Plan Inglés Preparatoria Independencia

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Preparatoria Instituto Independencia


2018 - 2019


Con el propósito hacer que los alumnos del Instituto Independencia optimicen su dominio de la
lengua inglesa, se elabora este plan anual para su aplicación en los 6 semestres de la sección
Como es conocido, la enseñanza de una lengua extranjera se logra con base en el enfoque
comunicativo lo que permite que dicho aprendizaje se dé de manera natural.
Las acciones que se detallan en este plan son por lo tanto adecuadas para lograr en los
estudiantes las competencias necesarias para cumplir con los objetivos del enfoque propuesto.

 Dividir a los grupos en tres niveles de acuerdo a su evaluación diagnóstica con base en el Marco
Común Europeo.
 Lograr manejar más ampliamente el enfoque comunicativo para que la clase de lengua extranjera
constituya un espacio donde se pueda opinar, decidir y crear una atmósfera agradable y de respeto.
 Alentar en los alumnos el deseo de expresarse para, con ello, sentir que aprender una lengua
extranjera, además de ser factible, puede ser placentero.
 Lograr en los alumnos no sólo una buena competencia lingüística (forma) sino un buen
desempeño lingüístico (uso).
 Acceder a la presentación de la certificación TOEFL para todos nuestros egresados.

Se trabajarán cinco sesiones de 50 minutos a la semana.

El nivel de nuestros alumnos se encuentra entre el -A1 y A1 de acuerdo al MCE por lo que con el
examen diagnóstico que se aplicará al inicio del año se dividirán a los grupos en tres cursos, básico,
intermedio y avanzado, para mejor desempeño de cada estudiante.

Se desarrollarán estrategias de aprendizaje más acordes con el enfoque motivando a una
participación más activa en situaciones de comunicación (Inmersión Dinámica). Se promoverá el
desarrollo de las cuatro habilidades lingüísticas, escuchar, hablar, leer y escribir, para que se
obtengan las bases comunicativas que en niveles subsecuentes les permitan avanzar en el dominio
del idioma y así poder acceder a los exámenes de certificación internacional (FCE, TOEIC, TOEFL,

El plan está dividido en 5 niveles anuales con 2 módulos cada uno mismos que se dosifican en 3
unidades didácticas por módulo. Con este esquema se cubre el programa para los tres cursos de la
siguiente manera:


SEMESTRE 1° 2° 3° 4° 5° 6°
Básico 1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2
Intermedio 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2
Avanzado 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2 5.1 5.2


