Papers by Sergio Escribano-Ruiz

Arqueología, 2024
Uno de los procesos históricos principales del siglo XIX fue la progresiva implantación de la rev... more Uno de los procesos históricos principales del siglo XIX fue la progresiva implantación de la revolución liberal burguesa. En este contexto de profundos cambios, el recurso a las armas fue moneda corriente, desatando sangrientas y largas guerras civiles. España no fue una excepción y participó de una globalidad en la que revolución y reacción se enfrentaron en el campo de batalla. Las principales expresiones de este conflicto fueron la guerra de la independencia o peninsular (1808, 1814) y las guerras civiles de 1822-1823, 1833-1840, 1846-1849 y 1872-1876. La concatenación de las operaciones bélicas generó un rico y variado patrimonio que no ha recibido atención por parte de la arqueología hasta tiempos muy recientes. Desde la década de los 2010, los acercamientos desde las fuentes materiales se han ido multiplicando por todo el estado español, aunque en mayor número en el País Vasco y Navarra. Cumplida más de una década del inicio de estas labores, el objetivo de este artículo es realizar un estado de la cuestión sobre la incipiente arqueología de las guerras carlistas. Comenzamos con una breve contextualización de la arqueología del conflicto en el siglo XIX a nivel global. A continuación, nos centramos específicamente en el contexto español, con especial incidencia en las intervenciones arqueológicas relacionadas con las guerras carlistas. Describimos sus principales características, así como algunas carencias. Finalizamos con una discusión en la que remarcamos los límites y potencialidad de esta área, y una serie de conclusiones sobre las cuestiones pendientes de solventar en el futuro.
The SHA Newsletter, Vol 55, nº 1, 2022
Aztarna. Revista de etnografía y difusión cultural del Alto Nervión , 2023
Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Develop, 2023
Purpose-Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, UNESCO Landscapes and World Heritage sites have face... more Purpose-Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, UNESCO Landscapes and World Heritage sites have faced unstable situations. Both at the sites themselves and in the research centres, universities and even the homes of the people involved, they have acted and responded to the best of their ability. In this context, the aim of the comparative analysis of different cases carried out here is to understand the main effects of the pandemic in the short term. On the one hand, the purpose is to determine what the general response trends have been and, on the other, to measure the resilience capacity in each case.
Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, 2023
Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, UNESCO Landscapes and World Heritage sites have faced unstab... more Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, UNESCO Landscapes and World Heritage sites have faced unstable situations. Both at the sites themselves and in the research centres, universities and even the homes of the people involved, they have acted and responded to the best of their ability. In this context, the aim of the comparative analysis of different cases carried out here is to understand the main effects of the pandemic in the short term. On the one hand, the purpose is to determine what the general response trends have been and, on the other, to measure the resilience capacity in each case.

World Archaelogy , 2019
The contribution of rural areas to the advent of globalization has been poorly explored from a hi... more The contribution of rural areas to the advent of globalization has been poorly explored from a historical perspective. In this paper, I explore how rural areas were involved in the shaping of colonialism and industrialization and contributed to globalization. The case study examined deviates from the pattern of self-sufficiency and situates the rural world at the epicentre of key historical processes of the recent past. This paper is primarily based on a farmhouse that played a significant role in these processes, despite its apparent isolation in the hills of the Basque Country, as it produced cider for ships involved in the colonial race and supplied nuts and iron ore for the British Industrial Revolution. With this case study, I hope to provide an example of a rural site that contributed to change in the wider world, while it was also being transformed itself.

World Archaeology, 2020
This work deals with a set of internecine wars that took place in Spain during the nineteenth cen... more This work deals with a set of internecine wars that took place in Spain during the nineteenth century. Generally known as the Carlist Wars, they represent a conflict that has barely been covered by archaeology. The aim of this paper is to briefly introduce these wars, analyse their material effects and reflect on their further consequences. In material terms, we take into consideration the influence of a growing globalization that can be clearly made out between the First and Third Carlist wars, both mediated by gradual industrialization and the American Civil War. In social and mnemonic terms, we examine the construction of a social memory that took place around this conflict and its effects to the present. In short, we provide a case of local internecine conflict that was at the same time inserted in worldwide social, economic and ideological processes underway during the nineteenth century and whose influence is still perceptible today.
