Beholderborn (Carrera 5e) - D&D Wiki
Beholderborn (Carrera 5e) - D&D Wiki
Beholderborn (Carrera 5e) - D&D Wiki
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1 Beholderborn
1.1 Descripción física
1.2 Historia
1.3 Sociedad
1.4 Nombres de Beholderborn
1,5 Rasgos nacidos del espectador
1.5.1 Beholderborn despierto
1,6 Altura y peso aleatorios
1,7 Características sugeridas
Un soldado observa cómo su pelotón y sus compañeros soldados son
aniquilados por oleadas de flechas en llamas en un campo de batalla.
Grita de rabia y se convierte en un monstruo de poder aterrador mientras
ataca la posición enemiga con un rayo de la muerte.
Un ladrón sale de la bóveda de una fortaleza con una bolsa llena de oro y
gemas. Petrifica a los guardias donde están mientras sale de la bóveda.
Descripción física
Beholderborn roam the Material Plane, often not knowing the power
they possess. Their improved intellect seems to be the only outward
sign of their heritage. Those that are awoken to the power use it in
varied ways. Their knowing that power has inherently evil roots makes
them cautious about its use. Some who discover their powers may
never use it, fearing it, while others may revel in their new found
d6 Awakening Event
1 My village was attacked by an enemy, and I awoke during a rage-
filled outburst. (Good)
2 An unknown voice spoke to me in the night and whispered the
dark secrets of my power. (Evil)
3 I was gravely injured in an accident while I was alone, and the
pain awakened my power. (Neutral)
4 While adventuring I came into the presence of an artifact, that
when picked up, awoke my power. (Neutral)
5 While at a tavern, I connect with another beholderborn, and he
taught me of the power I possessed. (Neutral)
6 After I had committed murder, the blood seeped into my hands
and awakened my power. (Chaotic)
Beholderborn Names
Beholderborn Traits
Awakened Beholderborn
Suggested Characteristics
d8 Personality Trait
1 I Sometimes think that I am a flawed abomination.
2 I am always polite and respectful.
3 I can stare down a hell hound without twitching.
4 I frequently dream of Beholders and I am certain they're trying
to manipulate me.
5 I eat like a pig and have bad manners.
6 Even though my history is twisted, I am willing to do good and
what is right.
7 I help the people that help me-because few people are willing to
come near me.
8 I feel more comfortable traveling alone than with others.
d6 Ideal
1 Although I am perfect as I am, I can always strive to be more.
2 Beholderborn are superior to other humanoids and one day will
rule. (Evil)
3 Life is like the winds of fall, you must follow were it leads you.
4 The path to power is through knowledge. (Neutral)
5 As powerful beings our job is to protect others. (Good)
6 Emotions must not cloud are sense of what is good or true.
d6 Bond
1 I miss the kinship of my identical twin, who disappeared years
2 I owe a debt I cannot repay to the person that took pity and
raised me.
3 No one else should have to endure the struggle and pain I've
been through.
4 I idolize a hero from stories and measure my deeds against
5 Despite my best efforts, I am unreliable to my friends.
6 My acquaintances are all spying on me and one day I will
destroy them.
d6 Flaw
1 I sometimes forget that others don't have access to my
2 I frequently have terrifying dreams.
3 I usually ignore advice from my friends.
4 I am very quick to take offense.
5 I enjoy taunting my rivals and angering them.
6 My pride will probably lead to my destruction.
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