0.  Greeting and introducing oneself.  What’s your name?  Alphabet
Hello  Spelling.  I´m  Numbers 1-10
 Asking and answering about phone  How do you spell…?  Colors
numbers.  Plurals (regular –s)  The classroom
 Naming objects and numbers.  a / an  Basic orders
 Understanding classroom language.  Imperative (affirmative)
1.  Exchanging basic personal  Where…from? How old…?  Countries and
My information (first name, last name, Who…? nationalities.
school. nationality, age, grade, address, e-  Verb to be (affirmative,  Numbers 11-100.
mail). negative, questions, short  People and
 Asking about somebody’s health. answers) relationships.
 Introducing themselves and others.  Possessive adjectives.  School subjects.
 Identifying relationships.  Verb to have (affirmative)  Family members.
 Talking about family members.  Who? What?  Sports.
 Expressing possession.
 Talking about their favorite school
subjects and sports.
 Fill in a form with personal
2.  Talking about jobs.  Present simple (affirmative,  Jobs.
People  Talking about habitual actions and negative, questions, short  Household chores.
around routines. answers.  Physical
me.  Describing people’s physical  a vs. the appearance.
appearance and character.  Parts of the body.
 Talking about animals and parts of  Animals.
the body.  Adjectives
3.  Identifying and describing objects.  this / that / these / those  Personal items.
My home.  Asking about and identifying the  Plural nouns (irregular)  Household items /
location of objects.  Prepositions of place. furniture.
 Asking and answering about room  There is / there are.  Rooms and parts
and houses.  Present progressive of a house.
 Talking about current activities. (affirmative)  Appliances.
 Describing one’s house / apartment.
4.  Referring to the location of places in  Imperative (affirmative,  Places in a city.
My city. a town. negative)  Directions.
 Asking for, giving and  Prepositions of movement.  Prices.
understanding directions.  Prepositions of time.  Time.
 Reading a map.  Countable / uncountable nouns.  Greetings.
 Talking about prices.  a vs. some.  Days of the week.
 Telling the time.  How much / How many  Months.
 Talking about days and birtdays.  Seasons.
 Describing one’s neighborhood /  Ordinals.
5.  Talking about how often something  Adverbs of frequency.  Routines.
Time out. happens.  Like / love / enjoy / don’t mind /  Spare-time
 Talking about spare time activities. hate / can´t stand + -ing form. activities.
 Expressing likes and dislikes.  Verb to can.  Movies.
 Talking about movies.  Be able to.  Skills, talents and
 Expressing ability.  Let´s… / Why don´t we…? / abilities.
 Making suggestions. Why don’t you…?  Hobbies.
 Talking about one´s favorite day of
the week.
6.  Talking about clothes.  Possessive pronouns.  Clothes.
Let’s  Talking about celebrations and  Present progressive (negative,  Celebrations.
celebrate! special days. questions and short answers)  Food.
 Talking about current events.  Present simple vs. present  Weather.
 Talking about the weather. progressive.  Wishes.
 Talking about food.  Object pronouns.
 Distinguishing between habitual
actions and current events.
 Expressing possession.


0.  Greeting.  Verb to be.  Countries and
Hello.  Introducing oneself and others.  There is / there are. nationalities.
 Exchanging basic personal  This / that / these / those.  Days, months,
information.  Verb to can. seasons.
 Telling the time.  Imperative.  Time
 Identifying objects.  Personal items.
 Expressing anility.  Classroom
 Understanding classroom language. language.
1.  Talking habitual actions and routines.  Present simple.  Daily routines.
Now and  Talking about current activities.  Adverbs of frequency.  Rooms and parts
then.  Making suggestions.  Prepositions of time (at, on, in, of the house.
 Distinguishing between permanent from… to, till, until).  Furniture and
and temporary situations.  Present progressive. households items.
 Talking about furniture, rooms and  Present simple vs. present  Feelings.
houses. progressive.  Spare-time
 Describing feelings.  Let’s…, What about…?, How activities.
 Talking about the past. about…?, Why don’t
 Talking about spare-time activities. you/we…?
 Giving news.  Past tense of verb to be.
2.  Asking and answering about events  Past simple of regular and  Years.
Looking in the past. irregular verbs.  Places of
back.  Referring to the time when an event  There was / there were. entertainment.
happened.  Sights.
 Talking about places one has visited.  Camping
 Narrating a story. equipment.
3.  Asking and answering about  Past simple of more irregular  Sports and
They did activities in the past. verbs. sporting events.
it!  Comparing past and present.  Comparative and superlative  School subjects.
 Comparing people, places and forms.  Jobs.
objects.  Used to.  Words related to
 Talking about school, college and traveling.
careers.  Colocations
 Talking about sports. related to sports
 Talking about famous people. and arts.
4.  Asking and answering about quantity.  Countable and uncountable  Food and drink.
Places.  Ordering food. nouns.  Places in a city,
 Referring to places in a town and  Some, any, no. stores and
where they are located.  Object pronouns. directions.
 Asking for, giving and understanding  How much…? / How  Shopping and
directions. many…? / much / many / a lot prices.
 Talking about prices. of / lots of / a few / a little.  Electronic devices.
 Buying and selling.  Units of
 Describing cities and sights. measurement.
 Expressing opinion.
 Writing notes and messages.
5.  Talking about past events and  Past progressive (affirmative,  Words related to
Amazing activities. negative, questions and short accidents.
stories.  Narrating a story. answers)  Adjectives ending
 Sequencing past actions and events.  Past simple – past in –ed / -ing.
 Talking about accidents and progressive.  Adverbial phrases.
misfortunes.  Time clauses (when, while, as,  Feelings.
 Describing feelings as soon as)  Misfortunes.
 Compounds of some, any, no,
6.  Making requests.  Could (possibility).  Words / phrases
Our  Talking about ability in the past.  Could, was / were able to. related to the
society.  Talking about possibilities.  Could (polite requests) environment.
 Making, accepting or refusing an  Materials.
invitation.  Collocations
 Talking about public services. related to studies.
 Talking about how to protect the  Collocations
environment. related to public
 Talking about fundraisers. services.
 Fundraisers.


