Riesgos Empresariales y Emergentes - Ecopetrol 2020
Riesgos Empresariales y Emergentes - Ecopetrol 2020
Riesgos Empresariales y Emergentes - Ecopetrol 2020
Ecopetrol 2020
Gerencia Corporativa de Aseguramiento de Riesgos y Control Interno
Vicepresidencia Corporativa de Cumplimiento
Riesgos empresariales
Para Ecopetrol los riesgos empresariales son aquellos riesgos directamente relacionados con la estrategia,
objetivos estratégicos y/o tablero balanceado de gestión de cada compañía.
Estos riesgos son identificados a través del Ciclo de Gestión de Riesgos Empresariales, que comprende las
etapas de Planear, Identificar, Evaluar, Tratar, Comunicación y Consulta, Seguimiento y Revisión, y Registro
e Informe.
En la etapa de identificación de riesgos Ecopetrol determina en una forma sistemática y estructurada, los
eventos que pueden afectar negativamente sus objetivos estratégicos. Estos eventos deben ser
considerados, bien sea que se encuentren o no bajo el control de la organización.
Se considera que los anteriores riesgos emergentes son los más significativos por los impactos que pueden
generar a la compañía en un horizonte de tiempo de 3 a 5 años. Esto debido a que según el IPBES1 existen
1,7 millones de virus “no descubiertos” en mamíferos y aves, de los cuales hasta 850.000 podrían tener
capacidad de infectar personas. Por tal razón, se espera que las pandemias surjan con más frecuencia, con
propagación más rápida, y con mayor impacto en la economía mundial. Lo anterior, considerando que el
COVID 19 es la sexta pandemia global desde la gripe española de 1918 y su aparición parece estar
impulsada por las mismas actividades humanas que impulsan el cambio climático y la pérdida de
biodiversidad. Para poner freno a la velocidad de contagio los gobiernos han implementado restricciones de
viaje y cuarentenas que afectan a cientos de millones de personas en el mundo, dejando a las fábricas sin
mano de obra e insumos, interrumpiendo las cadenas de suministro y desencadenando bajas de ventas en
las industrias, incluyendo las relacionadas con Oil and Gas.
En países como Colombia, con sistemas de salud vulnerables, existe la probabilidad de tener menor
capacidad de respuesta a las pandemias. Este panorama plantea un impacto económico y social que puede
repercutir en el crecimiento de su PIB, con afectaciones incluso, a niveles políticos, ya que brotes
prolongados en países inestables plantean interrupciones económicas que avivan el descontento de su
población, afectada ya en su bienestar y salud, conllevando a disturbios sociales, incertidumbre política e
incapacidad de estabilización del país en el corto y largo plazo. De ahí la importancia de considerar
mecanismos para la resiliencia operativa y financiera en compañías como Ecopetrol, mientras que las
políticas públicas se concentren en ser sostenibles en situaciones de emergencia, mediante la ampliación del
gasto destinado a la transformación productiva y la visión ecológica de la economía.
Mucho antes del COVID-19, aumentaba la presión para cambiar el sistema energético de uno dominado por
hidrocarburos hacia uno en el que las fuentes bajas en carbono desempeñan el papel principal. Las
tendencias en la oferta y demanda continuarán estando orientadas hacia las energías renovables y es posible
que se masifique un flujo de tecnologías para la generación de energía solar, eólica, entre otras. Así mismo,
el panorama energético continuará siendo impactado por el aumento de la conciencia medioambiental de los
consumidores, lo que a su vez influye en los inversores y la respuesta del gobierno. Un ejemplo de esto
último es la venta incremental de vehículos eléctricos e híbridos en el país, impulsado por la apuesta de
algunas alcaldías por los cambios en los hábitos de movilidad, beneficios tributarios, entre otros.
Lo anterior, se relaciona con las tendencias del mercado que impulsan la transición energética en el contexto
global: i) apetito acelerado por las energías renovables marcado por la inversión en capacidad de energía
renovable, ii) pérdida de popularidad del petróleo con una tendencia negativa, iii) preocupaciones sobre los
activos atrapados, vi) anuncios de principales compañías petroleras sobre cambios estratégicos importantes y
mayor enfoque en el hidrógeno verde. Las compañías de Oil and Gas han orientado sus inversiones a
construir competencias en renovables (biocombustibles, solar, tecnologías para balancear redes eléctricas),
adquiriendo compañías de paneles solares, vehículos eléctricos y proveedores de energía.
Esto también guarda estrecha relación con las tendencias del mercado que impulsan la transición energética
en el contexto global: i) apetito acelerado por las energías renovables marcado por la inversión en capacidad
de energía renovable, ii) pérdida de popularidad del petróleo con una tendencia negativa, iii) preocupaciones
sobre los activos atrapados, vi) anuncios de principales compañías petroleras sobre cambios estratégicos
importantes y mayor enfoque en el hidrógeno verde. Las compañías de Oil and Gas han orientado sus
inversiones a construir competencias en renovables (biocombustibles, solar, tecnologías para balancear
redes eléctricas), adquiriendo compañías de paneles solares, vehículos eléctricos y proveedores de energía.
