contemporary beadwork jewelry textile

Showing posts with label Garten. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Garten. Show all posts

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Zinnia - Zinnien

these are flowers!
.....the garden in august

Sunday, February 5, 2017

sunday joys ...

high time to apply a protective coating !

we treat him like a big tree, as we won't him to become one.
7 tasty peas in the second year, he deserve a special treatment!

the recipe of this delicious sprout curry comes from syed abdullah, my favorite source of indian food

sun sun sun, hope she stays

Sunday, July 10, 2016

all you can eat...- all one can eat!

delicious meal fresh from the garden!

 .....and some other greenies!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

the garden in june - Garten Rundgang Juni

 Muskateller Salbei - salvia slarea

 Duftpelargonie - scented geranium

Clematis viticella

 .....und nun das essbare:
 alles noch nicht reif, aber es wird nicht mehr lange dauern!

.......... the edible part: soon ready for harvesting!

 Kabelbinder!-   wer hat überhaupt diese genialen Dinger erfunden?
...and who was the genius who found the cable ties?

Saturday, April 23, 2016

SOS - the new meaning of

"Save our salad ...-   instead of save our souls"

Sunday, September 13, 2015

the tomato favorites 2015

and the winners are:

Johannisbeer Tomaten,
Schwarze von der Krim

they will be planted next year again, I already took seeds

Monday, June 29, 2015

Mizuna Matata- in fact hakuna matata with lots of mizuna - - tatsächlich Hakuna Matata mit Zuviel Mizuna

Too much Mizuna in the garden?
Here´s is a great recipe for ca 1 kilo mizuna

Zuviel Mizuna im Garten? 
Hier ist ein Super Rezept für ca 1 Kilo Mizuna:

to blanche - blanchieren
Mix 250 gr minced meat with 2 chopped Tomatoes, some soya Sauce,salt, pepper, minced onion, 1 egg, and a cup of breadcrumbs in a bowl...

250 gr Faschiertes mit 2 Tomaten, etwas Sojasauce, Salz Pfeffer, gehackter Zwiebel, einem Ei und einer Handvoll Semmelbröseln gut vermischen,
Fill into a Baking pan in layers,

 Schichtweise in eine Form füllen,

 Some sour cream, 2 Spoonful grated parmesan, some butter flakes and then into the oven for approx. 45 minutes

etwas Sauerrahm darüber, 2 Esslöffel geriebenen Parmesan, ein paar Butterflocken und ab in den Ofen für ca 45 min.

Tastes delicious, and works with all other plentiful greens as well! (at least I think so, I didn't try...)

Schmeckt total gut und funktioniert bestimmt auch mit jedem anderen Grünzeug das man gerade im Überfluss im Garten hat!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

in the garden - still

 tomatoes, all kinds

 Römersalat - romano salad, my favorite!

rucola self propagating

  strawberries blossoming

 Posthörnchen......a variety of runner beans I never planted before, bought from Arche Noah

 Bärlauch  - blossoming buckrams

and the charming  Zimbelkraut, ( Aaron´s beard) - conquering the wall

the ruler of the Jungle

She is hoary - like Yoda

Just found this site where you can convert any text to " Yoda speech" ! Funny!

ok, you might think I smelt too much blossoms......the next post will be an update from my studio with some new projects, promised!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

That´s the reason...

...why my blog is quiet these days!