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Questions tagged [keil]

The MDK-ARM is a complete software development environment for Cortex™-M, Cortex-R4, ARM7™ and ARM9™ processor-based devices. MDK-ARM is specifically designed for microcontroller applications.

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Can the DMA memory generated by the DAC be accessed/read? [closed]

Can the data generated by DMA in memory be accessed and used as data?
Meria Rajagukguk's user avatar
0 votes
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Why my serial monitor receive reverse byte from STM32F407 UART?

I am using Keil STMF407ZGT6's USART1 to send some data(encoded in UTF-8) which is "00000" to my pc(x86_64). My usart setting is 9600 baud rates, 8 bits data without parity, 1 stop bit. But I ...
Ben V's user avatar
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1 answer

Weird build error on Keil µVision

I'm building a project based on modbus. The problem happens at the header file (.h). Even there are commas at the array, when I build, it gives error as [...
qwertyqwq's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

STM32F03C8T6 (Bluepill) problem when work with JSON using cJSON library

I am currently working with a bluepill STM32 board to stream JSON data to my computer, but it always give me null return. I am trying any method and tutorial provided in internet but it gives nothing. ...
Wahyu Dwi's user avatar
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ftp_client_demo example for NUCLEO-F429ZI in Keil uVision problem with server connection

I am trying to run the ftp_client_demo for NUCLEO-F429ZI evaluation board in Keil uVision that can be found in the Pack Installer for Keil uVision and in here :
George P.'s user avatar
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Debug Problem of STM32 with Keil

As a beginner I want to learn freeRTOS. Accordingly, I need to have access to the debug section in the KEIL. I test debug with two STM32 Dev Boards including bluepill(stm32f103) and blackpill (...
Saeed's user avatar
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STM32F -- flashing with StLink/STM32Cube, afterwards Keil ULink does not connect

Flashing a board with STLink+STM32Cube, them Keil uLink does not connect. Erasing board with STLink+STM32Cube, same problem. The HW is proven from many other boards, but using STLink for 1st ...
Fred Belsak's user avatar
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STM32 NUCLEO programming problem with STLink V2 Clone

Having a trouble with STLink programmer. Error occours in Keil. When I am trying the download code to flash this error appears. If I am using a USB port for debug there is no error. But I need to ...
MSB's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Is it possible to reprogram Megawin MG87FE52 IC?

I found an old PCB of a weighing machine in which there was this IC named MG87FE52AE by Megawin that I want to reprogram and play around with, but when I looked at the data sheet of the IC there was ...
BluTen's user avatar
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How can I choose hrtc.Init.SynchPrediv value

I am using STM32L073V8T6 microchip. I'm trying to get clock data using RTC with this. If I set the hrtc.Init.SynchPrediv value to 258 while configuring, it overcounts about 4 minutes in 24 hours. Even ...
semender's user avatar
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Adafruit BNO055 orientation sensor

My sensor is a BNO055 Absolute Orientation Sensor. I wanted to see if the sensor is ready or not. I tried to run it using different libraries, but it never worked. I couldn't understand why. Then I ...
LOODAN's user avatar
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Input pin stm32g0 always remains low

I am learning the stm32 using a stm32g070cbt6 micro controller with custom PCB. When I add an external pull-up to the pa4 pin and use it as an input pin. Nevertheless, when I read the pin, the output ...
Riayat's user avatar
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Activate VREF+ pin on STM32L073VBT6

I would like to read ADC over STM32L073VBT6. When I try this, I see that the value is always 4095 and does not change (expected to be 0 or close to it). While searching for the error I noticed that ...
semender's user avatar
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How to write the scatter file for Keil uVision to force linker to allocate variables in SRAM?

Development environment I'm working with STM32F427 and I use Keil uVision V5.29 to develop my application. The version of the ArmCLang Compiler, of the Assembler and the linker is 6.131.1. Scatter ...
User051209's user avatar
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Why does Ethernet stop working if the value of Ethernet DMA control registers refers to CCM memory?

Development environment and application details I'm working with STM32F427 and I use Keil uVision V5.29 to develop my application. The version of the ArmCLang Compiler, of the Assembler and the linker ...
User051209's user avatar
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How to solve the linker 'Error: L6218E Undefined symbol' when I compile a project with RTOS ThreadX?