Ecopetrol está llevando a cabo acciones tendientes a la reducción de la exposición a estos riesgos y sus
posibles impactos en el mediano y largo plazo, a través de la generación de estrategias sostenibles entre los
cuales se destaca la de transición energética y la de TESG (Technology, Environmental, Social and
Governance, por sus siglas en inglés).
1. En los 4 nuevos riesgos considerados como claves para asegurar la gestión de la estrategia de
Ecopetrol, así como la gestión de las diferentes temáticas identificadas:
El detalle de la asociación de las tendencias, riesgos emergentes y los riesgos empresariales actuales se
relaciona a continuación:
Tendencias Riesgo emergente Riesgo empresarial
• Propagación de epidemias que impactan la operación
• Afectación a la sostenibilidad financiera y generación de
• Protección e incorporación de recursos y reservas no exitosa
• Situación de pandemia mundial • Estrategia de transición energética no exitosa
Impacto de COVID 19 • Contracción de la demanda • Incidentes de interrupción operacional
• Faltas a la ética y cumplimiento
• Ciber ataques, fuga o pérdida de información y
obsolescencia tecnológica
• Incumplimientos de compromisos por parte de terceros.
Gas como combustible de Nuevas exigencias para manejo • Estrategia de transición energética no exitosa
transición del cambio climático • Inadecuada gestión ante cambio climático y agua
Transición a economía baja en • Nuevas exigencias para manejo • Estrategia de transición energética no exitosa
carbono del cambio climático • Inadecuada gestión ante cambio climático y agua
Capital humano Situación de pandemia mundial Cultura organizacional que no apalanque la estrategia
Reducción de niveles de
Contracción de la demanda Protección e incorporación de recursos y reservas no exitosa
Riesgo regulatorio, legal, Nuevas exigencias para manejo
Cambios en el entorno regulatorio
político/ impuestos del cambio climático
• Incidentes de interrupción operacional
Cambio climático, agua,
Nuevas exigencias para manejo • Estrategia de transición energética no exitosa
biodiversidad, emisiones de del cambio climático • Accidentes HSE por causa operacional
gases efecto invernadero • Inadecuada gestión ante cambio climático y agua
Inclusión de generación de
Nuevas exigencias para manejo
energía en el portafolio de • Estrategia de transición energética no exitosa
del cambio climático
compañías de Oíl & Gas
Considerando aquellas circunstancias en las que el actual panorama de riesgos empresariales no refleja,
o refleja parcialmente el o las tendencias detectadas, se desprende entonces la siguiente temática a
Fuentes de información:
Impactos: *Imposibilidad de
logro de metas de la Estrategia
y compromiso de
sostenibilidad. *No generación
de valor a sus grupos de
interés, *Menor productividad,
*Menor desempeño, *Ambiente
laboral insuficiente,
*Empleados enfermos,
desmotivados y posiblemente
algunos podrían tener en
riesgo su vida.
Nombre del Focos/componentes del
Descripción Mitigantes
riesgo riesgo
13. Incumplimientos Incumplimiento de Mecanismos Controles de proceso:
por parte de terceros compromisos contractuales de contractuales frente a Exploración,
un Asociado en desarrollo de un eventual Gerenciamiento de
un negocio conjunto, así como incumplimiento del Activos con Asociados,
fallas del tercero asociado. Nuevos Negocios,
(cliente/proveedor) en el Variables que *Sistema de Gestión de
suministro de bienes y permitan identificar Crisis y Continuidad de
servicios requeridos. oportunamente el Negocio,
riesgo de posible Abastecimiento,
Impactos: *Afectación de la incumplimiento por Comercialización.
caja y estados financieros de parte de las Acciones de
Ecopetrol, *Afectación de la asociadas. tratamiento: *Taller de
continuidad operativa y los Retrasos, identificación de
resultados del activo incumplimientos o lecciones aprendidas de
(Exploración y Producción), indisponibilidad por cláusulas de los
*Potenciales incumplimientos parte de contratos de
de Ecopetrol hacia terceros clientes/proveedores/ colaboración,
con impacto financiero y contratistas de *Evaluación del
reputación (Ej. Multas, materias primas, desempeño de los
sanciones e investigaciones productos y servicios. Asociados en los activos
por parte de entes de control), de la VAS, *Medidas de
*Eventuales retrasos en liquidez/ liberación de
proyectos y en el retención en garantía y
abastecimiento de bienes y suspensión de multas,
servicios que apalancan la *Pronto pago a
operación, *Aplazamiento de pequeños y medianos
paradas de planta contratistas,
programadas para *Actualización de los
mantenimientos, *Menor planes de continuidad
productividad, *Incremento de operativa de
costos y gastos. Comercialización.
