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      SociologyMedical SociologyPrimary CareAnthropology
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      Clinical TrialStem CellHistory and Philosophy of the Human Sciences
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      SurgeryNeurosurgeryEthnographySocial Studies Of Science
[Another version has been published in Biosocieties 2004] This article proposes the notion of ‘evidence-based activism’ to capture patients’ and health activists’ groups’ focus on knowledge production and knowledge mobilisation in the... more
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      ActivismPatient OrganisationsHealth Social Movements
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    • Clinical Practice Guidelines
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      SexualityMasculinitiesSex WorkMale Sex Work
Drawing on in-depth interviews with 15 openly bisexual male youth from sixth forms across the UK, this article documents positive experiences of bisexual male youth in school: participants had positive coming out experiences and did not... more
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      LGBT YouthHomophobiaSocial InclusionBisexual
On the world's most utilised video-sharing social networking site, YouTube, Charlie McDonnell (Charlieissocoollike), Dan Howell (Danisnotonfire) and Jack and Finn Harries (JacksGap) are Britain's most popular video-bloggers (vloggers).... more
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      SociologyGender StudiesSex and GenderSocial Sciences
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      SexualityPornography StudiesPornification Culture, Sexualisation Culture, of Children and Young People, Porn Chic, Pornography
This article draws on in-depth interviews with 35 openly gay male undergraduates from four universities in England to develop an understanding of the changing nature of language related to homosexuality. In addition to finding a... more
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      Gender and SexualityGay And Lesbian StudiesHomophobiaGay Identity
This article draws on qualitative interviews with 40 gay male undergraduates at four universities across England to explore the dynamics of participants' friendship networks in the context of decreased homophobia. Describing their schools... more
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      Queer StudiesGender and SexualityClassSocial Capital
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      MasculinitiesStudies On Men And Masculinity
The experiences of people living with HIV have been transformed over recent years. Advances in medical science have made the virus a manageable chronic condition, while eliminating the risk of onward transmission for those with access to... more
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      Criminal LawHIV/AIDSGender and SexualitySociology of Risk
This paper draws on an autoethnographic 'digital diary' which the author began after testing positive for HIV in July 2016, until May 2021, to critically assess (mis)representations of both the AIDS and COVID-19 pandemics in the media.... more
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      Queer TheoryHIV/AIDSAutoethnographyMedia Discourse
Introduction: The term incidental sex work refers to forms of casual, occasional, unsolicited commercial sex, arranged between gay, bisexual, and queer men on social media platforms such as Grindr. This paper explores the limits of... more
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      Queer TheorySocial MediaSex WorkMedia and identity
Introduction: This special section of Sexuality Research and Social Policy, edited by Belinda Brooks-Gordon, Max Morris and Teela Sanders, has its origins in a colloquium sponsored by the University of Cambridge Socio-Legal Group in 2020.... more
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      Sex WorkHarm Reduction
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Over the past year, COVID-19 and the restrictions imposed in its wake have meant that a range of research methodologies involving social contact could no longer be pursued. Whilst this time has been challenging, this article aims to... more
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      Visual SociologyCultural SociologyAutoethnographyAffect Theory
Old enough to have sex but too young to access contraceptives: the Philippine law on sexual consent which sets the age at twelve years old is incongruent with the reproductive health law that restricts adolescents’ access to... more
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      Discourse AnalysisChild protectionSexual ViolencePhilippines
Filipino children confront a perplexing situation regarding their sexual activity: old enough to have sex yet too young to access contraceptives. The Anti-Rape Law of 1997 states that the age to determine statutory rape is below 12 years... more
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