About Town
About Town
About Town
Present Continuous
Countables and Uncountables Nouns
A lot, a lot of / some, any, a, an
How Much?
Articles: a, an, the
Identificar lugares del pueblo y decir que puedo conseguir o hacer en cada uno de ellos
Hablar acerca de acciones que se pueden realizar en el pueblo
Describir lugares y acciones de las personas
Hacer sugerencias acerca de lugares
Page 39 – Activity 1 - Find these shops in the potos (Tell the meanings)
Activity 3 – Normal opening hours in Britain are 9 a.m. to 5, 30 pm for shops and 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. for
shopping centers. What happens in your country? (Explain the question to the class)
b) Test your memory. Take turns to cover the picture and answer questions about it
Activity 3 – a) in your notebook, write sentences about where you go in town. Use the activities in the
box below
*Buy presents *Pay bills *Have lunch with friends *Buy a magazine
b) Ask your partner questions about where he/ she goes in town
Page 41 – Activity 1 - look at the picture. Where are the girls? What are they doing?
Activity 3 – In pairs, look at the article again and find different things you can do at the shopping centres.
Write down six
Activity 4 – Discuss
1. Do you sometimes go to the shopping centers? Who do you go with? What do you do there?
2. Where do you like to shop? Why?
3. Is there a shopping Centre in your town or near it?
Reading –
Activity 1 - Read the adverts and write the names of the places
Usamos el Present Continuos cuando queremos mencionar una acció n que estamos haciendo en el
momento de hablar. Su estructura gramatical se forma usando el Verbo To be + el verbo principal con
4 – Chatting – conversando
8 – Buying a Cd – comprando un Cd
Activity 2 – What are people doing? Ask and answer (Look at the names under the pictures)
Activity 3 - Complete the telephone conversation with the present continuous for of the verbs
Answer Key
1 – are you doing 2- are shopping 3 – are walking 4 – is playing 5 – is Charlie doing
Page 43 – Activity 4
Answer Key
B) Ask and answer the question? It can be written in your notebook or orally
If the following time expressions are at the end of your sentence, they are in Present Continuous
G – I am listening to music
Extra activity
Countable nouns are individual people, animals, places, things, or ideas which can be counted.
We can make uncountable nouns countable to express quantity. We add a unit or a quantity with “OF”
A can of… a bottle off… a packet of… a piece of… a slide of…. a cup of…. a glass of….
Extra Activity
(eggs) _______________________________________________________?
(meat) ________________________________________________________?
(jam) _________________________________________________________?
(people) _______________________________________________________?
(flour) ________________________________________________________?
(votes) ________________________________________________________?
(parties) _______________________________________________________?
Page 43
ACTIVITY 1 – 2 – 3
Page 46
Usamos a / an mas el sustantivo por primera vez para mencionar algo o a alguien. Luego usamos The mas el
Example: There is a man and a woman. The man is carrying a shopping bag.
Pronoun Reference
Usamos a / an mas el sustantivo la primera vez que mencionamos algo o a alguien. Luego usamos un pronombre
para reemplazar (He, She, They)
Elige una foto y descríbela... Usa el presente continuo. Asegú rate de usar a / an The y los pronombres correctos.
Siéntate en grupos de 3, pongan las fotos sobre la mesa y lee una descripció n. El resto deberá adivinar de cual foto
estas hablando
Activity 2 – Use the guidelines to: Log on to MSN and chat with a partner OR Invent a conversation with a partner
and (if you want) act it out to the class
English Test
EXTRA ACTIVITIES (Ver Referencias – PÀ GINA 94, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 – PÀ GINA 95, READING 1, 2 – PÀ GINA 96, 1, 2, 4-
PÀ GINA 97, 5, 6 – PÀ GINA 99, 1, 2