Que Es Un Chef
Que Es Un Chef
Que Es Un Chef
Chef es un término que procede del francés y que hace referencia al jefe de
cocina. El concepto se utiliza, en el lenguaje cotidiano, para nombrar a la persona
cuya profesión u oficio consiste en cocinar. Por ejemplo: “Mi hijo quiere estudiar
para convertirse en chef y trabajar en un restaurante de alta cocina”, “Voy a
invitarte a cenar a un nuevo restaurante que tiene un chef francés”, “Todos los
platos han estado horribles: voy a quejarme ante el chef”.
Que es un policía
Del latín politia (que procede un vocablo griego), la policía es una fuerza estatal
que se encarga de mantener el orden público y garantizar la seguridad de los
ciudadanos de acuerdo a las órdenes de las autoridades políticas. Con mayúscula
inicial (Policía), el término se refiere a un determinado cuerpo policial mientras
que, cuando comienza con minúscula (policía), hace referencia a un miembro de
dicho cuerpo o a la fuerza en general.
Que es un panadero
Que es un dentista
Doctor es un término de origen latino que permite hacer referencia a una persona
que se dedica a sanar diversas dolencias. La misma, ha recibido el último grado
académico que otorga una universidad o un establecimiento autorizado para ello y
posee los conocimientos necesarios para diagnosticar una determinada
enfermedad y ponerle fin a través de un tratamiento particular.
What is a chef
Chef is a term that comes from French and refers to the head chef. The concept is
used, in everyday language, to name the person whose profession or trade
consists of cooking. For example: "My son wants to study to become a chef and
work in a haute cuisine restaurant," "I'm going to invite you to dinner at a new
restaurant that has a French chef," "All dishes have been horrible: I'm going to
complain. before the chef ”.
What is a police
From the Latin politia (which comes from a Greek word), the police is a state force
that is responsible for maintaining public order and ensuring the safety of citizens
according to the orders of political authorities. With initial capital letter (Police), the
term refers to a certain police force while, when it begins with a lowercase (police),
it refers to a member of that body or to the force in general.
What is a baker
The baker is the professional who carries out his activity in bakeries and
patisseries. A profession that is in constant transformation due to the changes that
occur in the habits of consumers and, that beyond the preparation and sale of
bread or the manufacture of cakes, requires very diverse general competences for
which we must prepare appropriate form.
What is a dentist?
In Latin, the etymological origin of the term dentist is found. It is exactly the result
of the sum of the noun "dens, dentis", which can be translated as "tooth", and the
suffix "-ista", which is used to indicate profession or trade.
What is a dentist?
Doctor is a term of Latin origin that allows reference to a person who is dedicated
to heal various ailments. It has received the last academic degree granted by a
university or an authorized establishment for it and has the necessary knowledge
to diagnose a certain disease and put an end to it through a particular treatment.