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Questions tagged [iar]

Anything related to the productions of IAR Systems. IAR Systems is a Swedish computer software company that offers development tools for embedded system. IAR Systems develops C and C++ compilers, debuggers, and other tools for developing and debugging firmware for 8-, 16-, and 32-bit processors.

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1 answer

IAR how to get the value of environment args [closed]

I would like to know what is the easiest way to get the value from the IAR's environment args such as $TOOLKIT_DIR$ or $PROJ_DIR$. I know what method uses Windows for it's environment variables, but I ...
GenGen's user avatar
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1 answer

Do we have any ways to make the common/shared library for bootloader and application for RTOS based system

I am developing RTOS based application with libraries given by the vendor. Now same library i need in Bootloader also. My concern is why don't we use common library placement so the we can reduce the ...
Nitesh's user avatar
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1 answer

STM32F407VE Save 4 bytes in flash Issue

4 bytes of new IP (type u32_t or uint32_t, IAR9.30.1) must be stored in flash memory to keep them until the next restart of the microcontroller. Would you tell me how to save 4 bytes without using HAL?...
Al a's user avatar
  • 37
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1 answer

STM32F407VE Change/Update IP Address Issue

I have a big problem to change IP Address without restart STM32F407VE. I'm working on STM32F407VE TCP/IP ethernet protocol (IAR9.30.1). I am able to transmit data to arm and receive to pc terminal (...
Al a's user avatar
  • 37
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0 answers

STM8L DMA and ADC out of sync

I have STM8LDiscovery (with STM8L152C6T6 CPU). I need to continuously read 2 ADC channels with writing the data to the memory. I'm doing my project in IAR EW for STM8 v. 3.11.4. I run into the problem:...
Roman Matveev's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Delete modules and variables that are not used in IAR

I wanted to use a standard library (CMSIS-DSP) and I only used a few functions & variables of that library, but it's like the whole library has been added to my project. And it takes a lot of ...
Ho3ein H K's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Writing bytes to internal flash memory blocks all interrupts on the STM32L0 despite moving the vector table and ISR functions to RAM

The Context I have a embedded system running on an STM32L053 processor that needs to process STM32 hardware timer interrupts regularly and cannot be disabled. These top-priority interrupts cannot be ...
Alex C's user avatar
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0 answers

STM8S Discovery : Button Logic Issue

I am making a project where in I am connecting few LEDs with my STM8 Discovery Board (PA3, PD3, PD4) and setting the mode using the on-board button (PB7). The issue I am facing is that I am able to ...
Amorphous's user avatar
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download code via SWD ADuCM3029

I made my own PCB using ADUCM30299 as microcontroller; in this card I also have a power management, BLE, Flash memory,USB Type C when I tried to calculate the voltage in SWD_CLK, SWD_DATA, .... I find ...
Safwen 's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

STM32F401 failed the search for probes ensure that the usb drivers are installed

I have a stm32f401vc discovery card, I can't download and debug the code you can find the error in this picture when I connected the card to my pc here is what I found in Device manager I worked on ...
Safwen 's user avatar
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How to read BMP280 "chip_id" using the Tiva TM4C123G SPI communication interface?

Am trying to read the chip_id of the BMP280 Pressure/Tempeture sensor using the Tiva TM4C123G Launchpad thought the SPI communication protocol. To begin with let me provide some back ground info and ...
Alex Roman's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

ISR won't modify a global variable (IAR)?

First, some background on what I'm working on. I have a custom board with ATmega324A that I designed as part of a project I'm working on. Originally, software for the uC was written for GCC in Atmel ...
0xd4v3's user avatar
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Smartfusion2 Programmer Error

I have recently start using the M2S150 Development kit from Microsemi and have run into an issue when attempting to program the board (via Libero 12.1). When running the "Run PROGRAM Action" ...
EpicFoodCartDestroyer's user avatar
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ST32F4 interrupt handler not getting called

Disassembly shows that MCU gets stuck at NMI_Handler so that means that interrupt is working. Why isn't the interrupt handler getting called ? My code- ...
jurgis1991's user avatar
4 votes
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Using Git version control software with IAR Embedded Workbench

I have been using Git / Bitbucket to manage versioning for Altium and MPLAB and have recently started using IAR for the STM8 series MCUs for a series of projects. Is there any Git integration to IAR ...
Cole Jackson's user avatar
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Linker error in Iar

When I compiled a program using stm32l476 micro controller using IAR embedded workbench IDE, I am getting the following linker error. Error[Li005]: no definition for "rtt_seq" [referenced ...
Nileena160's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Two different ways to open a project in IDE's for MCUs

I am using following 3 different IDE's for ARM based MCU's. TI's CCS ST's CubeIDE IAR's Workbench I have to move the entire projects which are build on each of these IDE's on different PC's from ...
homecloud's user avatar
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1 answer

Why my data in MSP430 flash was lost?