Nombre del Focos/componentes del
Descripción Mitigantes
riesgo riesgo
14. Afectación de la Incertidumbre sobre el Hallazgos de entes de Controles de
operatividad por adecuado proceder por parte control y entidades que proceso:
órganos de control y de un trabajador en el ejerzan inspección, Atención a
del estado desempeño de sus funciones, vigilancia y control sobre Entes de
retrasando la toma de actividades operativas Control,
decisiones y la ejecución de de la compañía. Jurídica.
los procesos de la Actuaciones del Acciones de
administración. Congreso de la tratamiento:
República. *Divulgación curso virtual
Impactos: *Inoportunidad en la de control fiscal para
toma de decisiones, funcionarios autorizados
*Sanciones, *Reprocesos e y administradores
incremento de costos designados,
operativos (pérdida de la *Comunicación de
ventaja competitiva), lecciones aprendidas
*Afectación a la reputación. sobre temas relevantes y
actuaciones en curso,
*Documentación relativa
a solicitudes de los entes
de control referidas a
temas de las actuaciones
adelantadas por los
mismos, *Estrategia
integral para la gestión
de órganos de control y
otras entidades del
estado, *Divulgación de
procedimiento de
atención a congreso,
*Esquema de función
preventiva de Jurídica
ante Entes de Control.
Focos/componentes del
del Descripción Mitigantes
15. Exposición de la compañía a impactos Descarbonización, Controles de proceso:
Inadecuada negativos en su cadena de valor energía renovable, Sistema de Gestión de
gestión (continuidad operacional, entorno, eficiencia energética, HSE, Entorno.
frente al reputación, regulatorio, financiero), así soluciones basadas Acciones de
cambio como la capacidad para la en naturaleza. tratamiento:
climático y implementación de medidas para la Cambio climático: *Implementación de
agua reducción y compensación de fenómeno del niño y proyectos e iniciativas de
emisiones de carbono y metano, de la niña, fenómenos de reducción de emisiones
adaptación a variabilidad y cambio variabilidad climática que contribuyen a la
climático, a la condición climatológica y épocas de sequía meta propuesta para el
normal del país que afecta la extrema. 2020. *Implementación
disponibilidad y seguridad hídrica en las Gestión integral del de acciones para apoyar
regiones, y a otros riesgos de transición agua: agua requerida cumplimiento de la meta
asociados a clima. para operar y gestión de reducción de
de efluentes. emisiones de gases
Impactos: *Incumplimiento de metas de efecto invernadero a
reducción de emisiones de Gases de mediano y largo plazo y
Efecto Invernadero de la empresa, disponibilidad de
*Desalineación con el Plan Integral de recursos. *Nuevas
Gestión de Cambio Climático del sector acciones de tratamiento
minero energético y con metas en proceso de
nacionales en materia de cambio construcción.
climático, *Disminución de calificación
en los reportes corporativos de
sostenibilidad o desviación con
estándares relacionados con cambio
climático y agua, *Afectación de la
imagen de la compañía y grupos de
interés, *Afectación a grupos de interés
por requerimientos de agua en
condiciones de sequía, *Incumplimiento
de regulaciones asociadas a cambio
climático y agua. *Afectación a
continuidad de operación. *Afectación a
infraestructura. *Potenciales
implicaciones financieras (mayores
costos, restricciones para la
financiación, desvalorización del
portafolio de deuda, acciones y ADR).
*Afectación a ecosistemas.
Ecopetrol 2020
Business risks
For Ecopetrol business risks are those that can divert the company from fulfilling its strategy and strategic
These Risks are identified through the business Risk management cycle, which comprises the stages of
Planning, Identifying, Evaluating, Treating, Communication and consultation, Monitoring and review, and
Registration and Reporting.
When identifying business risks, Ecopetrol determines, in a systematic and structured way, the events that
may negatively affect its strategic objectives. These events should be considered whether or not they are
under control.
• Review of published reports and interviews with • Analysis of management standards and industry
partners of firms (the so-called “Big Four”) that references that are normally subject to analysis
are specialized in analyzing the risks and and review of Sustainability indexes and radars
behaviors of companies in Oil & Gas sector, as such as DJSI,2 CDP,3 MSCI, Sustainalytics, TCFD,4
well as the review of reports from Insurance among others.
companies and risk rating firms.
• Interviews and surveys with members of our
• Review of other articles that contain analysis of Senior Management, in order to know first-hand
the industry and the main political and economic their perception on matters related to the
issues at the national and international level, Company and its environment.
such as the Global Report of the World Economic
Forum, among others.1 • Review and analysis of the business risks of the
Group companies.
• Benchmark of risks declared to the SEC
(Security Exchange Commission) in the 20F and • Review of the results, findings, and
10K forms by some companies in the Oil & Gas recommendations of the internal and external
sector. audits.
1. Energy Market Update. October 2020; Willis Towers Watson. Factores de riesgo E&Y. Willis Towers Watson - Energy Market Update October 2020.
KPMG - Lo que estamos viendo en el Nuevo normal. PWC Claves económicas de PWC- Cómo interpretar el momento económico
Deloitte - The 2030 decarbonization challenge - The path to the future of energy. The future of 2. Dow Jones Sustainability Index.
energy. The future of risk. New game, new rules. Rebooting risk management. Making risk 3. Carbon Disclosure Project.
relevant in a world remade by COVID-19. 2020 oil, gas, and chemical industry Outlook. 4. Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures.
