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Questions tagged [firmware]

Firmware refers to software running on an embedded system or microcontroller to control hardware directly.

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Sony CXD5605 Datasheet & Reference Schematic

I'm trying to find a proper datasheet with a reference schematic for the Sony CXD5605 or CXD5610 GNSS IC. They don't have anything published on their website.
Tharindu Suraj's user avatar
-1 votes
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Want to build ESP project with a specific (Is there something like a multi-stage compiler?? XD) [closed]

I am working on a project with ESP32 and I use ESP-IDF to compile to compile the project. Some files in my project cannot be shared with the whole team due to security reasons, so I want to have a ...
Dojhoe's user avatar
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Booting from Cortex-M33 on STM32MP2

We have a significant portion of our application written with STMCubeIDE and running on a Cortex-M4. We would like to migrate to an STM32MP2 microprocessor, which features A35 and M33 cores. However, ...
SADALI Mohand's user avatar
6 votes
9 answers

Is it a good idea to perform I2C Communication in the ISR?

I am working with an I2C based sensor. The requirement is that whenever some new data is ready, it generates an interrupt (hey, new data is ready, aka RDY.) What I have implemented currently is, I ...
stack-overflow---'s user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Remote update firmware for MCU

I am planning to implement a remote firmware update for my MCU and seek recommendations on the necessary features for the MCU. Specifically, I would like to understand the requirements regarding ...
Andromeda's user avatar
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Strange behaviour of the gain register on image sensor OV7251 (with graphs!)

I am working with the OV7251 image sensor from Omnivision (sorry, the datasheet is not public, so I can't link to it). According to the datasheet, the gain and exposure can be set. The datasheet ...
Rocketmagnet's user avatar
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How to extract firmware from STM32F437

I found a board with STM32F437II chip on it. Apparently it has built-in flash memory to store the firmware. Is there a way of extracting this firmware for further analysis and reverse engineering? ...
mopalinski's user avatar
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STM32 Over-The-Air update with SIM7682E LTE modem

I have a need to add an Over-The-Air firmware update feature to my project. It is based on STM32F103CBT6 and SIMCOM SIM7682E LTE modem. The main idea is to connect to the FTP server or get the file ...
Nazar Diadiun's user avatar
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STEP Motor Maximum Speed

Hello I'm struggling with getting my nema 23 step motor(3A max) to achieve maximum speeds and I'm wondering if its the algorithm or the motor driver. I'm using 24 volt power supply with TB6600 step ...
Bommersooner21's user avatar
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Which part on the circuit board has the software or firmware? [closed]

I am having difficulty to locate which part holds the firmware or software to make the board function properly. The board is used as a control for a 375 kW drive. I replaced the board with a new one ...
عمر العفيف's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

What does an SD Card do internally during the 74 clock cycles at startup

It is documented that the SD Bus Interface requires 74 clock cycles before the first command is sent: Taken from SD Specifications Part 1 Physical Layer, Simplified Specification, Version 6.00 https:/...
Graham's user avatar
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Unexplained issue with an ST Microelectronics STM32F100C6T6 MCU

I have been working on a rather sophisticated switch-mode power supply out of a Crown professional audio amplifier. The STMicroelectronics STM32F100C6T6 is used on the power supply PCB for ...
Chitra's user avatar
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4 answers

Where should the interrupt vector table be placed in memory on STM32H7A3RGT6 chips?

According to the STM32H7 programming manual "On system reset, the vector table is at address 0x00000000." But at the same time the STM32H7A3 reference manual says in it's memory map ...
ultraturbonoob's user avatar
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PLM and handling software/firmware components

I need some help from any PLM experts in the community. I am looking for guidance on how to handle firmware/software releases in a PLM system. it seems that most of these PLM systems are geared for ...
Awm0121's user avatar
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Replacing broken CSR8670CG on BOSE soundlink color 2

Injecting 4V DC directly on the PCB as shown in the following image I got the CSR8670CG IC becoming very hot. I suspect that the IC is broken and I am wondering if changing it is a feasible option. ...
stenio's user avatar
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MSP430FR4133 Low Battery Voltage Periodic Monitoring

Here is the code I used to configure and monitor my voltage that when it becomes 1.2V, BATTERY_ON symbol on my LCD is ON. The checking of voltage is every 10 seconds. This code below works using ...
Bravo's user avatar
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STM32 vector table with wrong addresses

I tried to manually setup a STM32 project for my nucleo board, however the binary behaves strangely during compilation. The current project state is located in a github repository. I noted two ...
andre.hre's user avatar
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Problem with backtrace during STM32 debugging

I've been working with a STM32 nucleo board, model F446RE, and my application code only uses low level drivers, no HAL features are employed. My compilation process has been created manually, with a ...
andre.hre's user avatar
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Are NOR FLASH NVM ICs generic and largely interchangeable?