I am using MSP430F5340 MCU, IDE is IAR workbench,today after adding some lines of code, I found my data that previously stored in flash was crashed. So I supposed the code memory size in flash has ...
Ye Shiwei's user avatar
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2 answers

IAR EWARM Unknown or ambiguous symbol __probeCmd in .dmac file

When im downloading and debugging my firmware to STM32G070 Nucleo board with IAR EWARM, im getting the following error message in the debug log, I tried researching about ...
tonyjosi's user avatar
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How can an IAR ODE system be dynamic and LTI at the same time?

I'm currently studying a course of systems and signals. we talked about IAR ODE systems and their properties, and I have a question about something I don't quite get - how can an Initially at rest ODE ...
E. Ginzburg's user avatar
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Converting an SPI configuration for msp430 to msp432 IAR Workbench

I have a spi configuration code for a msp430 and DAC161S997 but i am trying to use the DAC with my ...
Oguzhanreis's user avatar
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Controlling DAC161S997 via SPI

I am using msp-exp432p4111 development board and trying to use DAC161S997 with it. The main goal is creating a 4-20mA according to an analog sensor's value. But firstly I am just trying to control the ...
Oguzhanreis's user avatar
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Write to File in Computer running IAR Workbench

I am currently writing and testing an embedded system in which I need to collect data from an accelerometer over a period of time. I already have functions that can read the data at a point in time ...
Ricardo Iglesias's user avatar
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2 answers

STM32F4-Discovery GPIO Always High [closed]

I am doing some work with an STM32F4-Discovery board, and I am trying to get some simple usage out of the GPIO Pins. However there is a weird problem I am having, that I don't know how to fix. I am ...
Skitzafreak's user avatar
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2 answers

What do these IAR IDE icons mean?

Quick and easy question - if you know the answer. I can't find it mentioned in the documentation. What do the icons circled in red mean?
Dirk Bruere's user avatar
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On IAR's EWARM package, what is the difference between the built-in MISRA C checker and CSTAT's MISRA C checker?

A bit of background: Our team will be programming firmwares for ARM microprocessors. Programming codes should comply with the MISRA C standard. We have decided to check IAR's EWARM package: https://...
Carla H.'s user avatar
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1 answer

will i need header file "atxmega128.h" for porting from IAR to GCC?

i have a code for avr that write with iar, and have a header file,"ATxmega128A3.h. if i want to port this code to GCC (i am working with atmel studio),will i need to call this header file, or this ...
AqaRashid's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Error in programming STM32F4 Discovery with IAR?

I program STM32F4 using External Interrupt, and there is an error below: Error[Li005]: no definition for "SYSCFG_EXTILineConfig" referenced from C:\Users\AnhDoan\Desktop\STM32\IAR[GPIO ...
Nguyễn Thanh Vũ's user avatar
-1 votes
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"Fatal Error : Could not find device " error while trying to download program to the MCU

[![enter image description here][2]][2]I'm using MSP430F5131 and trying to program it by IAR Embedded Workbench while using the MSP-FET debugger. A short background of the PCB: After i compiled the ...
עומר דגן's user avatar
3 votes
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IAR ARM Place const symbols in flash

I have the following flash section defined in my linker file: keep { section .SomeConst }; place at address mem: 0x0003F800 { readonly section .SomeConst }; In ...
BAO's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

expression must be modifiable lvalue in iar

Dushyant Kumar Singh's user avatar
3 votes
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Is printf debugging over JTAG (not SWD) with STM32 possible?

