contemporary beadwork jewelry textile

Monday, March 25, 2013

...a brooch is a a a brooch...

Brooch a week #9...
Silver wire soldered, and rolled.

 Ok, I have to admit I made two of them, and if you argue these are ear clips, then you are right.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

black (green) and white...

It is simply impossible to ignore this any longer, so I got a lovely "first spring day" past time!

but though a nice cleaning job, because you will be rewarded with a striking result.

black and white in my studio too! ..... working on a black and white earring collection

more black and white, found on Etsy. klick here to visit the gorgeous shops !

Friday, March 15, 2013

Spring wedding

For the wedding planners....

..more "pearly" earrings available here
more idea´s for those who plan a marriage here ...and for all romantically minded (married or not)

Thursday, March 14, 2013


An alle PerlenarbeiterInnen !

Der Glasperlenschatz von Heidi Neuwirth schliesst für (hoffentlich nicht sehr lange) seine Pforten und macht einen Abverkauf !
33% auf Alles!

In ihrem shop habe ich in den letzten Jahren viele wunderschöne Perlen gefunden!

Ich hoffe, viele nutzen die Gelegenheit, stöbern zu gehen und sich mit Material einzudecken !

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

trying to catch up.... handmade and vintage goods

Aktion von "Etsy´s deutscher Community"
Versandkostenfrei im März für Käufer aus Deutschland und Österreich!........mein Etsy shop beteiligt sich daran. 

Campaign by "Etsy´s deutscher Community"
Free shipping during march for german and austrian buyers! my Etsy shop.


Two brooches behind!
This is brooch #7

available here

I will have to be busy to catch up with the "Brooch a week" challenge. (or just create some less time consuming pieces!)
But all this has to wait till tomorrow, as I´m leaving for a speech, given by Christian Felber, cofounder of the austrian attac section. I´m really interested in his theories and constructive suggestions to change the world for the better!