I'm trying to compile a project where I have add the Software Pack RTOS ThreadX on a STM32F4 and I'm using uVision Keil 5.29. I have included ThreadX in the project ...
User051209's user avatar
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How should I configure the ADC of an injected channel with PWM for STM32 microcontroller?

I am trying to configure the ADC injected channel with PWM using STM32F103C8T6 but I don't know how to configure the ADC injected channel with PWM.
Sudhakar R's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

UART not sending correct data in STM32

I have to send data by UART1 from my STM32F429. The problem is that the data is not sent correctly. I debugged and I got this. For testing I want to send ...
niloofar's user avatar
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ADC Multiple Channel without using DMA

below i give my code. here i using 2 ADC Channel and i getting first ADC channel value only. i need to read both ADC channel value. ...
Sudhakar R's user avatar
-2 votes
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Using STM32F103C6 SPI just for reading an EEPROM 25AA010A data [closed]

No matter what is written before, is that possible? Without knowing what data is written inside of an EEPROM 25AA010A, I want to read it using STM32F103C6 SPI. I write and read before on it, but now I ...
mohamad abedi's user avatar
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Can any one help me to change the alpha value in my foreground? I have written a function to show my images by DMA2D. It is OK when I call my function and change the value, but when I use a ...
niloofar's user avatar
-1 votes
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Problem with the output of the engine control signal

Program to control three DC motor levels and display speed (RPM) on a 7-segment LED using 8051. Use external interrupt 0 to read pulse from encoder. When compiling on keil C there is no error, but ...
Pumbaa's user avatar
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2 answers

Keil C & 8051: DC Motor Speed Control & Display [closed]

I am writing a program to control three DC motor levels and display speed (RPM) on a 7-segment LED display using an 8051. I use an external interrupt to read pulse from encoder. When compiling, the ...
Pumbaa's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Measuring capacitance with STM32

I'm trying to measure capacitance with my STM32L053-Disco. I'm using the ADC and one output pin to charge the capacitor. I tried measuring the time it takes for the capacitor to charge to 62.3%. The ...
Rexepo LT's user avatar
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CAN bus wrong bit rate calculation - stm32f107 keil drivers

I am using keil drivers to use CAN bus on an STM22F107. The method below is used to set CAN baud rate. ...
user15847's user avatar
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STM32F107 CAN software driver does not work

I am using ST drivers to use CAN bus on an STM22F107 according to the code below. It does not work. The code is as below and is available here. ...
user15847's user avatar
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Can I download my code from Keil uVision5 or STM32CubeIDE to the STM32F103C6T6 board via FTDI?

Can I download my code from Keil uVision5 or STM32CubeIDE to the STM32F103C6T6 board via FTDI? If yes, then how should I do it? I can't find anything that helps online. If there is no method to do so ...
LinkToPhD's user avatar
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RL-TCPnet crash when send and get at the same time

I'm working on a web service with RL-ARM libraries. I want to send some parameters with AJAX as .cgx file and at the same time I want to create a socket and then send a lot of data to the destination. ...
Milad Rasouli's user avatar
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LPC1788 multichannel ADC DMA

I have problem with reading LPC1788 ADC pins in multichannel with DMA. Here is the procedure I have followed. I use Keil, initialized UART 0 peripheral, have set all of the ADC pins to be analog, set ...
V.Ajall's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How to repeat a task every X ms on STM32F303VCT6 (C++) using timers/interrupts?

My aim is to do the following: 1- Repeat a task every 250ms and when the button is pressed the task is repeated every 500ms, and if the button is pressed again go back to every 250ms. 2- I plan on ...
Electrical_engineer_student's user avatar
1 vote
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TLE9879 SoC debug interface only works when under-volted

I'm using a TLE9879 BLDC Shield as a development kit, that is, I'm programming the SoC itself rather than controlling it with an Arduino. The board has a Cortex 10 pin SWD interface, to which I ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
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Receiving garbage values in USART

I wrote a code in bare-metal mode and USART communication in Keil on stm32f107. But it keeps sending garbage while I expect it to send me "HI" repeatedly. Here are my steps: Wrote an ...
John's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How to calculate overflow in ARM mathematical operations

Consider: LDR r0,=(1:SHL:31) ; this means r0 contains = 2^31 = 0x80000000 ADDS r0,r0,r0 ; which means r0 = 0x80000000+ 0x80000000. Firstly, I know it is an ...
Meep's user avatar
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3 answers