0.  Greeting and introducing oneself.  Verb to be.  Countries and
Hello.  Exchanging basic personal  Verb to can. nationalities
information.  Prepositions of place.  Days, months, seasons
 Telling the time.  This / that / these /  Time
 Expressing ability. those.  Personal items
 Identifying objects.  there is / there are.
 Asking about and identifying the
location of objects.
1.  Describing people’s appearance and  Present simple  Family members
Me, personality.  Present progressive  Clothes and accessories
myself  Talking about family members.  Present simple vs.  Personal items
and I.  Talking about habitual actions and present progressive  Physical appearance
routines.  Possessive pronouns  Adjectives describing
 Talking about current activities.  Possessive case personality
 Distinguishing between permanent  Modal may
and temporary situations.
 Expressing possession.
 Expressing possibility.
2.  Discussing future plans.  Future going to  Adjectives describing
Today  Making on-the-spot decisions.  Present progressive with feelings
and  Making requests, offers and future meaning  Vacation arrangements
tomorrow. promises.  Future will  Words and phrases
 Planning a trip. related to work
 Expressions with make
3.  Making polite requests and asking for  Modal could for requests  Phrases related to
Modern favors. and permission errands and favors
life.  Responding to requests.  Modal have to  Phrases used when
 Expressing obligation.  Modal must inviting and responding
 Expressing prohibition. to an invitation
 Inviting.  Words and phrases
 Accepting or refusing an invitation. related to air travel
 Asking for permission.  Words and phrases
 Giving and refusing permission. related to rules at
 Making informal phone calls. work/school
 Discussing advantages and  Words and phrases
disadvantages. related to money and
4.  Asking and answering about events  Past simple  Vacation activities
Going and activities in the past.  Modal could for ability  Modes of transportation
places.  Expressing ability in the past.  Past progressive  Mystery
 Narrating a story.  Past simple vs. past  Adventure
 Sequencing past actions and events. progressive
 Talking about vacations, accidents,  Time clauses (when,
mystery and adventures. while)
 Describing feelings.
5.  Talking about experiences.  Present perfect  Places
A  Linking past and present time.  Present perfect vs. past  Camping equipment
wonderful  Describing a vacation. simple  Animals
world.  Narrating past events.  How long? for, since  Geographical features
 Talking about countries.  Action sports
 Describing animals.
6.  Talking about health, problems,  Modal should  Aliments and illnesses
Felling aliments, accidents and injuries.  Adverbs of manner  Phrasal verbs and
good.  Asking for and giving advice.  Be able to expressions
 Expressing sympathy.  Adjectives describing
 Expressing surprise. character and
 Stating a problem. personality
 Using transnational language at the
doctor’s and at a drugstore.
 Talking about pets.
 Talking about people’s character and