Arqueología de la Arquitectura, 2020
English version

Complutum, 2016
En este trabajo se reflexiona sobre la necesidad de un marco epistemológico inclusivo que aborde ... more En este trabajo se reflexiona sobre la necesidad de un marco epistemológico inclusivo que aborde la multivocalidad de los procesos históricos objeto de estudio y permita crear relatos históricos más plurales y representativos. Pero el relato sobre el pasado será mejor si, además de ser inclusivo a nivel epistemológico, también contribuye de alguna manera a mejorar la sociedad actual. Por ello se reclama una arqueología que incluya una preocupación axiológica y busque posibles ámbitos de aplicación para los resultados de sus investigaciones. Ejemplificamos esta reivindicación con un caso de estudio sobre cerámica, que subraya que los objetos cotidianos fueron y son utilizados en las estrategias de construcción social de la desigualdad. En este contexto se reclama la toma de consciencia de esta práctica en la actualidad y la renuncia a determinados recursos discursivos. Por ejemplo, se propone retomar el concepto inclusivo, este vez para oponerlo a la significación social del adjetivo exclusivo. Aunque todas estas reflexiones derivan de casos de estudio de arqueología histórica, pueden ser útiles a la arqueología en general, sin sesgo cronológico alguno.
![Research paper thumbnail of OLOR A SANGRE. LA PESCA VASCA DEL ATLÁNTICO NORTE EN ÉPOCA MODERNA INTERPELADA DESDE UNA POSICIÓN COLONIAL Y SENSORIAL [Smell of Blood. The North Atlantic Basque Fishing in Modern Times Interpellated from a Colonial and Sensorial Position]](
Arqueología Iberoamericana, 41, 2019
ABSTRACT. In this work, I propose a new way of interpreting the Basque fishing along the North At... more ABSTRACT. In this work, I propose a new way of interpreting the Basque fishing along the North Atlantic, with the aim of overcoming traditional economicist and Eurocentric approaches. Adding new points of views and concerns to those already in place, I will try to show how many topics are left to study and reflect on. In this effort, I will deal with two main aspects: the consideration of fisheries in a colonial context and their effects on European sensory regimes. Combining critical historical thought and history of the senses, a more emotional approach to the Basque overseas fisheries is proposed.
RESUMEN. En este trabajo se reclama, mediante el ejemplo, una nueva forma de interpretar la pesca vasca del Atlántico Norte que supere la visión economicista y eurocéntrica tradicional. Sumando nuevos enfoques y preocupaciones a los ya habituales, se intentará demostrar que aún quedan muchos aspectos por estudiar y en los que pensar. En este afán se tratan dos aspectos principales: la consideración de las pesquerías en el contexto colonial y sus efectos en los regímenes sensoriales europeos. Aunando sentido histórico crítico e historia de los sentidos, se propone un acercamiento más emocional a las pesquerías vascas de ultramar.
Arqueología de la Arquitectura, 2020
Spanish version

En este trabajo se reflexiona sobre la necesidad de un marco epistemológico inclusivo que aborde ... more En este trabajo se reflexiona sobre la necesidad de un marco epistemológico inclusivo que aborde la multivocalidad de los procesos históricos objeto de estudio y permita crear relatos históricos más plurales y representativos. Pero el relato sobre el pasado será mejor si, además de ser inclusivo a nivel epistemológico, también contribuye de alguna manera a mejorar la sociedad actual. Por ello se reclama una arqueología que incluya una preocupación axiológica y busque posibles ámbitos de aplicación para los resultados de sus investigaciones. Ejemplificamos esta reivindicación con un caso de estudio sobre cerámica, que subraya que los objetos cotidianos fueron y son utilizados en las estrategias de construcción social de la desigualdad. En este contexto se reclama la toma de consciencia de esta práctica en la actualidad y la renuncia a determinados recursos discursivos. Por ejemplo, se propone retomar el concepto inclusivo, este vez para oponerlo a la significación social del adjetivo exclusivo. Aunque todas estas reflexiones derivan de casos de estudio de arqueología histórica, pueden ser útiles a la arqueología en general, sin sesgo cronológico alguno. PAlABrAs clAve: Discurso material, pluralidad epistemológica, representatividad social, cerámica, construcción de la desigualdad. ABstrAct This paper reflects on the necessity of an inclusive epistemological framework that, in dealing with the multivocality of historical processes under study, affords the creation of more plural and representative historical accounts. But to account the past would be much better if, besides being epistemologically inclusive, contributes in any way to improve present society. That's why we claim that archaeology must be aware of axiological issues and should look for potential fields of implementation. This assertion is illustrated with a case study on pottery that underlines that everyday objects were used, and still are, in strategies for the social construction of inequality. In this context, we demand a collective awareness of this practice in our society and claim to give up with some discursive resources. For example, we propose to pick up the term inclusive, this time to contrapose the social meaning of the adjective exclusive. Although all these thoughts stem from case studies of historical archaeology, we believe they could be useful to archaeology in general, without any chronological bias. sumArIo: 1. Preludio. 2. Alegato a favor de la pluralidad epistemológica. 3. Ideas para un futuro menos excluyente. 4. epílogo.