KPMG - Lo que estamos viendo desde KPMG en el nuevo normal. Impactos económicos y
financieros de Covid 19.
As a result of the analysis of the company's situational reality, the current and expected context of the Oil &
Gas sector worldwide, the risk profiles of the companies in the sector and the relevant issues in the country,
as well as the uncertain effects of future political decisions, economic and social, Ecopetrol identifies trends
in the company's internal or external environment, which may represent new business risks, modification of
existing ones, or risks that are not perceived as a threat of high impact in the short term, but which may
eventually evolve in its criticality, affecting the company's objectives.
The analysis of the trends yields the definition of the following emerging risks:
The above emerging risks are considered the most significant due to the impacts that they can generate on
the company in a time horizon of 3 to 5 years. This is because according to IPBES1 there are 1.7 million
"undiscovered" viruses in mammals and birds, of which up to 850,000 could have the capacity to infect
people. For this reason, pandemics are expected to emerge more frequently, spread more rapidly, and have a
greater impact on the world economy. The above, considering that COVID 19 is the sixth global pandemic
since the Spanish flu of 1918 and its appearance seems to be driven by the same human activities that drive
climate change and the loss of biodiversity. To slow the speed of contagion, governments have implemented
travel restrictions and quarantines that affect hundreds of millions of people around the world, leaving
factories without labor or supplies, interrupting supply chains and unleashing sales drops in industries.
including those related to Oil and Gas.
The recent crisis has shown how vulnerable the world economy
continues to be to systemic risks, one of the most important being
the constant demands in the face of climate change.
In countries like Colombia, with vulnerable health systems, there is a probability of having less capacity to
respond to pandemics. This scenario poses an economic and social impact that will have repercussions on the
growth of its GDP, with effects even at the level, since prolonged outbreaks in unstable countries pose
economic interruptions that feed the discontent of its population, already affected in its well-being and health,
which generates social unrest, political uncertainty and inability to stabilize the country in the short and long
term. Hence the importance of considering operational and financial resilience mechanisms in companies
such as Ecopetrol, while public policies focus on being sustainable in emergency situations, by expanding
spending for productive transformation and the ecological vision of the economy.
Long before COVID-19, pressure was mounting to shift the energy system from one dominated by
hydrocarbons to one in which low-carbon sources play the leading role. Trends in supply and demand will
continue to be oriented towards renewable energies and it is possible that a flow of technologies for the
generation of solar and wind energy, among others, will become widespread. Likewise, the energy landscape
will continue to be impacted by increased consumer environmental awareness, which in turn influences
investors and government response. An example of the latter is the incremental sale of electric and hybrid
vehicles in the country, driven by the commitment of some municipal governments to changes in mobility
habits, tax benefits, among others.
The foregoing is related to the market trends that drive the energy transition in the global context: i)
accelerated appetite for renewable energies marked by investment in renewable energy capacity, ii) loss of
popularity of oil with a negative trend, iii) concerns about trapped assets, vi) announcements from major oil
companies about major strategic changes and increased focus on green hydrogen. Oil and Gas companies
have oriented their investments to building competencies in renewables (biofuels, solar, technologies to
balance electricity grids), acquiring solar panel companies, electric vehicles and energy providers.
This is also closely related to market trends driving the energy transition in the global context: i) accelerated
appetite for renewables marked by investment in renewable energy capacity, ii) loss of popularity of oil with a
negative trend, iii) concerns about trapped assets, vi) announcements from major oil companies about major
strategic changes and increased focus on green hydrogen. Oil and gas companies have oriented their
investments to building competencies in renewables (biofuels, solar, technologies to balance electricity grids),
acquiring solar panel companies, electric vehicles and energy providers.
Ecopetrol is carrying out actions aimed at reducing exposure to these risks and their possible impacts in the
medium and long term, through the generation of sustainable strategies, among which the energy transition
and TESG (Technology , Environmental, Social and Governance).
1. In the 4 new key risk considered to ensure the management of Ecopetrol´s strategy, as well as the
management of the different issues identified:
The detail of the Association of Trends, emerging risks and current business risks is listed below:
Trend Emerging risk Business Risk
• Propagation of epidemics that affect the operation
• Affectation of financial sustainability and value generation
• Protection and incorporation of unsuccessful resources
and reserves
Global pandemic situation • Unsuccessful energy transition strategy
Impact of COVID 19 Demand contraction • Operational interruption incidents
• Faults against ethics and compliance
• Cyber-attacks, data leaks or loss and technological
• Failure to comply with commitments by third parties
Considering the circumstances in which the current Business Risk Map does not reflect, or partially
reflects the trend(s) detected, the following issue is expected to emerge:
Risk sources /
Risk Description Mitigation actions
1. Protection and Inability to protect and • Addition and progression of Process controls:
incorporation of incorporate resources to resources discovered by Exploration,
unsuccessful ensure the replacement of delimiting exploration oil Management of
resources and reserves given the current and gas. Development
reserves situation of contraction of • Protection and Opportunities,
demand and reference prices incorporation of resources Environment, Supply,
that impacts the exploration and reserves by current Direction of Resources
assets and unconventional
portfolio, the management of and Reserves, Integrated
oil and gas fields.
new opportunities and those Portfolio Management,
resources associated with the Ecopetrol Project
level of project activity, Development, HSE
according to new calculation Management System,
bases for the current blocks Drilling and completion.
and fields of Ecopetrol.
