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Questions tagged [lpc]

LPC is a series of 32-bit ARM microcontrollers manufactured by NXP Semiconductors.

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NXP LPC55xx: I2C implementation hangs when SCL pulled down briefly - bug or feature?

I detected an odd behavior of the I2C implementation on LPC55xx MCUs (tested on LPC5526 and LPC5536). In short: When I introduce a glitch on the SCL line while there's no I2C transmission, the MCU's ...
Daniel K.'s user avatar
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Damaging of SWDIO and SWDCLK pins when they are used as output/uartRX

We are developing board with LPC54616. All pins are already used, so we have to use also programming pins, SWDIO as output pin and SWDCLK as uart RX (both signals are connected to additional modul of ...
ON95's user avatar
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I2C master not sending ack after receiving a byte from a slave

I am using an NXP uC of the LPC8xx family. I have the I2C0 in master mode to receive two bytes consecutively from a slave. It all works correctly at the beginning since the LPC send slave address and ...
tommino's user avatar
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RL-TCPnet crash when send and get at the same time

I'm working on a web service with RL-ARM libraries. I want to send some parameters with AJAX as .cgx file and at the same time I want to create a socket and then send a lot of data to the destination. ...
Milad Rasouli's user avatar
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Interfacing 20x4 character LCD with LPC54628

This is the very first time I am dealing with the task of hardware interfacing. I needed to interface a 20x4 character LCD with an LPC54628 microcontroller. I am using
user2520119's user avatar
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UART Overrun Error handling when transmitting data onto a terminal (lpc2138)

I am making a driver code for lpc2138. Currently I need to read the voltage on a potentiometer with the ADC and with the use of timer, print it onto a terminal in regular intervals. There are also ...
DemoVision's user avatar
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DAPLink firmware doesn't operate with OpenOCD

  Why this is not a duplicate Some people seem to think this question is a duplicate, but there is an important difference: The How to update the SWDAP firmware? question is all about how to ...
K.Mulier's user avatar
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How to update the SWDAP firmware?

1. About the SWDAP probe I bought an SWDAP probe some time ago from L-Tek (see It took me some time to figure out the terminology, but I ...
K.Mulier's user avatar
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LPC-Link2 Not Working as CMSIS-DAP with OpenOCD

I'm working on a project with the NXP LPC824 using VisualGDB and OpenOCD. Using the LPCXpresso824-MAX dev board I had no trouble programming and debugging using OpenOCD. I am using the version of ...
Donald B's user avatar
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Cortex M4 memory management suggestions: best data/code placement

I'm trying to implement a rather complex (at least for me!) system on a Cortex M4 mcu: LPC4370. This one has HighSpeed ADC (up to 80Msps), DMA and DSP (Single Instruction Multiple Data) instructions. ...
a_bet's user avatar
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How can I make my ILI9486 Display not show my frame until I'm done? (Flickering!)

I have a ILI9486 TFT display and I am using an LPC1768 with it. The issue I am having is in the following: ...
user3033693's user avatar
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Can FOTA be performed by changing the execution point of the code i.e, changing the program counter in lpc1759

For FOTA can we divide the memory into two blocks, eg : block A and block B. And whenever there is a new version of firmware detected, we shall change the execution point of the code. Is this ...
Keerthana R's user avatar
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How to enter into ISP mode through 'reinvoke ISP' in LPC1759

In LPC1759, I entered ISP through "reinvoke ISP" with the following steps Disable PLL Reset timer 1 Re-map interrupt vectors Set watch dog timeout Reinvoke ISP After entering into ISP, What exactly ...
Keerthana R's user avatar
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Choosing the right microcontroller [closed]

How do you choose a micro-controller for your project? My hardware requirements are : I2c SPI ADC channels SMD package 3.3V operating voltage A few GPIOs. There are so many microcontrollers ...
Soham's user avatar
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Deep power down mode in LPC17xx

I am currently working on a home project. I want to put my LPC1769 in deep power down mode. this is the code I have so far: ...
Arjon Arts's user avatar
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LPC2148 baud rate equation

I'm little confused about the baud rate calculating equation of LPC2148 In data sheet equation is But in every tutorial I could find equation is Second equation sets the baud rate as required. ...
Athul's user avatar
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TLV5606 interfacing