Post-Medieval Archaeology , 2017

Apenas existen trabajos explícitos sobre técnicas de cuantificación aplicadas a la cerámica arque... more Apenas existen trabajos explícitos sobre técnicas de cuantificación aplicadas a la cerámica arqueológica publicados en castellano. Por ello, el objetivo de este artículo es proporcionar un ejemplo testado y razonado de estrategia de cuantificación diseñada para estudiar una muestra cerámica determinada. En este trabajo se abarcan el diseño estadístico conceptual, los parámetros de confección de la muestra y la discusión sobre las técnicas cuantitativas empleadas. Por un lado, tratamos de conceptualizar cómo las unidades de excavación se con-vierten en unidades estadísticas y proponemos un protocolo selectivo de contextos para confeccionar una muestra cerámica libre de grandes distorsiones generadas por los procesos de formación del registro arqueológico. Por otro lado, discutimos las técnicas cuantitativas utilizadas y justificamos la aportación de cada una de ellas. Finalmente, argumentamos que el procedimiento de trabajo descrito permite crear indica-dores cronológicos que pueden ser extrapolables a otros trabajos y ámbitos geográficos.
ABSTRACT There is a lack of Spanish literature explicitly concerning quantification techniques applied to archaeological pottery. That is why this paper aims to provide a tested and reasoned example of a quantification strategy designed to study a concrete pottery sample, recovered in Araba and dating back to 14 th to 17 th centuries. This work covers both the conceptual statistical design, as the parameters to create the sample and the discussion about the suitability of the different quantification techniques to be used. First we try to conceptualize how excavation units are converted into statistical units and then propose a protocol for selecting the contexts that will be part of the sample by minimizing taphonomic biases. Then we discuss the quantification techniques used in our study and justify the contribution of each of them. Finally, we argue that proposed working procedure enables creating chronological indicators ready to be used in other studies and geographical areas. In summary, our proposal stresses the importance of studying contextualized pottery, which implies either using only pottery recovered at archaeological excavations to build a sample, either making the stratigraphic context the unit of statistic reference. We enhance that selected contexts should be as free of biases caused by the formation processes of the archaeological record as possible. In accordance we set up a selective proposal that deals with qualitative and quantitative aspects of the sample making process. Nonetheless, the core proposal of this work is a dual quantification system to answer the questions posed both by the systemic and the archaeological context of pottery. For the first aspect we propose the use of descriptive quantification techniques, in order to calculate the fragmentation index of any assemblage, and an estimative one, Minimum Number of Individuals, for the second. Last, but not least, we put forward a central question when talking about samples and sampling. Are our results significant and, so that, comparable? By means of a practical example we illustrate the significance of the sample and, then, propose a way to make it comparable to any other sample whatever its size or geographical location.