Treatment actions:
Impacts: *Decrease in the *Identify new exploratory
value of the company and its opportunities,
sustainability over time, * *Technological
Breach of stakeholders Exploration Plan,
(shareholders, partners, *Follow-up to the
government and others.) maturation of drillable
expectations, * Failure to prospects,
obtain the expected returns for *Strengthening of the
the investments made. Exploratory Portfolio,
*Review of the
organizational model for
development plans,
*Build/Structure digital
solutions for integrated
plan throughout the life
cycle of each asset,
*Design and
implementation of the
Ecoreview tool, *Design,
preparation and
presentation of the offer
for the assignment
process of Research
Risk sources /
Risk Description Mitigation actions
2. Unsuccessful Inability to develop Ecopetrol's Fuel quality goals. Process controls:
energy transition energy transition strategy, • Asset Refining and Petrochemicals,
strategy * which is affected by the competitiveness and Marketing, Resource and
situation of falling prices and a avoiding trapped Reserve Management, Ecopetrol
pandemic, that responds to the assets. Project Development,
changes foreseen in the short • Gas vision to Environment, Exploration,
term, in terms of a decrease in increase its Development Opportunity
participation in the GE
the demand for crude oil and Management, Integrated Portfolio
portfolio and
fossil fuels and the increase in Management, Strategic Planning
the consumption of renewable • Taking advantage of and Alignment.
energies in Colombia, and a the market in the
possible restriction on the energy transition Treatment actions:
implementation of projects to (Crudes in Asia and * Updating of the Portfolio and
reduce emissions and offset or Refined products in Closing of Gaps, * Preparation
the imposition of additional Colombia). and implementation of Analysis
carbon taxes, affecting the • Petrochemical and preparation of the portfolio, *
fulfillment of the company's position. Monitoring of the implementation
goals. of projects and initiatives to
reduce emissions, *
Impacts: *Breach of the Implementation of actions to
company's GHG emission support the fulfillment of the GHG
reduction goals, * Breach of emission reduction goal, * Plan to
regulations associated with ensure the quality of fuels, *
climate change, * Misalignment Structuring and approval of the
with the “Plan Integral de integrated gas strategy, *
Gestión de Cambio Climático Definition and implementation of
del sector minero energético” the operating model for gas
and with other national goals issues, * Evaluation of marketer,
on change climate, * Decrease Market monitoring, * Consolidate
in the rating in the corporate and automate the import price
sustainability reports * projection model, * Review of the
Postponement of strategic plastic resin marketing model, *
transformations of the Sketch of possible archetypes.
company, * Financial impact
associated with the non-
monetization of a resource that
is material in the portfolio and
penalties in the valuation of the
company by third parties.
Risk sources /
Risk Description Mitigation actions
3. Affectation of Ecopetrol's financial Cash protection. Process controls:
financial Sustainability affectation due to Generation of funding Management of Business
sustainability and a reduction in its sources of sources. Performance, Financial
value generation income and funding, affecting Investment plan Planning and Budget,
the level of cash required by Quantification and
the Company, which could determination of the
cause a reduction in the value Liquidity position,
of assets and effects on the Management of financing
execution of the business plan. resources, Price
projection, Marketing,
Impacts: *Decrease in Supply Chain, Financial
expected income and net profit, Planning and Budget,
* Decrease in the minimum New Businesses,
cash levels required for the Integrated Portfolio
operation, * Loss of the Management.
Company's investment-grade
rating, * Not having the Treatment actions:
financial resources required for *Enlistment and
the investment in strategic implementation of
projects, * Impact on the Analysis and readiness
Company's reputation, * of the portfolio, *
Breach of obligations with Definition of capital
suppliers, * Breach of debt discipline criteria 2021-
service, * Destruction of value 2023, * Review and
for the Company, * Breach of update of the process
contractual obligations with book.
associates, * Divestment or
postponement of investing in
ESG issues.
4. Subordinate The performance of
Financial and operational Entity level controls:
companies not subordinate companies has a performance in companies in Monitoring of the
complying with their direct impact on the results ofthe Exploration and Production, Ecopetrol Group,
value promise the Ecopetrol Business Group. Transportation, Refining and segments and corporate
This risk is related to the Petrochemical, Commercial, areas' business
defaults of the subordinates Financial and investment performance.
that negatively affect the vehicles and other segments. Process controls:
Redefinition of the portfolio
performance of the Ecopetrol Integrated Portfolio
(Colombia and
Business Group in financial Management, Financial
internationalization) in the face
and operational terms. of new price and demand Planning and Budget,
conditions. Transportation Marketing.
Impacts: *Reduction of volumes and rates, closure of Treatment actions:
expected income. * Impact on wells and possible stops in Relationship model
the reputation of the Group. * production and refining. implementation.
