La unidad didctica que se detalla a continuacin ha tomado como referencia el Marco Comn Europeo
de Referencia para las Lenguas (MCERL), as como la Ley Orgnica 8/2013 de 9 de diciembre para la
mejora de la calidad educativa (LOMCE), el Decreto 315/2015, del 28 de agosto por el que se establece la
ordenacin de la Educacin Secundaria Obligatoria y del Bachillerato en la Comunidad Autnoma de
Canarias (BOC n 169, de 28 de agosto de 2015), as como el Decreto 83/2016, de 4 de julio por el que se
establece el currculo de la Educacin Secundaria Obligatoria y el Bachillerato en la Comunidad Autnoma
de Canarias (BOC n 136, de 15 de julio de 2016), que supone la concrecin del Real Decreto 1105/2014 de
26 de diciembre, por el que se establece el currculo bsico de la Educacin Secundaria Obligatoria y el
Bachillerato (BOE n3, de 3 de enero 2015).
La unidad Christmas is coming to town se impartir en el primer trimestre, en un curso de 1 de
Bachillerato de 26 alumnos, durante 4 sesiones de 55 minutos cada una. Las presentaciones finales del
alumnado llevarn al menos dos sesiones ms. Durante el transcurso de esta unidad, se trabajarn distintos
criterios de evaluacin contemplados en el currculo de la Primera Lengua Extranjera en la Comunidad
Autnoma de Canarias. Estos criterios son:
- Criterio 2: Aplicar las estrategias adecuadas para comprender el sentido general, la informacin esencial,
los puntos principales, los detalles relevantes o las informaciones, ideas y opiniones tanto implcitas como
explcitas claramente formuladas y los matices de mensajes transmitidos de viva voz o por medios tcnicos,
con el fin de responsabilizarse de su propio aprendizaje, consolidar su autonoma y como medio de
desarrollo personal y social.
- Criterio 3: Produccin de textos orales claros, bien organizados y con detalles suficientes, adecuados al
receptor y al contexto, y que traten sobre temas generales y ms especficos dentro del propio campo de
especializacin, o que sean de inters personal, para comunicarse con suficiente autonoma en situaciones
corrientes o menos habituales en los mbitos personal, pblico, acadmico y ocupacional/laboral.
- Criterio 6: Comprender las ideas principales, informacin detallada e implicaciones generales de textos
escritos, autnticos o adaptados, de cierta longitud y lingsticamente complejos, que traten de asuntos
concretos o abstractos cuando estn dentro del propio campo de especializacin, o que sean de inters
propio, con el fin de participar con suficiente autonoma en los mbitos personal, pblico, acadmico u
ocupacional/laboral. El tema elegido es la Navidad, ya que dentro de la asignatura se pretende que el
alumnado no slo aprenda el idioma sino que tambin se familiarice con los aspectos socioculturales ms
significativos de loa pases donde se habla la lengua extranjera, respetando las convenciones comunicativas
ms elementales, mostrando un enfoque intercultural y una actitud de empata hacia las personas con cultura
y lengua igual o distinta.
1. Entender y gestionar informacin escrita relativa a la celebracin de la Navidad en distintos pases.
2. Producir textos sencillos que den respuesta a preguntas relacionadas con la lectura.
3. Comprender informacin especfica de textos orales y utilizar los conocimientos adquiridos para llevar a
cabo distintos juegos que demuestren lo aprendido.
4. Desarrollar la competencia digital a travs de la bsqueda de informacin para la preparacin y
presentacin de un poster digital o similar, sobre otras celebraciones y/o acontecimientos histricos propios
de pases de habla inglesa.
A nivel legal, los principios metodolgicos en los que se fundamenta esta unidad, se encuentran en el
Decreto 86/2016 de 4 de julio que establece el currculo de la ESO y Bachillerato de la Comunidad
Autnoma de Canarias y en el anexo II de la Orden ECD/65/2015 en el que se indican algunas orientaciones
para facilitar el desarrollo de estrategias metodolgicas que permitan trabajar por competencias en el aula. El
profesorado ha de propiciar siempre un entorno motivador que surja de los intereses de su grupo-clase, que
se adece a sus necesidades, atienda a sus expectativas y se vincule al conocimiento previo del alumnado y a
los gustos propios de estas edades, siempre que estos supongan un objetivo asumible para sus caractersticas
y capacidades en un entorno de inmersin lingstica y mtodo natural de adquisicin del aprendizaje.
En lo concerniente a la dimensin del alumnado como Agente Social, como individuos que reciben,
celebraciones, son las ms importantes ya que son las que conforman el producto final de toda la tarea. Estas
presentaciones se valorarn utilizando una rbrica de valoracin creada a tal efecto y propia de productos
- Ley Orgnica 8/2013 de 9 de diciembre para la mejora de la calidad educativa (LOMCE)
- Decreto 315/2015, del 28 de agosto por el que se establece la ordenacin de la Educacin Secundaria
Obligatoria y del Bachillerato en la Comunidad Autnoma de Canarias (BOC n 169, de 28 de agosto de
- Decreto 83/2016, de 4 de julio por el que se establece el currculo de la Educacin Secundaria Obligatoria y
el Bachillerato en la Comunidad Autnoma de Canarias (BOC n 136, de 15 de julio de 2016), que supone la
concrecin del Real Decreto 1105/2014 de 26 de diciembre, por el que se establece el currculo bsico de la
Educacin Secundaria Obligatoria y el Bachillerato (BOE n3, de 3 de enero 2015)
Santa Claus ('winter-grandfather, Tel-apo or Mikulas) comes on the 6th of December. Children should clean
and put their shoes outside next to the door or window before they go to sleep. Next day candies and/or small
toys appear in them in red bags. For children, who don't behave well, a golden birch placed next to the
sweets, a symbol for spanking... (but don't worry, it is just for fun, and not for actual punishment.)