LABURPENA Nekez aurkitu daiteke kuantifikazio teknikak eta zeramika jomuga dituen erdaraz idatzitako lanik. Hau dela eta, testu honen helburua ba-lioetsia izan den zenbaketa estrategia arrazoitu baten adibidea plazaratzea da. Kasu jakin honetan zeramika lagin baten inguruan eraikia izan dena. Lanean zehar diseinu estatistiko kontzeptuala lantzen da, lagina sortzeko parametroak azaltzen dira eta kuantifikazio teknika ezberdinen inguruan eztabaidatzen da. Zehazki, indusketa unitateak unitate estatistiko bilakatzeko prozedura deskribatu eta estratifikazioaren sortze prozesuek eragindako itxuraldaketa prozesuak txikiagotzen dituen lagin eraketa protokolo bat proposatzen dira. Aldi berean, erabiliak izan di-ren zenbaketa teknika ezberdinen eztabaida eta bakoitzaren ekarpenen justifikazioa burutzen ditugu. Azkenik, prozedura honen bitartez beste lan zein testuinguru geografikoetan erabiliak izan daitezkeen adierazle kronologikoak sortu daitezkeela argudiatzen da.
Arkeoikuska: investigación arqueológica, 2021
Between 2019 and 2020, we conducted an archaeological project aimed at researching the battlefiel... more Between 2019 and 2020, we conducted an archaeological project aimed at researching the battlefields of the Last Carlist War (1872-1876). By comparing five representative sites located at the north-western and northeastern edges of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, the aim was to conduct a methodological trial that would contribute to policies seeking to turn these battlefields into heritage sites. The results were extremely positive, both in terms of improving our knowledge of the Carlist War and in relation to the study of the battlefields themselves. In this paper, we present the principal results obtained in both areas.

Arkeoikuska 18, 2019
The archaeological work carried out on this stretch of the Iron Belt comprised the excavation and... more The archaeological work carried out on this stretch of the Iron Belt comprised the excavation and documentation of two presumed structures linked to the Spanish Civil War. Although one of the structures
was found to have been completely demolished by subsequent building work, we were able to document the remains of the other one, which was in a better state of conservation than expected. The site contains
the remains of what was once a slotted gallery associated with a machine gun nest. The structure was later reused as a hut, before being knocked down as part of an urban development plan that was never
fully completed. In the subsoil and landscape of this area, the material remains of the Civil War fought in Spain during the first half of the 20th century are mixed and intertwined with those of the real-estate bubble of the late 20th century and the recession of the 21st century. Their individual study and overall interpretation has enabled us to trace their history in some detail.

Arkeoikuska 18, 2019
During this season we continued with the excavation work initiated the previous year, extending t... more During this season we continued with the excavation work initiated the previous year, extending the area excavated towards the east, right out to the end of the southern aisle. Once again, the results exceeded initial
expectations. Firstly, we exhumed fifty-six graves associated with the cemetery located inside the current church, all of which contained organic material remains in an exceptionally good state of conservation. Secondly, we identified two funeral steles: a 16th century tombstone and a funeral stele from the Roman era, both of which had been reused for different purposes. From a historical perspective, these new findings indicate that the site was occupied for several centuries prior to original estimates, thereby linking the history of the church to the Roman colonisation and its influence. Furthermore, the quality of the funeral material recovered from the modern era enables a more precise understanding of burial practices during this period. This new intervention also provided greater insight into some of the characteristics of the second church built on the site.

AZKARATE, A., SÁNCHEZ-PINTO, I., ESCRIBANO, S., BENEDET, V. (2019), Recuperación y gestión integrales del Fuerte de Sancti Spiritus y su entorno (Puerto Gaboto, Santa Fe, Argentina). El asentamiento originario Informes y Trabajos, 17, pp. 124-137, ISSN: 2444-8087., 2019
Abstract: Much of the work developed in the site of Sancti Spiritus during 2015-2016 period was f... more Abstract: Much of the work developed in the site of Sancti Spiritus during 2015-2016 period was focused on the understanding of the configuration and articulation of the native settlement, already inhabited when the expedition commended by Sebastian Cabot arrived. Thanks to the results of the archeological excavations, and the subsequent archaeometrical and historical analysis, we have been able to take a qualitative step forward in the historical characterization of the pre-colonial settlement. In this work we are presenting an advance of the main results obtained in this field and providing a short summary of the remaining activities carried out in the 2015-2016 annuities.
Keywords: Timbúes; Goya-Malabrigo; Colonialism; Post-Medieval Archaeology.