Has anyone had any experience interfacing the TLV5606 DAC with a microcontroller (via SPI)? I'm having trouble getting any output from the DAC, which I suspect is down to my code. Does anyone have ...
19172281's user avatar
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Keil : LPC1768 UART : Error: L6200E: Symbol a multiply defined (by main.o and uart.o)

I am learning ARM programming. I've configured uart of lpc2148 before. But there I included entire code in single file. Today I separated them in .c and .h file. But When tried to build, I got ...
Athul's user avatar
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Changing pin direction without glitching on LPC800

I'm looking at an LPC812 Cortex M0+ microcontroller and its GPIO functions. On a PIC microcontroller, one would always set the LATch prior to changing the direction of a given pin. This avoids the ...
carveone's user avatar
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ADC Burst mode in LPC2119 not working

I have been trying to work with ADC using ARM 7 LPC 2119 in burst mode however this functionality is not working. My code is as follows: ...
rrz0's user avatar
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LPC1343 double pin functions

I was looking to create a LPC1343 development board, but I noticed something odd. If you look at the pinout for this MCU you can see double functions for some pins. This is common, so you can program ...
wuppie367's user avatar
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smart card clocking using NXP

In my current project, I'm trying to implement a smart card reader using LPC1788 which has a built-in smart card interface. Smart cards use the ISO7816-3 standard to communicate with the outside world....
Alireza 's user avatar
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LPC1347 group level interrupt clearing

I'm using LPC1347 board which has two group interrupts. I'd like to write simple program which uses only one pin group interrupt (for testing only). Edge interrupts works well but when I change ...
Mati33's user avatar
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FatFs f_write not working in LPC1788 Timer ISR

I’m using LPC1788 MCU with KeilV5 compiler. I Have a Timer ISR in which I read a value form specific ADC channel and write it into a SD-Card using FATFS library. Here is my Timer ISR code: ...
Nima's user avatar
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Microcontroller (lpc1347) RMW operation

I am a newbie and I am trying to understand how particular register (in lpc1347) works. Maybe it's common problem, maybe it's specific to lpc boards. I'd like to learn how GPIO and PININT register ...
abba's user avatar
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Sometimes LCD display is initialized half white

Rarely right after the startup my LCD display shows half the screen completely white, the other half shows the software without problems. The main problem here is that to see this problem I have to ...
Rodolfo's user avatar
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VDDA / VSSA - how do LC filters isolate the input pins to minimize error and noise

I am trying to design a PCB with LPC4088 microcontroller which needs digital power supply VDD/VSS and analog power supply VDDA/VSSA. I had no problem with understanding how to connect digital power ...
71GA's user avatar
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Jlink Commander doesn't find LPC4088 microcontroller on my homemade PCB

I just finished a homemade PCB with a LPC4088 microcontroller and some other components. When I connected my board to the J-link EDU probe over JTAG connector and start Jlink Commander, Cortex-M4 ...
71GA's user avatar
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Microcontrollers interrupts what is "pending"?

I just started learning timers with my lpc 1347 board. Here is simple code from lpcopen ...
Mati's user avatar
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LPC4088 - JTAG dilemma

I have been trying to make a LPC4088 (user manual, datasheet) PCB for some time now and I have a dilemma concerning a JTAG. For connecting a 20-pin JTAG connector I followed the pinning table found on ...
71GA's user avatar
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ALU,RAM and ROM test for LPC 1778

Im working on a non safety project and as part of the Initialization tests I wanted to check the internal memory of LPC1778 for proper functionality before beginning the application. I dont intend to ...
AlphaGoku's user avatar
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Purpose of this coding style

I came across this piece of code for an LPCxxxx microcontroller, in the reset routine. ...
legen's user avatar
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How to get I2C to shut up while waiting for data in master transmit mode on LPC1114

I have an LPC1114(FN28) that I am writing some code for. Currently I am trying to provide an asynchronous view of the I2C interface to my code (the chip has a built-in I2C controller). The controller ...
Thomas's user avatar
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GPIO speed in LPC812 Cortex-M0 MCU from NXP

Based on datasheet page 17: GPIO registers are located on the ARM Cortex M0+ IO bus for fastest possible single-cycle I/O timing, allowing GPIO toggling with rates of up to 15 MHz. And I used a ...
MHD's user avatar
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Sampling error in Lpc1769's Adc