Share price affectation.
Risk sources /
Risk Description Mitigation actions
5. Operational Incidents that generate an Communities. Process controls:
interruption incidents inability to maintain the Contractors and suppliers. Environment, Logistics
operation of the company Work abnormality. Solutions,
without losing its ability to Physical security. Communications, HSE
achieve its objectives Management System,
associated with environmental Supply, Corporate
issues. Responsibility
Management System.
Impacts: *Deferred production, Treatment actions:
* Damage or loss of products *Relationship for the
or assets, * Loss of man-hours, environment
* Unviability, delays or management with
modifications in the scope, subsidiaries and partners
schedule and costs of in shared territories, *
operations and projects, * Cost Strengthening of the
overruns in operations and institutional relationship,
projects, * Affection of * Strengthening of
reputation of the company in relationships in
front of its stakeholders, * contracting of labor and
Affection of the integrity of local goods and services,
people, environment and * Relations with ethnic
community, * Business communities plan, *
continuity events. Spaces for dialogue with
trade union
organizations, * Training
plan on labor relations
issues, * Follow-up plan
for land and water
management plan, *
Systematic review of
laws and/or regulations
that may impact the
territorial regulatory
environment, * Normative
document on human
rights risks for Ecopetrol
and its Group, *
Ecopetrol´s Covid-19
communications plan.
Risk sources /
Risk Description Mitigation actions
6. Changes in the Changes in rules or Changes in the national Process controls:
regulatory framework jurisprudence that affect the regulatory environment. Financial, Legal.
operation or finances of the Changes in the international Entity Level Controls:
Company. Changes in the regulatory environment that Approve, issue and
national regulatory affect the international disclose accounting
environment promoted by standards adopted in policies.
decisions of ministries, state Ecopetrol's operation. Treatment actions:
agencies, special *Framework document
administrative units, technical and procedure for
bodies, Regional Autonomous regulatory strategy, *
Corporations, territorial entities, Follow-up to the
Congress of the Republic and procedure for regulatory
high courts, among others, that strategy, * Interrelation
affect the operation and with different businesses,
financial results of Ecopetrol. * Systematic review of
The regulatory environment bills or regulations on the
may also be affected by subject of HSE and
international regulations issued territorial and technical
by International Organizations comments, * Review and
of which Colombia is part. update of internal
Impacts: procedures, * Best
*Loss of business practices in government
opportunities, *Reduced relations, * Internal
income, increased costs or communications
unforeseen costs/budget protocol.
adjustments. * Increase of
imposition of restrictions for the
activity of Ecopetrol. *
Impossibility of promoting
positive changes in the
regulatory environment for the
Risk sources /
Risk Description Mitigation actions
7. Propagation of Risk of massive contagion of Containment of the Process controls: Crisis and
epidemics affecting infectious, pandemic diseases, virus, health Continuity Management system.
the operation which compromise the health protocols. Other process mitigation actions:
of employees, contractors, third • Continuity of the Management of pandemic epidemic
parties and other stakeholders, operation. in Ecopetrol Guidelines, *
which may generate delays or • Relationship with Epidemiological surveillance of
unavailability of equipment or contractors and respiratory infection by Covid-19
supplies required for the Guidelines, *Covid 19-GRC Protocol
• Support to
operation, impacts on * Prevention and control of the risk of
communities and
commercial agreements with government Contagion of Coronavirus (Covid-19)
suppliers and customers, entities. Protocol in Rubiales field,
suspension of critical *Guidelines for the use of laboratory
operations and impact on the diagnostic tests for Covid-19, *
supply chain due to lower Prevention of the risk of contagion
demand for crude oil and by Covid-19 in operations with
derived products. accommodation supply guidelines, *
Monitoring compliance of contractors
Impacts: *Fatalities and with Covid-19 measures, * Pandemic
disabilities, *Total or partial Biosafety Covid-19 Plan, * COVID19
impact on the business Health Response Committee, *
continuity * Unavailability of COVID19 Crisis Committee, *
personnel to carry out activities Geographic monitoring of cases vs
of the operation. *Increased oil infrastructure, * Monitoring of the
costs derived from the alert status at the national level
suspension of contracts or the defined by the INS against COVID
implementation of Biosafety municipalities, not COVID vs
protocols required by operation. Treatment actions: *
ECOPETROL. *Difficulty or Verification of the implementation of
delays in returning to the new Biosafety protocols, *Diagnostic
normal of operations due to capacity of Covid-19 indirect
community demands. * workers, * Measures of attention to
Increase in labor, occupational the health emergency due to Covid-
and psychosocial illnesses 19, * Continuity Plan in the event of
derived from operating an epidemic/pandemic, * Learned
conditions in contingency or lessons from real activation
remote work. scenarios in business continuity
plans for COVID-19.
