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Questions tagged [stm32f103]

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2 answers

Simple circuit to interface MCU digital input with external high voltage

I am trying to build a GPS Tracker (STM32F103 MCU based), where I need a feature to detect the vehicle's IGNITION status (On / Off). The vehicle's batteries are generally 12V or 24V. But to be on a ...
Rakesh Mehta's user avatar
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How does DAC remap in STM32F103 (high density series) work?

May I remap the DAC output pins of my STM32F103ZET to another one? I saw this in the reference manual: But cannot find anything about the pin outputs.
Roh's user avatar
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I configured PB6 and PB7 to I2C using the CubeIDE GUI, and it automatically generated the code for me. I understand how I2C works but I am trying to see how HAL does it and this is the code that they ...
jdsus's user avatar
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What kind of BJT buffer should I use to connect a speaker to an STM32?

I'm trying to connect a speaker to an STM32. The purpose is to create sound using the DAC. The speaker I'm talking about is 0.5 W and 8 Ω. Tell me if I'm right: based on this the current will be 0.15 ...
Roh's user avatar
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I2C1 busy flag always high STM32F103RB

I finished my I2C peripheral drivers and I would like to test it with my BH1750 sensor but I am having an issue. When I initialize the I2C1 peripheral, everything is smooth but then I notice that the ...
jdsus's user avatar
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HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive not working properly

I am trying to use HAL function to drive SPI to read analog voltage from external ADC (adc128s102). I see what I expect to see in first 16 CLK with MISO(Blue) and MOSI(Yellow) line. But what's causing ...
Alia Sana's user avatar
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How to calculate the desired dead-time for 2 reversed pwm pulses?

I'm learning about stm32f103rct6 but I don't understand how to calculate the desired dead-time to configure on CubeMx as below. I don't know if it has a formula. If so, can you explain it to me? Thank ...
khale's user avatar
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STM32F103 custom boot loader hardfaults

I'm contributing to a project that was developed in Coocox CoIDE 2.0.6 for STM32F103RB (128Kb flash). I have to write a custom boot loader using CoIDE that can upgrade the application to the flash via ...
Otto's user avatar
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STM32F103 programming using a USB port and CubeProgrammer

I created a custom board with an STM32F103C8T6 microprocessor and Iwant to use the USB to program the board using the STM32CubeProgrammer. I found out thanks to a user on Stack Exchange that it is not ...
Y-E-Quit's user avatar
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STM32Fxx VDD/VSS Pairs

I'm reading an reference design app note for the STM32 F10xxxx family MCUs. Regarding decoupling caps for the VDD pins, it says: 6.4 Decoupling In addition, each power supply pair must be decoupled ...
jemalloc's user avatar
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Using STM32F103C6 SPI just for reading an EEPROM 25AA010A data [closed]

No matter what is written before, is that possible? Without knowing what data is written inside of an EEPROM 25AA010A, I want to read it using STM32F103C6 SPI. I write and read before on it, but now I ...
mohamad abedi's user avatar
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Is using STM32 Blue Pill's TIM1 PWM under Arduino a problem?

I have a question about the use of TIM1 on the STM32 Blue Pill. I want to build a synchronous buck converter using the Blue Pill and need to use PWM on TIM1 ch1..3 together with their complementary ...
wogoos's user avatar
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STM32F103: TIMER1 (CH3) doesn't work / produces no PWM (using libopencm3)

I use a STM32F103C8T6 with libopencm3 and I'm trying to get timer 1 on channel 3 (PA10) working. The datasheet (pg. 31) lists as ...
mythbu's user avatar
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How to program interrupts with standard peripheral libraries on stm32f103vet6?

I tried to program an interrupt with S2 that is connected to PB1 on my stm32f103vet6 board, but I failed and I don't know why! The codes here: ...
RedRabbit's user avatar
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How to let the robot car turn between 90 to 360 degrees?