Anejos de NAILOS, 4, 2018
Sancti Spiritus es el nombre del asentamiento construido por la expedición comandada por Sebastiá... more Sancti Spiritus es el nombre del asentamiento construido por la expedición comandada por Sebastián Gaboto en 1527, después de su arribo a la confluencia del río Carcarañá con el Coronda. Este establecimiento representa un ejemplo paradigmático para el estudio de la futura colonización española de la Gran Cuenca del Plata, al
convertirse en el laboratorio de la futura interacción entre las sociedades originarias que ocupaban el territorio y los expedicionarios europeos.
El efímero episodio colonial de Santi Spiritus (1527-1529), además de presentar muchas de las características del futuro colonialismo español, posee especificidades que lo convierten en un ejemplo de la diversidad ue caracterizó los múltiples intentos colonizadores tempranos desarrollados.
Papers by Sergio Escribano-Ruiz
RESUMEN. En este trabajo se reclama, mediante el ejemplo, una nueva forma de interpretar la pesca vasca del Atlántico Norte que supere la visión economicista y eurocéntrica tradicional. Sumando nuevos enfoques y preocupaciones a los ya habituales, se intentará demostrar que aún quedan muchos aspectos por estudiar y en los que pensar. En este afán se tratan dos aspectos principales: la consideración de las pesquerías en el contexto colonial y sus efectos en los regímenes sensoriales europeos. Aunando sentido histórico crítico e historia de los sentidos, se propone un acercamiento más emocional a las pesquerías vascas de ultramar.
ABSTRACT There is a lack of Spanish literature explicitly concerning quantification techniques applied to archaeological pottery. That is why this paper aims to provide a tested and reasoned example of a quantification strategy designed to study a concrete pottery sample, recovered in Araba and dating back to 14 th to 17 th centuries. This work covers both the conceptual statistical design, as the parameters to create the sample and the discussion about the suitability of the different quantification techniques to be used. First we try to conceptualize how excavation units are converted into statistical units and then propose a protocol for selecting the contexts that will be part of the sample by minimizing taphonomic biases. Then we discuss the quantification techniques used in our study and justify the contribution of each of them. Finally, we argue that proposed working procedure enables creating chronological indicators ready to be used in other studies and geographical areas. In summary, our proposal stresses the importance of studying contextualized pottery, which implies either using only pottery recovered at archaeological excavations to build a sample, either making the stratigraphic context the unit of statistic reference. We enhance that selected contexts should be as free of biases caused by the formation processes of the archaeological record as possible. In accordance we set up a selective proposal that deals with qualitative and quantitative aspects of the sample making process. Nonetheless, the core proposal of this work is a dual quantification system to answer the questions posed both by the systemic and the archaeological context of pottery. For the first aspect we propose the use of descriptive quantification techniques, in order to calculate the fragmentation index of any assemblage, and an estimative one, Minimum Number of Individuals, for the second. Last, but not least, we put forward a central question when talking about samples and sampling. Are our results significant and, so that, comparable? By means of a practical example we illustrate the significance of the sample and, then, propose a way to make it comparable to any other sample whatever its size or geographical location.
LABURPENA Nekez aurkitu daiteke kuantifikazio teknikak eta zeramika jomuga dituen erdaraz idatzitako lanik. Hau dela eta, testu honen helburua ba-lioetsia izan den zenbaketa estrategia arrazoitu baten adibidea plazaratzea da. Kasu jakin honetan zeramika lagin baten inguruan eraikia izan dena. Lanean zehar diseinu estatistiko kontzeptuala lantzen da, lagina sortzeko parametroak azaltzen dira eta kuantifikazio teknika ezberdinen inguruan eztabaidatzen da. Zehazki, indusketa unitateak unitate estatistiko bilakatzeko prozedura deskribatu eta estratifikazioaren sortze prozesuek eragindako itxuraldaketa prozesuak txikiagotzen dituen lagin eraketa protokolo bat proposatzen dira. Aldi berean, erabiliak izan di-ren zenbaketa teknika ezberdinen eztabaida eta bakoitzaren ekarpenen justifikazioa burutzen ditugu. Azkenik, prozedura honen bitartez beste lan zein testuinguru geografikoetan erabiliak izan daitezkeen adierazle kronologikoak sortu daitezkeela argudiatzen da.