Risk sources /
Risk Description Mitigation actions
8. HSE accidents Risk framed in unwanted and Strengthening of culture in Process controls: HSE
due to an operational all foreseeable events HSE. Management System
cause originated in the operation that Work control. Treatment actions:
may impact people, goods and Asset integrity. *HSE Management
infrastructure, the environment, Climate change: monitoring System
the reputation of the company the “El Niño” y “La Niña” review, *Incorporation of
and/or the relationship with the phenomenon monitoring the habits to strengthen the
client. phenomena of climate culture of care in HSE, *
variability, times of extreme Review and intervention
Impacts: *Fatalities, disabling drought. of the skills of grassroots
accidents, or injuries on workers and area
personnel in the operation and authorities in HSE, *
communities, * Leak, escape or Digital tool for managing
spill of any hazardous material work permits.
from its primary storage
element in the process, *
Lawsuits, fines and penalties, *
Interruption of operations, *
Economic losses, * Impact on
the environment, * Negative
impact on the company's
Risk sources /
Risk Description Mitigation actions
9. Projects which do Deviations in the value Value expectation. Process controls:
not meet their value expectation of the relevant Postponement or suspension Ecopetrol Project
expectation projects, in the terms of projects. Development, Integrated
committed in the strategy Projects of National Interest Portfolio Management.
(production volumes, reserves, (PINES), Projects that
NPV, among others). incorporate reserves, Projects Treatment actions:
that contribute to increased *Value expectation
production, Non-O&G strategic impact, *Quantitative
Impacts: * Economic impact on
projects. relationship of the impact
the company's cash, *Breach
Trends and problems grouped of project risks in the
of the strategy (investments,
in the universe of projects. deviation of their value
production and reserves), *
Reduction of value for
shareholders, *Negative impact
on the company's reputation, *
communication scheme
Market distrust of compliance
against deviations of the
of the Company's financial
project expected value, *
Project track change
control reporting scheme.
Risk sources /
Risk Description Mitigation actions
10. Faults against Occurrence of inappropriate Minimize the Entity Level Controls:
ethics and behavior associated with occurrence of Monitoring of Code of Ethics
compliance breaches of the Code of Ethics behaviors related compliance regarding conflicts of
and Conduct, fraud, corruption, to fraud, interest or conflict of ethics, and
bribery, money laundering, corruption, bribery, Conflicts of Interest guidelines
terrorist financing and money laundering, compliance *Semiannual report on
violations of the FCPA law, terrorist financing, Gifts, Hospitality and Hospitality
which generate a reputational and violations of approval, *Verification of alignment
impact that affects the strategy. the FCPA law in of preventive communication
Senior strategies against the needs of the
Impacts: * Fines, sanctions and Management, Compliance Program, * Review of
investigations by national and workers, results obtained from procedures
international control bodies and beneficiaries, and other red flags, * Monitoring
other authorities. * Negative contractors, and identification of alerts on third
impact on the reputation of the suppliers and parties, administrators and
company and its relationship other related employees *Due diligence result
with the different stakeholders. parties. verifications in hiring a new member
* Impact on relationships with of the Board of Directors, * Monitor
strategic partners. *Share price operations of purchase and sale of
affection * Impact on financial shares by company officials and
statements. *Cessation of their beneficiaries, * Approval of the
stock exchange transactions - monitoring report of payments to
NYSE / BVC. PEPs, *Monitoring report on the use
of business, contractual or legal
links with Third Intermediary Parties
Process controls:
Ethics and Compliance
Management, Internal Control
Treatment actions:
*Implementation of the 2020
Compliance Program, *
Implementation of good practices
and mitigating measures according
to the “GAFILAT statement on
COVID-19 and its associated ML
and FT risks”, * Strengthening of the
internal control system.
Risk sources /
Risk Description Mitigation actions
11. Cyber-attacks, Sabotage of company Cybersecurity: Cybersecurity Entity-level controls
data leaks or loss operations or damage to critical program initiatives, *Review and approve
and technological infrastructure and access or sustainability of the the information security
obsolescence extraction of classified or implementation of the first regulations and
reserved information, through phase initiatives, Cybersecurity guidelines, * Approve the
information systems, management system, definition strategy, program and
technological devices of the and adaptation of operating model for
operation and/or insecure Cybersecurity against the new Cybersecurity and
behavior towards information normal. Obsolescence: IT Cyberdefense, *Approve
by employees, contractors or cyber assets, a profile of cyber regulations with scope to
third parties. assets to define obsolescence Ecopetrol and the
management, OT focus business group (when
(Operation Technology), OT applicable) in process
Impacts: *Exits from
cyber assets. risk management,
technology operation affecting
business risks and
company processes, *Fines
internal control.
and penalties for breach of
Process controls:
laws or commercial
commitments, * Reduction of
Management System, *
income or increased costs,
Crisis Management and
*Loss of business
Business Continuity
opportunities, *Increase in
System, *Technology
premiums for insurance,
and Innovation,
*Impact on the environment,
people, physical property and
Treatment actions:
economic resources,
*IT cyber assets update
*Unavailability of technological
and risk analysis for its
platforms that support
intervention plan, *OT
operations, *Impact on
cyber assets update and
operations, * Damage to the
risk analysis for its
infrastructure and/or assets of
intervention plan,
Ecopetrol, *Impacts on the
*Diagnosis of
image of the company in the
market, *Impact on the
obsolescence of critical
effectiveness, integrity,
cyber assets and priority
availability, reliability,
efficiency, compliance and
confidentiality of the
roadmap (phase II) to
increase the level of
maturity based on the
NGO model - C2M2
(security capability
maturity model).