The robot car has 3 motors, the first motor is a stepper motor which controls the 2 wheels in front of the car to tell which direction it is moving. The second and third motor is a dc motor which each ...
Zheng Xian's user avatar
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How to convert pulse width modulation (PWM) of DC motor to RPM or distance traveled?

I have a DC motor attached to a robot car wheel which can give me the PWM data as the motor is linked with the TB6612FNG H-bridge, but there is no other sensor to measure the RPM of the wheel. The ...
Zheng Xian's user avatar
3 votes
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Can I replace an STM32F105-RBT6 with a STM32F103-RET6? (ie. are they pin compatible?)

I'm using a Gotek Floppy Emulator which uses an STM32F105-RBT6. However, the chip appears to have died and I have a STM32F103-RET6 on-hand. They are both LQFP packages but are they pin compatible? ...
SofaKng's user avatar
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Problem with Keypad exercise on STM32 (Nucleo-F103RB)

I try to learn STM32 MCU programming and at the beginning I'd like to mark, that't I'm totally begginer in it, so please forgive me some mistakes (also language mistakes). So I'm using STM32F103RBT6 (...
ABC's user avatar
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Why doesn't the STM32F103 have the checkbox "Activate Vbus" for USB device mode in CubeMX?

I'm studying a task about STM32F103 interface USB in device mode. I see that the STM32F103 doesn't have the checkbox "Activate Vbus" in CubeMX but STM32f105 and STM32f107 have the checkbox. ...
Phạm Tài's user avatar
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TXE Interrupt is not generated ARM STM32F103C6

I'm trying to write a class to have the possibility of sending data using UART by TXE (TDR is empty) Interrupt. The class uses only USART1. The class has a ring data buffer to send. I have written a ...
German's user avatar
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What is the difference between TIMx_IRQHandler and HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback function?

I am a beginner, I am using the stm32F103 interrupt function TIM1_IRQHandler function to count, but HAL_TIM_PerodElapsedCallback can also achieve accurate counting, which one should I choose to use? ...
eezhijun's user avatar
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Can the HAL_ADC_Start(&hadc1) function be executed only once?

I am using STM32F103C8T6 ADC1 single channel continuous conversion mode to collect the ambient temperature, but I am not very clear about using the function HAL_ADC_Start (& hadc1) because the ...
eezhijun's user avatar
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Unable to communicate with LCD2004a via I2C (Nucleo-F103RB)

Hell guys, i'm trying to communicate with LCD2004a with the I2C extender. i followed this guide: what i did: I generated project using CUBEMX to Keil ...
Oded Yosef's user avatar
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How to change Voltage Reference in STM32 NUCLEO-F103RB board Analog Input from 3.3V to 5V?

I have a joystick module for Arduino connected to my PA0 pin (that pin is set as ADC1_IN0). I would like to read the voltage from that pin but there is a problem. The voltage on which the joy-stick ...
John's user avatar
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How to read USB mouse data using STM32f103C OTG USB functionality? [closed]

I wanted to build a project where is a screen displaying a pointer, and I wanted this pointer location to be determined by a USB mouse, so I used the ARM 32bit based STM32f103C microcontroller which ...
Shams M.Monem's user avatar
-1 votes
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STM32F103RCT6 custom design check

With little experience with electronics and comming from an Arduino background I am designing my first STM32 PCB. My question here is, since this is my first attempt, I would like to have some advice ...
Marc's user avatar
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3 answers

Programming STM32 Black Pill with ST-LINK/V2 dongle

So I recently bought the STM32F103C8T6 "black pill" dev board along with the ST-LINK/V2 dongle (more probably a Chinese clone). After much struggling I figured out that I need to hold down the dev ...
BdT141's user avatar
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Why HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit always returns HAL_BUSY?

I'm trying to use I2C between an STM32F103C8T6 development board and an Arduino Uno. However, I always get a HAL_BUSY error when I call HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit in ...
Michel Keijzers's user avatar