The question is very similar to this one: I'd like to to printf debugging via the ST-LINK adapter and JTAG, not SWD, in IAR Workbench. Is this possible?
Markus's user avatar
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MSP430 individual pin accesibility

I'm working on a ultra-low power application and want to enable and access only one pin as output and one pin as input. I'm using the MSP430 microcontroller and CCS for programming. I have two ...
Jayesh Parmar's user avatar
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MSP430FR4133 Internal Temperature Sensor

I am currently using the MSP430FR4133 in order to make an ultrasonic measurement system for the volume of a room and would like to be able to check the temperature of a room to work out the speed of ...
Aidan Howie's user avatar
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1 answer

Error while running linker am using TIVA C TM4C123G and IAR

I am trying to change and read my TM4C123G launchpad clock frequency to 80 MHZ using TIVAWARE libraries so here is my code: ...
Abdelrahman Elshafiey's user avatar
2 votes
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UART receive is not working in STM8S

I am new to stm8 (stm8s003f3p) I have done following code but could not able to find what is wrong with it. UART transmit is working but couldn't able to receive anything. ...
yogesh singh's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How come Misra C checker is such a prestigious tool? [closed]

Professional compilers such as IAR Embedded Workbench offer Misra C checkers only in their premium versions. Isn't Misra C checker a style checker on elements like indentation, variable names? Why ...
Kar's user avatar
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IAR STM8 LED Pin On/Off Flash

i tried to flash the LED of this controller: (as you can see, there is a led connected to PD3) with this code: http://pastebin....
binaryBigInt's user avatar
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IAR STM8 delay function

How do I write a delay function in the STM8 - IAR Embedded Workbench? I used the search-function inside the IDE, so I found the __delay() function but if I try to ...
binaryBigInt's user avatar
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Error due to GNU ARM toolchain usage in IAR workbench

I recently started programming with STM32F4Discovery board and am using IAR workbench as the IDE. I am supposed to use an already developed program in Eclipse as a part of my project. When I imported ...
smyslov's user avatar
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Bit definition error - IAR Workbench

I am a beginner with embedded programming and am using the IAR workbench for a project of mine using STM32F4Discovery. I am trying to compile an existing code and ...
smyslov's user avatar
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I can not find needed CPU (STM32F401) in IAR 6.5 list

I'm trying to start STM32 software developing using IAR 6.5 IDE. I have STM32F401C-DISCO board for developing and IAR's IDE. It is needed to choose the right CPU in the project options menu: However ...
Roman Matveev's user avatar
4 votes
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Implement cryptography algorithms in an ARM microcontroller

Assume a situation in which you want do some encryption procedures in your ARM microcontroller. (Receive a file, encrypt with 3DES and some hash functions and returning it, for example.) As far as I ...
User1-St's user avatar
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How to know the memory occupied by the various memory segments in a microcontroller

I'm using STM32 based microcontroller, IAR embedded workbench and STlink v2 debugger. I just want to know how to check the memory utilized/used by the program/system in various memory segments like: ...
Myanju's user avatar
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Trouble with STM8S003F3 flashing

Could STM32S003F3 be flashed with SWIM interface only (SWIM, RST, VCC, GND, bare IC without any other elements)? I'm trying to flash it with ST-LINK/V2 and last version of IAR (Kickstart) and debugger ...
Looongcat's user avatar
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5 votes
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How can I log information from code in IAR Embedded Workbench to a log file?

I'm trying to develop an application for the NXP LPC1788 microcontroller and I would like to be able to log formatted strings at arbitrary points within the source code to a log file in a way that has ...
Tagc's user avatar
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Where is the C API reference for the MSP430? CCS version

I see a lot of sample code and tutorials, but where is it documented that symbols (defines) such as P1OUT and P1DIR are ...
necromancer's user avatar
3 votes
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IAR EWARM gives error on everything in startup_stm32

I'm trying to compile a project for school, which all my fellow classmates have no trouble compiling. This assignment is nothing more than dragging already written source code and compiling an, ...
mickey's user avatar
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3 answers

Why IAR Compiler?

I just saw an Application Note from Atmel about how to compile some code in IAR and I wonder, why would anyone use an external compiler if Atmel already provides the Atmel Studio, with a Visual Studio ...
mFeinstein's user avatar
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Atmel Xmega PWM problem

I am trying to get the pwm working on the Atmel Xmega256A3BU. I am not getting the desired PWM on the port pin. Here's my initialization for the PWM generation in the code. ...
Jimit's user avatar
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