I need a NOR FLASH ROM chip that's SOIC-8 and 16MiB in size, and it's purpose is to contain boot firmware. There are so many that I'm afraid of installing the wrong one to find out it's not suitable ...
nohatsatthetable's user avatar
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Can a pin be on a state different from the reset state if the chip is erased?

I am working with the STM32F030CC and noticed that PA2 strangely has an internal pull-up resistor enabled when the chip is erased. The reset state of that pin is high-impedance input, and when I press ...
Daniel Sprenger's user avatar
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Reflashing firmware for preventive purposes

This is a relatively common malfunction for the installed firmware in some old electrical devices to become corrupted. I often see this in repair videos, and there's often an easy fix - reflash the ...
NSp's user avatar
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Trouble communicating with ICM-20948 IMU over I2C

My setup: I'm trying to communicate with an ICM-20948 IMU over I2C with a Raspberry Pi Pico, and writing C++ with Visual Studio Code. I have started with the Sparkfun Arduino library for this chip, ...
Rocketmagnet's user avatar
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Issue in Firmware Upload

I have a PCB with ESP32-Wroom32 module and CP2012N is used as USB to UART converter for Firmware upload via Arduino IDE. Issue is when I connect USB of PCB to my PC then my Task manager is not showing ...
Zunuran Nasrullah's user avatar
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3 answers

Microchip WBZ451 / PIC32CX with PicKit4 resists programming with SWD

I have a WBX451, that's a BLE + blah module with a PIC32CX on it. I'm trying to program it with a PicKit4 using SWD. I have about 2 hour experience programming PIC controllers and 1.5 decade ...
Gambanishu Habbeba's user avatar
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Difference between firmware, bootloader, and the code memory

I am new to microcontrollers and am facing a problem regarding the understanding of the terms firmware, bootloader and the actual code of a microcontroller. In some places I have read that the ...
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Faulty address line [closed]

how to find address line fault in microcontroller if microcontroller connected to external memory through address line? if given one line in address is faulty how to pinpoint the particular line ...
Mentee's user avatar
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SparkFun USB UART Breakout (CY7C65213) board burning

I have been using the SparkFun USB UART Breakout (CY7C65213) board for flashing firmware to boards. But it is always burning up the Microcontroller and ruining the boards after a about 30-40 writes. I ...
Sujith's user avatar
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Reflashing a Playstation 5 firmware chip using a USB EEPROM programmer

I have a PS5 that does the BLOD when powering on and instantly turns off. I read that I would need to first find the firmware chip and reflash it with another good one using a USB EEPROM programmer. I ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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How to dump firmware from a PCB with an MCU and FPGA and make sure all data is extracted successfully?

I have an old PCB that is no longer manufactured. I'd like to get the firmware out of it, but it looks like it has an MCU on it and an Altera Cyclone FPGA first generation. I'm still learning how the ...
nRov's user avatar
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Where can I find STM32F030X6 linker script?

I want to build code for my STM32F030F4 using arm-gcc-none-eabi. The STM32CubeF0 is already downloaded, and inside the repository, I found the location of the startup file. However, I haven't found ...
andre.hre's user avatar
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Locating flash chip for dumping firmware

I'm trying to dip my toes into reversing and thought that dumping and inspecting the firmware running on this controller/pcb would be fun learning, however I'm having trouble locating the flash chip. ...
arrayCobbler's user avatar
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Securing PCB from illegal redistribution [closed]

I'm wondering if there is a state of the art method for securing a PCB with a microcontroller against copy and illegal distribution. For example the well known the flight controller SP racing F3 had ...
Yann's user avatar
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How to start the user firmware after the bootloader firmware has finished in a Cortex-M3?