I am trying to sample sin wave using Lpc1769's Adc. I am sampling signal using adc and send this data to pc using serial port (115200 baud rate). My sampling frequency is 1.5 kHz. When I sample 100 Hz ...
Sukru Arslan's user avatar
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LPC1769 PC Communication

I am using LPC1769 micro controller and planning to use one of its serial (UART) port for PC communication. It has 4 UART ports (UART0,1,2 and 3) For PC communication purpose, can I use all ports or ...
Electroholic's user avatar
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Lpc1769 Adc Reading Problem

I am trying to use LPC1769's ADC. The ADC is operating at 12 MHz. In the LPC1769, for one conversion, 65 clock cycles are required. It means that for one conversion, 5.41 us are required. I toggle one ...
user3104363's user avatar
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LPC4088 - pin no. 1

I am dealing with LPC4088 microcontroller and I have a problem because I am not sure where is the pin no. 1. In the documentation it says there is a dot to index the pin: But in reallity it looks ...
71GA's user avatar
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Generating pulses via timer match output or timer ISR?

I'm using LPC1778 uC for a project and want to know what is the difference between generating pulses via timer match output and via toggling a pin in a timer ISR. What are the pros and cons of both ...
AlphaGoku's user avatar
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Variations in pulses generated and read by a uC

I have a 2 uC's(LPC1778 and a PIC), that perform 2 separate functions. The PIC generates pulses that are coded,where each bit of the code has a pulse duration of 1ms and a complete code is 8 bits long(...
AlphaGoku's user avatar
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Priority among prioritised interrupts

I am using 2 interrupts on LPC1778. One for CAN and one for timer. The CAN interrupts whenever a new message is received. The timer interrupts every 200uS. The priority for timer interrupt is the ...
AlphaGoku's user avatar
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CAN Loopback test using SN65HVD233-HT

Im using the SN65HVD233-HT CAN transceiver where it states that loopback is possible without data going out to the bus. Im using LPC1778 uC and want to know,if i enable the loopback pin in the ...
AlphaGoku's user avatar
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LPc11u68 Recognized as an USB mass storage device even when programmed in HID class

When I connected a newbie LPC11u68 to USB port,it recognized in windows as an USB mass storage device.When I programmed LPCOPEN HID example by Flash magic to it,after resetting the board,my PC can't ...
Dizgah's user avatar
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Can the output of a TCXO drive a LPC1114 uC?

Is it possible to drive the on-chip oscillator of LPC1114FN28 using the clock output of a FOX924B TCXO? The Datasheet of the uC indicates that a 100 pF cap needs to be put between the oscillator and ...
Abhishek's user avatar
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Will using a CMOS OCXO as extrnal oscillator for the XTAL input for LPC1114FN28 work?

I am trying to make a circuit which would measure the time interval between two pulses accurately. For this I have decided to use an OCXO with CMOS output and the LPC1114FN28 microprocessor. I plan ...
Abhishek's user avatar
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Flash Magic for code dumping (LPC1778)

I was reading a book called "Insiders guide to the Phillips ARM7 based microcontrollers". There it says "The easiest way to program the Flash is by the built in bootloader which allows the code to be ...
AlphaGoku's user avatar
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Rx data rate on CAN bus faster than polling rate

I'm working on a safety-critical SIL 4 system and so interrupts have to be kept to a bare minimum (hence using only timer interrupts). CAN is used in polling mode. Suppose data arrives at a CAN node ...
AlphaGoku's user avatar
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UART is acting weird

I programmed UART3 peripheral on LPC4088 to send a single unsigned character posiljka over Tx line. This is done by continuously copying this character into the ...
71GA's user avatar
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Why does my LPC812 require PIO0_1 to be tied to ground?

I am using an LPC812 (specifically the 20 pin SOIC version LPC812M101JD20). This is currently soldered to an adapter and being tested in a breadboard. To program this PIO0_5 (RESET) and PIO0_12 (ISP ...
patthoyts's user avatar
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Necessary things in LPC1343 basic development board

I have finished my LPC1343 basic development board,just based on specs from datasheet and some referred from I'm unsure if the board design is good or not so I've attached my ...
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