Risk sources /
Risk Description Mitigation actions
12. Organizational If our behaviors are not Update of the Cultural Treatment actions:
culture which fails to governed by the cultural Declaration approved by the *Culture definition, *
support the strategy principles that we have Steering Committee and Measurement and
defined, we will put at risk the validated by the Board of definition of a plan to
achievement of the objectives Directors. Measurement of close gaps for the
defined in our Strategy and current culture gaps against desired culture.
Business Plan: we will not be the desired culture, * Define
able to achieve our goals if Life the Plan for closing gaps with
does not come first, if we are the desired Culture
not always ethical, if we are not
passionate about excellence, if
we do not listen with respect
and speak clearly, if we do not
make the impossible possible
through the creation of
innovative solutions in advance
and technology, if we are not
one team.
Impacts: *Impossibility of
achieving the goals of our
strategy and commitment to
sustainability. *Failure to
generate value for our
stakeholders, *Lower
productivity, *Lower
performance, *Insufficient work
environment, *Sick,
unmotivated employees and
possibly some could put their
lives at risk.
Risk sources /
Risk Description Mitigation actions
13. Failure to comply Breach of contractual Contractual mechanisms in the Process controls:
with commitments by commitments of an Associate event of a possible breach of Exploration, Asset
third parties in the development of a joint the associate. Variables that Management with
business, as well as failures of allow the timely identification of Associates, M&A, Crisis
the third party (client/supplier) the risk of possible default by Management System
in the supply of required goods the associates. Delays, and Business Continuity,
and services. defaults or unavailability by Supply, Marketing.
customers / suppliers /
Impacts: *Impact on contractors of raw materials, Treatment actions:
Ecopetrol's cash and financial products and services. *Workshop to identify
statements, * Impact on learned lessons from
operational continuity and clauses of collaboration
asset results (Exploration and contracts, * Evaluation of
Production), *Potential the performance of
breaches by Ecopetrol towards Associates in the assets
third parties with financial and * Liquidity measures/
reputational impact (eg, fines, release of collateral
sanctions and investigations by retention and
part of control entities), * suspension of fines, *
Eventual delays in projects and Prompt payment to small
in the supply of goods and and medium-sized
services that leverage the companies contractors, *
operation, * Postponement of Updating of the
scheduled plant shutdowns for commercialization
maintenance, *Lower business continuity
productivity, * Increased costs plans.
and expenses.
Risk sources /
Risk Description Mitigation actions
14. Affectation of Uncertainty about the proper Findings of control entities and Process controls:
operation by control procedure by a worker in the other inspection, surveillance Attention to Control
bodies and the State performance of their duties, and control entities over the Entities, Legal.
delaying decision-making and company's operating activities. Treatment actions:
the execution of administration Actions of the Congress of the *Virtual training on fiscal
processes. Republic. control for authorized
officials and designated
Impacts: *Inappropriate administrators,
decision-making, * Sanctions, * *Communication of
Reprocessing and increased learned lessons about
operating costs (loss of relevant issues and
competitive advantage), *Loss ongoing actions
of reputation. *Documentation related
to requests from control
entities regarding issues
of the actions carried out
by them, *Integral
strategy for the
management of control
bodies and other state
entities, * Disclosure of
the attention procedure
to congress, * Outline of
the preventive function of
Legal before Control
Risk sources /
Risk Description Mitigation actions
15. Company‘s exposure to negative Decarbonization, renewable Process controls: HSE
Inadequate impacts on its value chain (business energy, energy efficiency, Management System,
manageme continuity, Environment, reputation, nature-based solutions. Environment.
nt of climate regulatory, financial), as well as the • Climate change: El Niño and
change and implement measures to reduce and La Niña phenomena of climatic Treatment actions:
water offset carbon and methane emissions, variability and times of extreme *Projects and initiatives
adapting to variability and climate drought. to reduce emissions that
• Water management: water
change, the normal climatological contribute to the
required to operate and effluent
condition of the country that affects proposed goal for 2020. *
water availability and security in the Actions to support
regions, and other transition risks compliance with the goal
associated with climate. of reducing GHG
emissions in the medium
Impacts: *Breach of the Company´s and long term and
GHG emission reduction goals, availability of resources.
*Misalignment with the “Plan Integral de * New treatment actions
Gestión de Cambio Climático del sector under construction.
minero energético” and other national
goals on climate change matters,
*Decrease qualification in the corporate
sustainability reports or deviation from
standards related to climate change and
water, *Company´s image affectation,
*Stakeholder´s affectation due to water
requirements in drought conditions,
*Breach of regulations associated with
climate change and water, *Impact on
business continuity, *Impact on
infrastructure *Potential financial
implications (higher costs, financing
restrictions, devaluation of the debt
portfolio, shares and ADR). * Impact on