I'm trying to figure out the sequence of booting between bootloader and user firmware in the Cortex-M3. The Cortex-M3 design supports basic examples such as "Hello". Here is the snippet for ...
Carter's user avatar
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I'm working on firmware for an STM32F103 which is communicating over RS232 at 9600 baud. I need to transmit and receive the data by using UART_DMA method. For transmitting the data, the DMA register ...
Surendran 's user avatar
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How can I perform a DFU from an ESP32 to the nRF52840?

I have a nRF52840 and an ESP32 and I want to perform a DFU to nRF52840 from ESP32, supposing I have the signed binary file in the ESP32. I was already able to perform the DFU to nRF52840 using MCUboot,...
Henrique Sander Lourenço's user avatar
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How to find and enable fault input pins on AVR Timer/Counter-D (TCD)?

My application requires that my PWM outputs have an asynchronous and fast acting "fault" input that pulls the outputs low as soon as a fault is detected. AVR's "TCD" timer has ...
Anas Malas's user avatar
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Include UUIDs in embedded firmware image

I do have firmware for an embedded device, which has several UUIDs in flash. The UUIDs have to change for every controller flashed in production. There is no EEProm available - only flash. I'm ...
ElectronicsStudent's user avatar
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Problem with connecting split keyboard with sea-micro microcontrollers

First of all, I'm not sure that this issue has a place in this forum, if I'm wrong, please let me know and I'll post it where appropriate. I have assembled a mechanical keyboard based on helix. The ...
Fco Javier Balón's user avatar
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What is the actual trigger of motherboard debug LEDs?

I am aware that when one remains lit, it is indicative of the part of my system that can't be initialized; it's helped me with several builds. However, I can't help but notice that even in a perfectly ...
Michael Macha's user avatar
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Using an internally developed RTOS, is this expertise or madness? [closed]

I work for a company which is using a very efficient, but difficult to use RTOS for the embedded projects which they design bottom up, hardware included. This RTOS is 100% made from scratch internally ...
thexeno's user avatar
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Fail-safe half-bridge

I've been thinking about this for a while now, to use in the powered jaw of some publicly accessible, human-sized animatronics. I want a lot of force to be available to move quickly, and to ...
AaronD's user avatar
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5 answers

Is it possible to make an MCU hang by messing with its power?

We have a bunch of ARM microcontrollers on test at the moment. The test runs for 360 hours and mostly completes without a hitch, but very occasionally, one of the microcontrollers will hang. We have ...
Rocketmagnet's user avatar
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Best practices to manage hardware variants in Firmware develpment [closed]

As a product is developed, new hardware versions (variants) emerge. Sometimes, different hardware versions may include different types of ICs, and even new functionalities that are not included in ...
mapedraza's user avatar
2 votes
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Do ASCII or Unicode Bit-Level Anagrams exist? [closed]

Is there such a thing as a bit-level ASCII anagram, that forms a natural language word when the bits are interpreted as ASCII from left to right, but a different natural language word when interpreted ...
P2000's user avatar
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Embedded firmware and app? [closed]

I am in Hardware Design trying to get into Embedded Systems, so please pardon me for lame questions. So, Scenario 1 : I upload an Arduino Sketch into Arduino with the help of Arduino Bootloader . ...
Curious Cosmopolitan's user avatar
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Has anyone ever used an AZ Displays LCD?

I have a character LCD that I'm trying to get working. It's an AZ Displays 16x4 character LCD. The backlight works perfectly, but there is no display (not even those little boxes that you expect on ...
Dan's user avatar
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NAND read returns 0 blocks

I need to perform a firmware extraction, so I extrcted the NAND TSOP48 chip from the board. Chip part no: S34MS01G200TFI00 Link to chip: link to chip I then mounted it on a NAND reader Link to NAND ...
dclaudiud's user avatar
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STM32 and ESP8266EX Flash Programming

I'm a complete beginner to electronics, I have done few projects using different modules, it's so easy to do with modules. Now I want to learn and do some advanced hobby projects. So I decided to ...
Deebash D's user avatar
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External Memory and Booting

I am trying to use external memory on my stm32h750. I've tutorial information about the these proccess. I decide to use below methods to use external flash Write the code in 0x80000 address and ...
gogogo's user avatar
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STM32G030: more smaller and simpler library for software development than HAL/LL/libopencm3/tinygo?

I'm quite a fan of the STM32G030x6/x8 "line" since it is small and fits most of (my) needs as a more modern replacement to the Arduino platform built ...
mythbu's user avatar
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