exercise 4. Complete the actions.
contexto del texto 11. Exercise 5. Sing a Song “A good citizen”
escrito. CIERRE

Are you ready? Let’s start!

LEAD IN! Name: _________
Previous knowledge: share with CLASSMATES any
activity that you do as a good citizen.

Breaking Knowledge: Tick “ ” the actions of a good citizen and cross “ ” the bad ones.

PRACTISE 1. Write a short text of each picture above, such an action of a good citizen.
E. g. 1. Julia gives the garbage to the garbage truck.
2. _____________________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________________________________________

EXERCISE 1. Listen to the interview.
Interview to Alejandra Dominguez.
I: Hello again and welcome to our podcast The Star Citizen. Today we have a very important
guest. Officer Alejandra Dominguez is here with us. Good morning officer.
A: Good morning you can call me Alejandra. Officer sounds so serious.
I: Okay, Alejandra. Today we want to know how to make our society a better place to live.
A: Well, we should think about our actions and ask ourselves: Are we good citizens?
I: Good citizens? In your opinion, what is a good citizen?
A: A good citizen is a person who follows the rules and is respectful of other people and property
I: Oh. I get it. A good citizen is a good element in society.
A: That’s right!
I: And, what should we do to be good citizens?
A: To be a good citizen you should help your neighbors, be honest, and be a productive member
of society. You shouldn’t discriminate against anybody, be disrespectful or commit crimes.
I: And what about kids and teenagers, can they be good citizens too?
A: Of course! Kids and teenagers are important members of society. They should be good citizens
too and stay in school to be even better citizens when they grow up.
I: That’s very good advice, thank you very much. Officer… Sorry I mean Alejandra.
A: Thank you for the invitation.
EXERCISE 2. In pairs, read the interview to practice pronunciation and comprehension. Be careful with
the intonation. If it is necessary, you can listen the audio again and again.

EXERCISE 1. New vocabulary.
Word Meaning Text.
Example: Again Otra vez I try to practice good actions again.

EXERCISE 2. Read again and answer the questions.

1. What’s the name of the podcast?
2. What does she want to call her? & Why?
3. What is the Podcast talking about?
4. According Alejandra. What do we ask ourselves?
5. According podcast. What is a good citizen?
6. According podcast, a good citizen should…
a. _____________________ b. _____________________ c. ____________________
7. A good citizen shouldn’t…
a. _____________________ b. _____________________ c. ____________________
8. Could kids and teenagers be good citizens too? & How?
9. What’s Alejandra’s advice for young people?
10. What’s your opinion about podcast issue?

EXERCISE– 3. Do you know these words? SHOULD / SHOULDN’T

Watch the next video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-N9te6dUqjw

PRACTICE 4. Complete the actions of a good citizen with should or shouldn’t

Example: You should follow the rules. You shouldn’t arrive late at school.
1. You ______________ discriminate against people.
2. You ______________ litter the street.
3. You ______________ be honest.
4. You ______________ feed stray dogs.
5. You ______________ commit crimes.
6. You ______________ be respectful of other people.
7. You ______________ a bad element for our society.
8. You ______________ cross roads by zebra lines.
9. You ______________ take friend’s property without permission.
10. You _____________ help elderly people.

PRACTISE 5. Sing a “Song a Good Citizen” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8KDH8v5QBg

I'm talking about a good citizen if we live for ourselves

A good citizen a good citizen, then the weak suffer
we all help one another a good citizen what's going on
A good citizen a good citizen. it seems so wrong
We will stand together a good citizen when we walk past a man in need
A good citizen a good citizen. we all hurt cuz were one body young
We all help one another a good citizen and we’re one city on
A good citizen a good citizen. it's time to turn away
the anger with the calm voice slow down
We stand together you know you've got a choice
we all need to feel safe in our homes respect is what we need in this cold world
cooking to our neighbors save the sentence for the judge
giving little favours He will serve well
when you give a little smile to a stranger if we don't seek revenge
they turn to a friend we can really help our city
Who’ll be there till the end start to change from those cold ways
and that's why I'm talking about
sometimes we get angry in the city that a good citizen
no one seems to care. A good citizen a good citizen.
I know it ain't fair

Do you like the lesson?
____________________________________________ RESPONDE CON HONESTIDAD SI NO
What did you learn? 1 ¿Puedo escribir las acciones
____________________________________________ que debería o no
It will be useful in your daily life? realizar una persona en un
_____________________________________________ texto sencillo en inglés ?

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