Message from @ayy lmao
Discord ID: 618593338458898472
Then you're advocating a fucking panarchist society, not an absolute statist position
Which is the only way a Minarchist's positions could hold
and also not violate the NAP
can I please explain my views without 5 people snapping in vetween I can't even answer ;_;
there is so many points I wanna make
protip: use shift+enter for a line break. makes structuring your messages here easier.
panarchist would come quite close man
yeah I'm a mobile pleb my dude
Please do so then, I wasn't snapping at you, I don't think any of us are, we were criticising your analogies and your arguments, but please go ahead and explain
no shifts here
nonono not snapping in a negative way
sorry man
go on
just because so many messages came I couldn't read and answer all of them
so like, the "state" or firm, don't care how you define it, defends you, in case of a violation of the NAP, and you pay them for it. If you do not pay them for it, you can retaliate kn your own, but there should be some central power who is even capable of helping weak people aginst let's say an entire community agressing against them
without that people wouldn't have anyone to go to if they don't have a lot of big muscular friends
Will competing arbitration/security services be allowed?
I guess as long as they respect the NAP
Then you are a panarchist
Then we agree
could very well be
probably a constitutional panarchist, which is pretty based out of the ninimal gov positions
much more than anything else
i'd be down for such a thing. But don't forget the following. If A does something to B, say steals his chest of moneyz. Even if B does not have any subscription or whatever because he can't afford it or straight up doesn't want it. B can still contact a firm to collect and then the firm gets paid out of extracting the cost out of the perpetrator
^^^^ ayy lmao, keep this on you
record it into a text
kinda crucial
Also, If you want a text file that links to lectures, books, and files let me know ayy lmao, I can DM you some stuff
Of course i'd still support your idea on principle to make things easier, Plus insurance companies would like this to make their job easier
yeah that is a very good point @Jeebus I'm just thinking (I know I'm going hella crazy rn) but let's say some ten thousand people decide to build a fascist ethno state or whatever and start forcing people into it
I don't think the market would really deal with that for monetary gain
And replacing the corporation with liability levying via contractual law on a business would be also vitally important
too prevent statism from returning
Criminals don't like operating under a law which makes their crimes legal
unless they convince everyone they are