was found to have been completely demolished by subsequent building work, we were able to document the remains of the other one, which was in a better state of conservation than expected. The site contains
the remains of what was once a slotted gallery associated with a machine gun nest. The structure was later reused as a hut, before being knocked down as part of an urban development plan that was never
fully completed. In the subsoil and landscape of this area, the material remains of the Civil War fought in Spain during the first half of the 20th century are mixed and intertwined with those of the real-estate bubble of the late 20th century and the recession of the 21st century. Their individual study and overall interpretation has enabled us to trace their history in some detail.
expectations. Firstly, we exhumed fifty-six graves associated with the cemetery located inside the current church, all of which contained organic material remains in an exceptionally good state of conservation. Secondly, we identified two funeral steles: a 16th century tombstone and a funeral stele from the Roman era, both of which had been reused for different purposes. From a historical perspective, these new findings indicate that the site was occupied for several centuries prior to original estimates, thereby linking the history of the church to the Roman colonisation and its influence. Furthermore, the quality of the funeral material recovered from the modern era enables a more precise understanding of burial practices during this period. This new intervention also provided greater insight into some of the characteristics of the second church built on the site.
Keywords: Timbúes; Goya-Malabrigo; Colonialism; Post-Medieval Archaeology.
convertirse en el laboratorio de la futura interacción entre las sociedades originarias que ocupaban el territorio y los expedicionarios europeos.
El efímero episodio colonial de Santi Spiritus (1527-1529), además de presentar muchas de las características del futuro colonialismo español, posee especificidades que lo convierten en un ejemplo de la diversidad ue caracterizó los múltiples intentos colonizadores tempranos desarrollados.
RESUMEN. En este trabajo se reclama, mediante el ejemplo, una nueva forma de interpretar la pesca vasca del Atlántico Norte que supere la visión economicista y eurocéntrica tradicional. Sumando nuevos enfoques y preocupaciones a los ya habituales, se intentará demostrar que aún quedan muchos aspectos por estudiar y en los que pensar. En este afán se tratan dos aspectos principales: la consideración de las pesquerías en el contexto colonial y sus efectos en los regímenes sensoriales europeos. Aunando sentido histórico crítico e historia de los sentidos, se propone un acercamiento más emocional a las pesquerías vascas de ultramar.
ABSTRACT There is a lack of Spanish literature explicitly concerning quantification techniques applied to archaeological pottery. That is why this paper aims to provide a tested and reasoned example of a quantification strategy designed to study a concrete pottery sample, recovered in Araba and dating back to 14 th to 17 th centuries. This work covers both the conceptual statistical design, as the parameters to create the sample and the discussion about the suitability of the different quantification techniques to be used. First we try to conceptualize how excavation units are converted into statistical units and then propose a protocol for selecting the contexts that will be part of the sample by minimizing taphonomic biases. Then we discuss the quantification techniques used in our study and justify the contribution of each of them. Finally, we argue that proposed working procedure enables creating chronological indicators ready to be used in other studies and geographical areas. In summary, our proposal stresses the importance of studying contextualized pottery, which implies either using only pottery recovered at archaeological excavations to build a sample, either making the stratigraphic context the unit of statistic reference. We enhance that selected contexts should be as free of biases caused by the formation processes of the archaeological record as possible. In accordance we set up a selective proposal that deals with qualitative and quantitative aspects of the sample making process. Nonetheless, the core proposal of this work is a dual quantification system to answer the questions posed both by the systemic and the archaeological context of pottery. For the first aspect we propose the use of descriptive quantification techniques, in order to calculate the fragmentation index of any assemblage, and an estimative one, Minimum Number of Individuals, for the second. Last, but not least, we put forward a central question when talking about samples and sampling. Are our results significant and, so that, comparable? By means of a practical example we illustrate the significance of the sample and, then, propose a way to make it comparable to any other sample whatever its size or geographical location.
