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Questions tagged [ili9341]

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I have a 320*240 LCD with an ili9341 driver that I want to drive using the LTDC unit of a microcontroller. However, according to the datasheet, my LCD does not have VSYNC, HSYNC, and DE pins. Can you ...
Alireza ganjeh's user avatar
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Can't fill the ILI9341 display with color. STM32, SPI

Connecting STM32F407VGT6 to ILI9341 display. I need to perform a simple task: fill the display with some color. Current display status: The display backlight lights up. The display is not filled with ...
stm's user avatar
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ILI9341 TFT display in XIAO ESP32 Seeeduino MISO issue

I am using a XIAO ESP32 Seeeduino with an ILI9341 TFT display that is working great. The touch screen is also working well. The problem is that I have to disconnect the MISO connection every time I ...
Bryan Medina's user avatar
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STM32 C library for ILI9341 TFT LCD with 16-bit data bus?

I'm using FSMC with ILI9341 LCD and I have some troubles with the LCD. The LCD comes in lot of different sorts, but this one do I have. I'm using this library but the problem is that I get only two ...
euraad's user avatar
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ESP32 ILI9341 Intermittent White Flashing Screen on Power Up

I am designing a tool for a CNC Machine and it's my first attempt at PCB design, I was looking for some help in troubleshooting an issue. I'm using an ESP32 MCU and it's connected to an ILI9341 2.8&...
kethort's user avatar
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How much current does the back light of ILI9341 LCD take?

I'm planning to do a turn-on-back-light construction with transistors like this: Where the LED is the back light of the LCD ILI9341. But to select the resistors, I need to find first how much current ...
euraad's user avatar
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problem with ili9341 touch interface using stm32f103ret6

I successfully used a HAL library to drive a TFT ili9341 LCD with xpt2046 touch driver and tried drawing a line on the LCD by touching the LCD and the code was perfectly accurate then I rewrote the ...
salar1991's user avatar
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problem with using ili9341 TFT LCD with stm32f103RE

i successfully used a HAL code i found on Github for driving an ili9341 TFT LCD with SPI then I rewrote the code with registers. Part of my code works and i am able to fill pixels with color but when ...
salar1991's user avatar
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ili9341 using 3 wire with stm32f030 [duplicate]

I am working with ili9341 TFT Display with STM32F0 MCU. And TFT display was connected with 3 configuration. I am confused between sending the "command" and "data" using spi communication. So can ...
SACHIN RAJPUT's user avatar
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STM32 - SPI - RTOS problem [closed]

I'm working on a project that uses a 2.8" arduino LCD. The LCD uses an ILI9341 driver. Now I'm testing this library: with an STM32F4-Discovery board (STM32F407)...
Gonzalo Cervetti's user avatar
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ILI9341 Library for arduino

I'm writing an arduino library for ILI9341 tft display. I tried to write on the display but nothing appears. Why? How can I solve the problem ? My source code: ...
jhon tonini's user avatar
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ILI9341 pinout problem

I recently ordered a LCD TFT 3.2 inch touch display from aliexpress: ILI9341_3.2_TFT_LCD I'm currently going through documentation for the chip (ILI9341_documentation) and I can't "connect" all the ...
Lazyboy's user avatar
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Do you need initialization when sending raw RGB data to a ILI9341 based LCD?

The title pretty much says it all. Can I just send RGB data according to the protocol or I need some init before that to make it work?
user34920's user avatar
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Selecting the correct ILI9341 Drive Mode for STM32F407 using FSMC

I have selected the STM32F405 for my next project. With this controller, I am planning to drive a 240x320-TFT with an ILI9341 display controller by using the STM32's internal FSMC interface. I have ...
Havefun's user avatar
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