Guía Docente Lengua Inglesa 4 - Traducción UV
Guía Docente Lengua Inglesa 4 - Traducción UV
Guía Docente Lengua Inglesa 4 - Traducción UV
Datos de la Asignatura
Código 35326
Nombre Lengua Inglesa 4
Ciclo Grado
Créditos ECTS 6.0
Curso académico 2019 - 2020
Titulación Centro Curso Periodo
1000 - G.Estudios Ingleses Facultad de Filología, Traducción y 2 Segundo
Comunicación cuatrimestre
1009 - G.Traduc.Mediac.Interling.(Inglés) Facultad de Filología, Traducción y 2 Segundo
Comunicación cuatrimestre
Titulación Materia Carácter
1000 - G.Estudios Ingleses 4 - Lengua Inglesa: formación Obligatoria
1009 - G.Traduc.Mediac.Interling.(Inglés) 4 - Lengua B (Inglés) Obligatoria
Nombre Departamento
COPERIAS AGUILAR, MARIA JOSE 155 - Filología Inglesa y Alemana
Véase la versión inglesa.
1009 - G.Traduc.Mediac.Interling.(Inglés)
- Que los estudiantes hayan demostrado poseer y comprender conocimientos en un área de estudio
que parte de la base de la educación secundaria general, y se suele encontrar a un nivel que, si bien
se apoya en libros de texto avanzados, incluye también algunos aspectos que implican
conocimientos procedentes de la vanguardia de su campo de estudio.
- Trabajar en equipo en el ámbito de la traducción y la mediación interlingüística y desarrollar
relaciones interpersonales.
- Trabajar y aprender de modo autónomo y planificar y gestionar el tiempo de trabajo en el ámbito de
la traducción y la mediación interlingüística.
- Conocer la gramática y desarrollar las competencias comunicativas en lengua(s) extranjera(s),
aplicadas a la traducción y mediación interlingüística, hasta alcanzar un nivel de competencias
comunicativas C1 consolidado y umbral C2, según el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia (MCER)
(lenguas B).
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- demonstrate communicative and social competence in the English language (reading comprehension
and written expression, including grammatical and stylistic correction) at the B2+ level of the Common
European Framework of Reference for Languages.
- explain linguistic phenomena in English.
- recognize different grammatical categories and their corresponding function and relate them to
situational factors in discourse.
- identify gender varieties in English.
- identify geographical and social varieties of English.
- translate general texts in English and complex texts in Anglophone audiovisual media into the co-official
languages of Valencia
- use tools, programmes and software designed specifically for the study of the English language and its
literatures, including email, blogs and aula virtual
1. Unit 1
Grammar: Reported speech; Transitive verbs.
Vocabulary: 'Talking' verbs.
2. Unit 2
Grammar: Time clauses; Prepositions in time expressions.
Vocabulary: Action, activity event and programme.
3. Unit 3
Grammar: Expressing ability, possibility and obligation.
Vocabulary: Chance, occasion, opportunity and possibility.
Linguistic content: What is Pragmatics? General Introduction.
4. Unit 4
Grammar: Conditionals.
Vocabulary: Phrasal verbs. Prepositions indicating location.
Linguistic content: Context and Deixis.
5. Unit 5
Grammar: Nouns and articles.
Vocabulary: Prepositions following verbs. Word formation.
Linguistic content: Grice and the Cooperative Principle.
6. Unit 6
7. Unit 7
Grammar: Comment and intensifying adverbials. Cleft sentences for emphasis.
Vocabulary: learn, find out and know; provide, offer and give.
Linguistic content: Politeness and cross-cultural pragmatics.
Véase versión inglesa.
Assessment breakdown for first and second calls.
A) Individual final examination that includes a use of English test, and a listening comprehension test:
B) Final oral test: 30%
C) Activities carried out during the course: 20%
Total: 100%
To pass the subject students need to get at least 50% as an average of parts A, B and C. Students must
also get 50% in each section of part A and a 50% in part B. The mark for the 20% of part C will be
carried over to the second call. These activities (part C) can only be done during the course and cannot
be handed in for the second call. The mark for these activities (part C) is only counted if the student
passes parts A and B.
- Brook-Hart, Guy & Simon Haines. 2015. Complete Advanced. Students Book with Answers.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Matthews, Laura and Barbara Thomas. 2015. Complete Advanced. Workbook with Answers.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Peccei, J. S. (1999). Pragmatics Language Workbooks. London: Routledge
Yule, G. (2010). The Study of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hewings, M. 2007. Advanced Grammar in Use: Advanced. 2nd edition. Cambridge: CUP.
McCarthy, M. and F. ODell. 2006. English Vocabulary in Use: Advanced. Cambridge: CUP.
Powell, D. 2005. Common Mistakes at CAE ... and how to avoid them. Cambridge: CUP.
Watson, D. 2010. Advanced Vocabulary in Context. Cambridge: CUP.
McCarthy, Michael & Felicity ODell. 2005. English Collocations in Use. Advanced. How Words Work
Together for Fluent and Natural English. Self-Study and Classroom Use. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
McCarthy, Michael & Felicity ODell. 2004. English Phrasal Verbs in Use. (Advanced). Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
McCarthy, Michael & Felicity ODell. 2002. English Idioms in Use (Advanced). Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Swan, Michael. 2000. Practical English Usage. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Dictionaries:
Anderson, Sandra and others (eds) 2005. Collins Dictionary & Thesaurus. Glasgow: HarperCollins
Bullon, Stephen and others (eds.) 2002. Longman Language Activator®. Harlow: Longman/Pearson
Education Limited.
Bullon, Stephen and others (eds) 2003. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. Harlow:
Longman/Pearson Education Limited.
Murphy, Michael (ed.) 2005. Longman Dictionary English Language and Culture. Harlow:
Longman/Pearson Education Limited.
Walter, Elizabeth and others (eds) 2005. Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary, 2nd ed.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Wells, J. C. 2000. Longman Pronunciation Dictionary, 2nd ed. Harlow: Longman/Pearson Education
The materials include the textbook and supplementary and supporting material (including authentic
materials and exam practice materials) for individual practice:
Further, complementary material will be provided to those students who need or ask for an additional
help at some points of the syllabus.
- Archer, D., Aijmer, K., & Wichmann, A. (2012). Pragmatics: An Advanced Resource Book for
Students. London: Routledge.
Cameron, D. (2001). Working with Spoken Discourse. SAGE Publications
Cutting, J. (2008). Pragmatics and Discourse. London: Routledge.
Thomas, J. (1995). Meaning in Interaction: An Introduction to Pragmatics. London: Longman.
Yule, G. (1996). Pragmatics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.