LABURPENA Nekez aurkitu daiteke kuantifikazio teknikak eta zeramika jomuga dituen erdaraz idatzitako lanik. Hau dela eta, testu honen helburua ba-lioetsia izan den zenbaketa estrategia arrazoitu baten adibidea plazaratzea da. Kasu jakin honetan zeramika lagin baten inguruan eraikia izan dena. Lanean zehar diseinu estatistiko kontzeptuala lantzen da, lagina sortzeko parametroak azaltzen dira eta kuantifikazio teknika ezberdinen inguruan eztabaidatzen da. Zehazki, indusketa unitateak unitate estatistiko bilakatzeko prozedura deskribatu eta estratifikazioaren sortze prozesuek eragindako itxuraldaketa prozesuak txikiagotzen dituen lagin eraketa protokolo bat proposatzen dira. Aldi berean, erabiliak izan di-ren zenbaketa teknika ezberdinen eztabaida eta bakoitzaren ekarpenen justifikazioa burutzen ditugu. Azkenik, prozedura honen bitartez beste lan zein testuinguru geografikoetan erabiliak izan daitezkeen adierazle kronologikoak sortu daitezkeela argudiatzen da.
was found to have been completely demolished by subsequent building work, we were able to document the remains of the other one, which was in a better state of conservation than expected. The site contains
the remains of what was once a slotted gallery associated with a machine gun nest. The structure was later reused as a hut, before being knocked down as part of an urban development plan that was never
fully completed. In the subsoil and landscape of this area, the material remains of the Civil War fought in Spain during the first half of the 20th century are mixed and intertwined with those of the real-estate bubble of the late 20th century and the recession of the 21st century. Their individual study and overall interpretation has enabled us to trace their history in some detail.
expectations. Firstly, we exhumed fifty-six graves associated with the cemetery located inside the current church, all of which contained organic material remains in an exceptionally good state of conservation. Secondly, we identified two funeral steles: a 16th century tombstone and a funeral stele from the Roman era, both of which had been reused for different purposes. From a historical perspective, these new findings indicate that the site was occupied for several centuries prior to original estimates, thereby linking the history of the church to the Roman colonisation and its influence. Furthermore, the quality of the funeral material recovered from the modern era enables a more precise understanding of burial practices during this period. This new intervention also provided greater insight into some of the characteristics of the second church built on the site.
Keywords: Timbúes; Goya-Malabrigo; Colonialism; Post-Medieval Archaeology.
convertirse en el laboratorio de la futura interacción entre las sociedades originarias que ocupaban el territorio y los expedicionarios europeos.
El efímero episodio colonial de Santi Spiritus (1527-1529), además de presentar muchas de las características del futuro colonialismo español, posee especificidades que lo convierten en un ejemplo de la diversidad ue caracterizó los múltiples intentos colonizadores tempranos desarrollados.
Arqueología de la Arquitectura. Una experiencia práctica para el análisis arqueológico de edificios históricos. Alicante: Universidad de Alicante, Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Arqueología y Patrimonio Histórico (INAPH), 2022. (Petracos; 9). ISBN 978-84-1302-202-4, 132 p.
Both case studies are considered peripheral cases of colonialism, minor colonial episodes, either because they did not occur at the orders of the Spanish Crown or because their outcome was not positive for the Crown's colonial policies. Contrary to this triumphalist view, we defend that the two episodes are vital to understanding the colonial process in America. They are a perfect example of the genesis of colonialism, which was marked by a series of fortuitous events and individual determination. Moreover, the obvious differences between the two case studies endow the colonization of America with a diversity that is commensurate with the unpredictable nature of the origin and development of colonialism.
The interpretation of the two cases studies together, therefore, emphasizes that Spanish early colonialism cannot be defined as a uniform process that went in a single, inexorable direction. Quite the opposite; a comparison of the two cases redound in the same idea: the colonization of America was a contingent process arising from multiple historical contexts that responded to a holistic sum of very diverse situations.
these material manifestations from the 11th century, when both converged in the same environment, onwards. Unlike the traditional viewpoint that would aim to analyze the evolution of a space, what is modified, the main objective of this work is to analyze and interpret what endured. The reflection is performed in a specific setting, the Sanctuary of Nuestra Señora del Yermo, located in Laudio / Llodio (Álava). This temple make us available a paradigmatic case of reutilization, since the same space was repeatedly used for the same purpose. Not only three successive churches were built, but also subsequent cemetery spaces. Despite the fact that the different activities of Christian devotion were maintained for centuries, a concrete and persistent memorialist policy coexisted with changes within Christian idiosyncrasy to the present day. The interpretation of these processes will lead us to reflect on the reuse of this space up to the present, but it will also serve as a basis for reconsidering the social role of archeology itself.
