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3 answers

32 MHz xtal on ST MB1874_HP reference schematic questions

I'm designing a PCB heavily based on ST's STDES-WL5U2IHH reference design with the MB1874_HP schematic (extract below). It utilizes a type of crystal I've never used before (NX2016SA 32 MHz EXS00A-...
Nando Ascensor's user avatar
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Looking for a TCXO with marking R26MOK6

I want to use a device (GNSS) for generating a clock signal that has this TCXO on it. I don't find any useful information with the given marking. My guess is, that this TCXO has 48MHz. The reason why ...
Albrecht's user avatar
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TCXO output load

I’m using a 40 MHz TCXO to drive the clock input of an A/D chip. The output of the TCXO is DC coupled 1.8 V LVCMOS and it is specified in the TCXO datasheet that the output load is 10 pF // 10 kOhm. ...
user345919's user avatar
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DS3231 Precision Set Time

How does one set the DS3231 with microsecond precision? I2C doesn't really seem to lend itself to precision. My guess is that the RST pin is used, but I can't seem to decipher spec PDF's description ...
NewEndian's user avatar
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Generating a 1pps signal with ~0.1ppm accuracy

Firstly I just want to say I have next to 0 electronics knowledge so if I say something dumb I apologize. I am wanting to make a device which outputs a 1 pps square wave signal that is highly accurate ...
Lachlan's user avatar
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2 answers

TCXOs implications of use with Vcc over-voltage?

I'm looking at one of a stocked TCXO that suits the frequency and other system specifications like package etc, namely the 589R130X2C, except for the recommended Vcc of +3.0V for this part. I'm ...
citizen's user avatar
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Measuring Allan Variance

I have some microcontrollers with TCXO's where I wish to measure their frequency stability using Allan variance (from say 1ms to 10s). However, my measurement equipment is limited. I have access to a ...
user3120921's user avatar
-2 votes
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TCXO Frequencies below 10MHz

why are there no TCXOs for 8MHz? Does this not work technically or are they not used at that frequency? The lowest I can find is 10Mhz. Thank you.
Uncle_Drew's user avatar
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2 answers

Issue for TCXO through frequency multiplier (PLL) for STM32 I2S signal

I try to use TCXO (KT7050A24576KAW33TAD) at 24.576 MHz through frequency multiplier (PLL) x4 (NB3N511DG) to clock the I2S bus (SAI domain) at 98.304 MHz on a MCU (STM32L4R5VIT6). Signals are not what ...
rom1nux's user avatar
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1 answer

Connecting a TCXO to logic buffer

I am trying to connect the O/P from TCXO (FOX Electronics FOX924B. 20 MHz, 2.5 PPM, 3.3 V supply, Output HCMOS VOL = 0.5 V and VOH = 80% of VDD) to 74HC240 buffer, which I am also running at 3.3 V. I ...
Ashok Das's user avatar
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How to limit the output voltage of a TCXO?

I am using an SiT1552 MEMS TCXO providing 32.768 kHz. It will be sourcing two ICs: a microcontroller and a DA14580 Bluetooth Low Energy transceiver. The ICs and TCXO are all powered by 3.3V. The TCXO ...
bitsmack's user avatar
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TCXO specification ambiguity

I am going through datasheet of TXKTPCSANF-32.000000. I require a clipped sine-wave TCXO with 1.8 Vpp maximum. However, the datasheet of the TCXO doesn't state the ...
abhiarora's user avatar
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TCXO output load, and shaping circuit

I'm looking at the following datasheet for an accurate TCXO: TG2016SBN It gives values for Rload and Cload, and AC coupling cap - which I've incorporated into a clock pulsing circuit. Will a simple ...
Wes's user avatar
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Crystal vs External Clock Source

In general (and maybe this is impossible to answer "generally"), is it possible to supply an external clock source to a microprocessor that supports a directly-connected crystal (and a pair of small ...
eric's user avatar
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Can the output of a TCXO drive a LPC1114 uC?

Is it possible to drive the on-chip oscillator of LPC1114FN28 using the clock output of a FOX924B TCXO? The Datasheet of the uC indicates that a 100 pF cap needs to be put between the oscillator and ...
Abhishek's user avatar
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Calibrating a TCXO

I'm looking at using the si5351 in a signal generator. It will use a TCXO for improved stability, but I'd still like to calibrate it occasionally. To that end, one of the clock outputs will be set to ...
Alan Campbell's user avatar