A.harold Bloom Biografía Produccion Literaria
A.harold Bloom Biografía Produccion Literaria
A.harold Bloom Biografía Produccion Literaria
2 Obra
Cmo leer y por qu (How to read and why; Scribner, Nueva York, 2000), Barcelona, Anagrama,
trad. Marcelo Cohen / Quinta edicin, 2005. ISBN:
El futuro de la imaginacin (The Future of the Imagination). Barcelona: Anagrama / Empries, 2002.
ISBN 84-7596-927-5
Concepto clave, y muy controvertido, de su pensamiento es lo que denomina angustia de la inuencia[2] (the
anxiety of inuence), experimentada como pugna creativa
The Ringers in the Tower: Studies in Romantic Tradition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1971.
The Anxiety of Inuence: A Theory of Poetry. New
York: Oxford University Press, 1973; 2d ed., 1997.
ISBN 0-19-511221-0
A Map of Misreading. New York: Oxford University
Press, 1975.
Kabbalah and Criticism. New York: Seabury Press,
1975. ISBN 0-8264-0242-9
Poetry and Repression: Revisionism from Blake to
Stevens. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1976.
Figures of Capable Imagination. New York: Seabury
Press, 1976.
Wallace Stevens: The Poems of our Climate. Ithaca,
N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1977.
Deconstruction and Criticism. New York: Seabury
Press, 1980.
The Flight to Lucifer: Gnostic Fantasy. New York:
Vintage Books, 1980. ISBN 0-394-74323-7
The Breaking of the Vessels. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1982.
3 Notas
[1] Vase la resea de Rafael Conte, en ABC Literario, 12-11996.
The American Religion: The Emergence of the PostChristian Nation; Touchstone Books; ISBN 0-67186737-7 (1992; August 1993)
4 Enlaces externos
Fernando Castanedo, En el mundo anglosajn, el
estudio serio de la literatura ha muerto (entrevista
de 2002).
Xavier Moret, Harold Bloom. Crtico Literario:
'Los lectores estn en peligro de desaparicin' (entrevista de 2002).
Anna Grau, Le d la espalda al mundo acadmico
sin pensar que sera un xito (entrevista de 2011).
En ingls:
Harold Blooms Period One canon
Harold Blooms Period Two canon
Harold Blooms Period Three canon
Harold Blooms Period Four canon
God and Harold at Yale, an essay from the Claremont Review on Bloom and his book, Jesus and
Radio interview with Christopher Lydon, Harvard
Law Weblogs, September 3, 2003
The sage of Concord, a May 24, 2003 Guardian Unlimited article on Ralph Waldo Emerson by Bloom.