The comparison of the two case studies, which historiography considers anecdotal within the Spanish colonial context, provides a complex image of this initial moment of Spanish colonialism in America. The cases of the Basque fisheries in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and the Sancti Spiritus fort propose two very different models regarding settlement modes and the relationship with the native populations of Canada and Argentina, respectively. However, both cases also define common patterns regarding this initial stage of colonization in America, such as the improvisation of the Spanish monarchy, the uncertain future of the initial colonialism or the triumphalist spirit with which Spanish colonialism has been treated in traditional historiography.
This paper intends to counter certain historical narratives that tend to see Spanish colonialism as an inexorable, homogeneous and triumphant process. In addition, the content qualifies the contrary positions that extrapolate colonialism from its most extreme episodes, given that it stresses that this was a complex, dynamic and diverse process.
Our contribution pretends to be a retrospective view of our ongoing doctoral work with aims to reflect about some of the methodological aspects involved and define the actual state of development. Since we fixed on the study of the late medieval and postmedieval pottery from two basque provinces, Bizkaia and Araba; we have been obliged to reflect about our empirical tools and to deal with different hermeneutic problems. Aiming that our experience could be helpful for other researchers, we will expose some of the problems we met in the execution of our epistemological outline, and go into the possible solutions in depth; so, we provide a little sample of the heuristic attitude of our research. The chosen problems are essentially empirical, but have deep hermeneutic implications: the construction of technology based pottery typologies, the interaction between archaeology and archaeometry; the mechanism followed to date the pottery contexts and the strategy designed to link the distributed pottery record with the production centres."
ceramic contexts dating from the 14th to the 17th Centuries originating in the towns of Salinillas de Buradón, Ocio, Peñacerrada and Vitoria-Gasteiz. The main reason for this work is to achieve equilibrium between archaeological practice, which examines the excavation of numerous processes of this period, and its study, to date practically ignored. The focal point of the work is to analyse this situation, to account for it and to put forward our proposal for dealing with it (in terms of historical archaeology). The empirical aspect has also been analysed and described in detail. Both, the protocol of archaeological study and the sources that have provided us with contextual information about the pottery studied, are approached in a reflective and propositive manner. This attention to the empirical aspects is reflected in the description of the sampling strategy and also in the study of the sites analysed. This last section endeavours to provide a detailed and wellreasoned vision of the archaeological context in which the analyzed pottery originates. All the contexts studied have also been arranged in order of importance, bringing together the
taphonomic study of the archaeological contexts and the critical assessment of the pottery recovered. Only the most reliable contexts have been used to create a catalogue of productions (ceramic groups) and associated products (morphotypological set). The assessment of consumption patterns is also based exclusively on these contexts. The interpretation of this suggests that the communicative value of pottery was one of the main generators of the change in the archaeological record studied. We propose that there was a close relationship between pottery and social differentiation strategies, which explains the evolution of the pottery production industry of Álava.
archaeology of colonialism; European colonialism; colonial heritage; colonial discourses; historical archaeology
In archaeology, studies of remote lands and outlands have often been sidelined, with global historical processes largely interpreted from central or urban perspectives. As a result, these allegedly distant and marginal regions have been overlooked in discussions of major historical narratives. This session seeks to challenge this oversight, demonstrating that we can engage meaningfully with global themes and contribute to key narratives worldwide by focusing on remote lands and outlands. We therefore invite contributions that examine remote lands or outlands in relation to significant historical processes, including but not limited to the following:
• Revisiting centre-periphery models in archaeology
• Critically examining Big History
• Analysing global migrations and human expansions into these areas
• Considering remoteness and outlands through the lenses of connectivity and globalization
• Questioning the complementarity of non-agrarian production systems
• Examining the relationship between market-oriented production in these regions and capitalism
• Exploring the otherness and livelihood strategies of people from these lands