On 24th of December, children go to their relative or to the movies, because little Jesus brings the tree and
the presents that evening to their house. It is customary to hang edible things on the tree, like golden
wrapped assorted chocolates and meringues beside the glass balls, candles (real or electrical), and sparklers.
Families usually cook festive dinner for that night. An example would be fresh fish usually with rice or
potatoes and home made pastries as dessert. After dinner, the tree would be viewed by the children for the
first time. It was very exciting. Christmas songs are sung and then the gifts under the tree are shared.
Older children attend the midnight mass with their parents. (During communism, children had to hide at the
back of the church. Teachers could have lost their jobs for attending the mass. Later (in mid 1970's) most of
the Communist Party leaders of the town attended it too.) Next day the children attack the edible part of the
tree. Festive food is enjoyed on the second and third day too.
Latvians believe that Father Christmas brings presents on each of the 12 days of Christmas starting on
Christmas Eve. Usually the presents are put under the family Christmas tree. (What a good idea to spread
Christmas out longer!) It was in Latvia that the first Christmas tree was decorated. The special Latvian
Christmas Day meal is cooked brown peas with bacon (pork) sauce, small pies, cabbage and sausage.
New Zealand
Christmas starts for us with gifts under the tree, to be opened Christmas morning. Then its onto a Christmas
lunch either at home or at one's parents place. Turkey or chicken with all the trimmings is eaten, then come
tea time, it is a Bar-B-Q for friends and family to get together,and have a few beers or wines with the meal!!
People adhere to the tradition that Father Christmas brings presents to children on Christmas Eve. The
presents are left under the Christmas tree or in shoes by the fireplace. A special Christmas meal of salted dry
cod-fish with boiled potatoes is eaten at midnight on Christmas Eve.
On the 6th December St Nicholas comes and puts small gifts in children shoes that have been polished and
placed near the windows and if children have been naughty they get a little stick.
Usually people in the country side grow their own pigs which are sacrificed for Christmas on the 20th of
December, and the meat is cooked in different ways for the Christmas meal, like home made
smoked/unsmoked sausages. Each part of the pig is used in different ways to make different dishes. Mince is
made and together with rice, onions and spices is used for the stuffed cabbage or vine leaves, which are
called 'sarmale'. So pig is traditional for Christmas meal.
On Christmas Eve usually children go around houses and sing carols and get fruit, sweets or money in
exchange. On Christmas Day everyone has a big family meal and visit relatives. In the country side people
dress as bears and goats and go and sing special traditional songs at each house in the village.
People from Transylvania serve stuffed cabbage on Christmas Eve, and next day for lunch. Most likely the
reason for that custom is that stuffed cabbage is the best on the second and third day after it was cooked.
Moms can prepare the food a day earlier, leaving more time for decorating and organizing. Very practical.
On 25th December, the whole family used to attend church and ate stuffed cabbage for lunch.
In the days of the Soviet Union, Christmas was not celebrated very much. New Year was the important time
- when 'Father Frost' brought presents to children. With the fall of Communism, Christmas can be openly
celebrated - either on December 25th; or more often on January 7th. This unusual date is because the Russian
Orthodox church uses the old 'Julian' calendar for religious celebration days. Special Christmas food includes
cakes, pies and 'meat dumplings'.
The most important day is Christmas Eve. A special Christmas meal is eaten on Christmas Eve - ham (pork),
herring fish, and brown beans - and this is the time when families give presents to each other. Many people
attend a church meeting early on Christmas Day.
United States
The USA is so multi-cultural that you will find many different ways of celebrating Christmas.
One friends writes about Christmas meals,
"Our family (Eastern European origin) favor turkey with trimmings. My grandparents and their relatives
1. In which country is Christmas celebrated in many different ways?
2. Where do people eat special bread with the shape of Jesus?
3. Which country is not very fond of Christmas cards?
4. In which country does Father Christmas have to work a lot?
5.Which country says that Father Christmas lives there?
6. In which country wasn't Christmas much celebrated, for political reasons?
7. In which countries do people eat turkey and chicken?
8. In which country can you eat the tree decoration?
9. In which country are presents given after mass, on the 24th December?
10. Where was the first Xmas tree decorated?
11. In which country do people decorate the cementeries?
12. Which is the earliest country to give presents?
3.1 Escuchar los dos enlaces con vocabulario propio de la Navidad Britnica, en la pgina del British
1) http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/overcooked/tell-me-about-christmas-part-1
2) http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/overcooked/tell-me-about-christmas-part-2
3.2 Comprobar el nivel de adquisicin del vocabulario, con los distintos juegos creados por m para ello.
4.1 En el enlace buscar informacin sobre las distintas celebraciones o acontecimientos para hacer la
presentacin digital en grupo.
La calificacin de los alumnos se har de manera individualizada pese a que la presentacin se haga de
manera grupal. Se tendr preferentemente en cuenta la presentacin oral, 70% de la nota; la presentacin
digital tendr un 30 % .