C preprocessor problem in KEIL [closed]

Here is my code: ...
John Jin's user avatar
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PA15 doesn't work as GPIO even after Enabling GPIO_Remap_SWJ_JTAGDisable

My MCU is STM32F107. My main program works fine with using different peripherals and function. In my program a very simple task makes me crazy. I need to use PA15 as GPIO (The simplest task:) ) I ...
John Jin's user avatar
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STM32F103C8 resets after a couple of hours

I have an STM32F103C8 board and my program is switching the GPIOB1 with frequency of 500 kHz. At first, microcontroller runs the program perfectly, but the main problem is that MCU resets after a ...
Adistrict's user avatar
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Expected a "," Error in keil

Error: ../Src/main.c(107): error: #253: expected a "," code part: uint8_t maskPWR_MGMT_2[2] = {0x6c, 0b00000111};//6c
Vivek pkd's user avatar
1 vote
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STM32F103 Debug Error - Cannot Access Target

Im having problem at debugging, tried to load basic led toggle program for test purpose and its work fine but when i tried to debug it, im getting " Cannot Access Target, Shutting Down Debug ...
U.Sim's user avatar
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3 answers

Keil Error: Not a genuine ST Device! Abort connection

I am using ST-link V2 for programming/ debugging my STM32F103C8t MCU using Keil. So the problem is that when I try to program the STM32 controller it shows a popup error Not a genuine ST Device! Abort ...
Dharmik's user avatar
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stm32 keil cannot assign array in interrupt

I can not assign my array in interrupt. My main.c function is like this: ...
Andrey Rogatkin's user avatar
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problem with capacitance measuring with stm32f103RE

I'm trying to measure a capacitor's value and send it to the uart terminal. I'm using stm32f103re and I'm using registers. I attached the circuit I'm using and also my code. the code is working now ...
salar1991's user avatar
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problem with ili9341 touch interface using stm32f103ret6

I successfully used a HAL library to drive a TFT ili9341 LCD with xpt2046 touch driver and tried drawing a line on the LCD by touching the LCD and the code was perfectly accurate then I rewrote the ...
salar1991's user avatar
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problem with using ili9341 TFT LCD with stm32f103RE

i successfully used a HAL code i found on Github for driving an ili9341 TFT LCD with SPI then I rewrote the code with registers. Part of my code works and i am able to fill pixels with color but when ...
salar1991's user avatar
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STM32L476RG ADC bare metal

I bought STM32L476RG nucleo to learn bare metal programming. Im following a online course on udemy and so far i have suceeded with everything except hitting a wall now with ADC. First of all i have ...
Mini Tamm's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Why PORT D pin 15 LED not turning on, in STM32F407 Discovery

I am trying to turn on a LED for STM32F407 Discovery which is PORT D pin 15, as shown in the diagram below and the link attached to it. I am using Keil and an ST-Link debugger setting as shown below. ...
ron398's user avatar
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Change DMA memory content

I need to change the DMA content(the values of the memory) for my application(doing animation on ws2812b strips). DMA circular mode DMA with PWM generation To further clarify, here's code for a ...
unkownhihi's user avatar
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stc12c5a60s2 similar code but typed in different PC not working in keil

Is there any reason why the code typed in my friends pc(bottom) works properly while the code I typed in my pc(top) doesn't? Both doesn't seem to have any error when compiled on my PC, but when ...
Amai Shopai's user avatar
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STM32f103 ADC 1 strange behavior

I'm currently working on a project which uses the STM32f103c8 blue pill to read analog signals from a 3 current sense amplifiers. I noticed that the values were correct most of the time but would ...
Corbin Justice VanZant's user avatar
2 votes
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ST-link doesnt run the MCU after programming and reset in KEIL 5.33

I have updated my KEIL from 5.15 to 5.33. In KEIL 5.15 I set Reset and Run option in Flash->Configure Flash Tools->Debug( Selecting St-link) Settings->flash download and after programming my ...
John Jin's user avatar
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Convert decimal fraction to binary number

I have this code that works for me to convert a double into a binary representation, I want to know how to convert the Fractional Part if it were separately. Example Function Prototype would be: ...
Jose Rodriguez Perez's user avatar