Ing4y5-2019-U5-S17-Sesion 49

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A2 49
My family, friends and others: family life – classroom resources


90 minutos NICE MEMORIES 17
Lee diversos  Obtiene información del texto Comprende textos  Formativa
tipos de textos a nivel literal e  Sumativa
escritos en inferencial
inglés como  Infiere e interpreta información
lengua del texto escrito.
 Reflexiona y evalúa la forma, el
contenido y el contexto del
texto escrito.
Se comunica  Obtiene información de textos Formula preguntas
oralmente en orales. y responde temas
inglés como  Infiere e interpreta información de su niñez usando
lengua de textos orales. la estructura
extranjera gramatical y
 Adecúa, organiza y desarrolla
las ideas en forma coherente y
 Utiliza recursos no verbales y
paraverbales de forma
 Interactúa estratégicamente
con distintos interlocutores.
 Reflexiona y evalúa la forma,
el contenido y el contexto del
texto oral.

1. El/la docente muestra una lista de verbos en la pizarra. Ejemplo: play, 4’
study, eat, go, visit, travel, drink, fight, ride y pregunta a los estudiantes
cómo se escriben en pasado.
2. El/la docente propone la dinámica de la memoria. Pide a los estudiantes
hacer un círculo por grupo. Todos de pie. El primer alumno hace la mímica
de una acción que recuerde hacía cuando niño y dice I remember, when I
was a child, I played marbles, el/la estudiante que está a su costado,
deberá repetir la misma oración y agregar la suya: I remember, when I was 11’
a child, I played marbles, I studied for the final exams, etc.
My family, 1.
Cadaand others:recibe
estudiante familyuna
– classroom resources
de aplicación con 2 ejercicios (ver
anexo 1) trabajan individualmente.
2. Los estudiantes desarrollan ejercicio 1, leen cuidadosamente sobre
hitos en la vida de diferentes personas, unen la imagen y texto. 10’

3. Los estudiantes se unen en pares para comparar respuestas. 7’

4. El /la docente modela la actividad 2 la cual consiste en recrear algo 3’

similar. Cada estudiante deberá escribir sobre hitos en su vida: I am
Alexander, I learned to walk when I was 14 months, I learned to ride the
bike when I was…. I learned to swim when I was… 6’

5. Los estudiantes desarrollan ejercicio 2 individualmente. Personalizan

cada hito de su vida. (ver anexo 2) El/la docente puede uniformizar los
verbos a usar o dar libertad.
6. Los estudiantes se unen nuevamente en pares para conversar sobre
sus respuestas.
7. El/la docente modela las interacciones:
Estudiante A: I learned to play a musical instrument when I was eight 3’
years old. What about you?
Estudiante B: I learned to swim when I was nine. And you? How old
were you when….?

8. El/la docente pregunta de manera conjunta: How old were you when
you learned to walk? Los estudiantes voluntariamente responden: I was
2, I was 1, etc…
9. Los estudiantes reciben hoja de aplicación para trabajar comprensión
de lectura (ver anexo 3) 7’
10. Los estudiantes leen cuidadosamente y resuelven los ejercicios de
manera individual. El ejercicio 1 consiste en identificar las palabras que
podrían encajar en los espacios en blanco para completar texto.
11. De acuerdo al nivel de los estudiantes, si el/la docente estima 3’
conveniente puede ayudarlos con un recuadro y las palabras para
completar los espacio en blanco, incluyendo 2 palabras extras:

Was (x 4) his town my first second classroom played

12. Los estudiantes desarrollan ejercicio 2. Completan oraciones de
comprensión de lectura. 3’
13. Los estudiantes se unen en pares para comprobar las respuestas en 5’
ejercicio 1 y 2.
14. EL/la docente propone verificar las respuestas de manera global


15. Retroalimentación: El/la docente elabora un cuadro de doble entrada en 3’
la pizarra y pregunta a los estudiantes los verbos que han observado
clasificando en 2 grupos: verbos regulares e irregulares en el contexto
del tiempo pasado. 3’
16. En conjunto responden y el/la docente refuerza con breve explicación.
17. Metacognición: El/la docente plantea una pregunta por grupo. Did you 4’
have a mobile phone when you were a child? Do you have good
memories of your childhood?

My family, friends and others: family life – classroom resources

No se asigna.
Anexo1 Anexo 2 Anexo 3 Taken from:

Reading Activity “Childhood Memories and Milestones”

My family, friends and others: family life – classroom resources
Match the sentences to the pictures.

1. My name is Christian. I am ten years old. I

like to play. I learned how to ride a bike
when I was six.

2. This is my cousin Lucy. She is from New York.

She likes to read books. Her favorite book is
“Harry Potter.” She learned how to
read when she was four.

3. His name is Anthony. He is very friendly. He always

goes to the playground. He can do a handstand, a
somersault and a cartwheel. He learned how to do
a somersault when he was five years old.

4. He is George. He swims two hours a day. He likes

to swim with his family and friends. Every summer
he swims in the beach. He is swimming now in a
swimming pool. He learned how to swim when he
was three years old.

5. Charisse is my younger sister. She is shorter than

me. She has brown straight hair.
She is two years old. Last year, she learned how to

Write your own “Childhood Memories and Milestones”

My family, friends and others: family life – classroom resources
My childhood
Anexo 3

My family, friends and others: family life – classroom resources

A) Instructions: Complete the following text with a word. Then check your answers with your

Hello, my name is Paola. When I ______________1 a child I was a

very shy girl. My family and I lived in a small ______________2 in
Oaxaca, Mexico. I remember my ______________3 friend at
elementary school ______________4 Manuel. When we met he
was eight years ______________5 and I was nine. We were in the
same ______________6 at school. We sat together and always
played in the break, we call it recreo here in Mexico.
______________7 family was very nice and they lived near my
house, so we spent a lot of time together. We watched cartoons
on TV, ______________8 games, and did our homework together.
In summer we were together too, we went swimming in the river
when the weather was hot, we played with our toys, and played
video games a lot – our favorite was Mario Bros.- When his family
moved to another city, I ______________9 very sad. The time we
spent together ________ fantastic!.

B) Instructions: complete the following statements about the information in the text.
1. Paola is from… ______________________________________________________________

2. Paola’s best friend’s name was… ________________________________________________

3. Paola and his friend met at… ___________________________________________________

4. They watched…on TV. _________________________________________________________

5. They went swimming in… ______________________________________________________

6. They played…a lot.____________________________________________________________

7. Their favorite video game was…_________________________________________________

8. Manuel’s family moved to…____________________________________________________

9. She felt…when Manuel left._____________________________________________________

10. Paola’s childhood was…_______________________________________________________

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