1.  Discussing different aspects of one’s  Present simple vs,  Adjectives describing
People life present progressive character
and  Describing people’s personality  Stative verbs  Family
lifestyles.  Talking about permanent and  Comparisons of  Jobs
temporary situations in the present adjectives and adverbs  Clothes and accessories
 Talking about events situations and  Past simple  Adjectives describing
habits in the past  Modal used to the weather, people and
 Making comparisons  Some / any / no / every cities/towns
 Talking about fashion and style compounds
 Writing information for a personal
 Writing an e-mail giving information
about yourself and your country
2.  Talking about the weather and the  Future will  Noun suffixes (-ing,
Around environment  Time clauses -ion, ation, -al and
the globe.  Referring to the future  Conditional sentences -ment)
 Referring to conditions ant their type 1  Words related to the
results  Conditional sentences environment
 Discussing cultural differences type 2  Words related to the
 Talking about imaginary situations weather
 Writing a description of a place for a  Expressions with make
brochure  Adjectives describing
3.  Talking about issues related to  Article the  Words related to
Science science, technology and gadgets  Passive voice (present astronomy
matters  Discussing facts simple, past simple)  Verb – noun
 Exchanging information  Tag questions collocations
 Speculating and making deductions  Geographical features
 Talking about the advantages and  Idioms with parts of the
disadvantages of something body
 Adjective – noun
collocations related to
4.  Talking about past events and  Past simple – past  Parts of the body
That’s experiences progressive  Words related to crime
amazing  Narrating a story  Time clauses when,  Natural phenomena
 Sequencing past actions and events while, as, as soon as  Adjectives ending in -ed
 Talking about natural disasters, crime  Past perfect and -ing
and mystery  Conditional sentences  Words and expressions
 Writing a story type 3 used in story telling
 Prepositions of time,
place and movement
.  Talking about work and careers  Present perfect  Chores
Work and  Talking about different forms of  Present perfect  Phrasal verbs and
leisure entertainment progressive expressions
 Talking about experiences  Present perfect vs.  Words related to places
 Linking past and present time present progressive of entertainment
 Focusing on the duration of an action  For / since  Words related to
 Giving news  Clauses of result employment and
 Expressing results qualifications
 Expressing one’s opinion and giving
 Writing a résumé
6.  Expressing agreement /  So / neither / too / either  Words related to the
Aspects disagreement  Relative pronouns and theater
of culture  Finding things in common adverbs who, which,  Verb – noun
 Defining and giving additional that, whose, where combinations related to
information about people, places and  Defining relative clauses art
things  Words related to the city
 Talking about food and cooking  Words related to
 Describing places and sights cooking
 Describing events, festivals and  Words related to
celebrations festivals and


1.  Distinguishing between  Present simple – present  Words related to
All over permanent and temporary progressive transportation
the world situations  Stative verbs  Words related to
 Making comparisons  Present perfect travel
 Expressing preference  Comparisons  Words easily
 Describing buildings and places confused
 Asking for and giving directions  Places in a city
 Persuading someone to do
 Discussing advantages and
 Evaluating options
2.  Referring to past habits and  Past simple – used to  Words easily
Adventure situations  Past simple – past progressive confused
 Narrating past events and stories  Time clauses  Phrasal verbs and
 Sequencing past actions and  Past perfect expressions with
events keep
 Expressing feelings  Strong adjectives
 Describing accidents  Idioms
3.  Talking about future time  Future will  Types of vacations
Leisure  Making predictions  Future going to  Suffixes un-, in-,
 Talking about possibility and  Conditional sentences types 1 im-
future or imaginary situations and 2  Words related to
 Referring to conditions and their  Relative clauses the theater and
results movies
 Defining people, things and  Types and
places features of books
 Giving additional information  Adjectives ending
about people, things and places in -ed and -ing
 Asking for and giving information
 Inviting and accepting or
declining an invitation
 Expressing likes and dislikes
 Speculating and deciding
4.  Referring to quantity  Nouns  Prepositional
Modern  Expressing possibility in the  Quantifiers phrases with in
life present and future  Modals may, might, could, must, and out of
 Making hypotheses and can, have to, need  Adjectives +
deductions about the present prepositions
and past  Words related to
 Expressing obligation, shopping
prohibition, necessity and lack of  Words easily
necessity confused
 Expressing preference  Verbs +
 Asking for information prepositions

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