ayy lmao

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2019-09-03 15:06:30 UTC [LCU Social Hub #welcome]  

2019-09-03 23:12:12 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  
2019-09-03 23:13:44 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

jeez guys can't we be friends

2019-09-03 23:14:32 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

well if it's not working it's not working I guess but why get so worked up about it

2019-09-03 23:14:59 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

I guess if he's a dick just don't talk to him

2019-09-03 23:15:15 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

if you talk to him just do it productively I'd say

2019-09-03 23:15:41 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

I'm not siding here btw don't know the situation, just tryna help, you seemed very angrey

2019-09-03 23:18:01 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

you guys both talk by each other from what I can tell. @Rei Murasame acts like @Liberal Sanity Project wants genocide when he's probably just against property being redistributed and the other way arround you are acting like a property resistribution equals an ethnostate

2019-09-03 23:18:24 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

no context

2019-09-03 23:18:29 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

just from what I can tell

2019-09-03 23:20:16 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  


2019-09-03 23:20:43 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

I think he was just playing on *mandatory* *invasions* being *liberal*

2019-09-03 23:21:23 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

btw @Lyndon B. Johnson yes I agree race mixing is nothing bad and inevitable

2019-09-03 23:21:53 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

so guys, since we're not fighting anymore

2019-09-03 23:21:59 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

I'm kinda new here

2019-09-03 23:23:01 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  


2019-09-03 23:23:11 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

so does anybody wanna talk some politics without getting mad at each other for disagreeing?

2019-09-03 23:24:26 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

I don't think so

2019-09-03 23:24:44 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

I like talking about them

2019-09-03 23:25:16 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

hahahaha so I take it you are a full on anarchist?

2019-09-03 23:25:31 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

I'm more of a minarchist

2019-09-03 23:25:40 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

but I guess that's not really far off

2019-09-03 23:25:56 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  


2019-09-03 23:26:09 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

you know I used to be an anarchist

2019-09-03 23:26:59 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

but I don't really think it's stable enough

2019-09-03 23:27:30 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

there needs to be some small amount of government for the absolute bare minimum of protection

2019-09-03 23:29:00 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

otherwise anarchy will just eventually lead into some form of government anyways or just collapse all together

2019-09-03 23:29:43 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

yes ofc

2019-09-03 23:30:44 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

I haven't read nearly enough to claim any credibility on anything I say ever on any topic

2019-09-03 23:30:51 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  


2019-09-03 23:30:52 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  


2019-09-03 23:31:02 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

these are just my thoughts

2019-09-03 23:34:02 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

no I see it more as, we need to keep some.of that healthy bacteria alive so there isn't any space for bad bacteria to be cultivated if you catch my drift

2019-09-03 23:34:38 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

it was an analogy >_>

2019-09-03 23:36:16 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

wowowow look all of a sudden everyone wants to talk politics ahahah okay one after the other

2019-09-03 23:37:46 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

@Wes The Savage yes I know it is a way better analogy. I'm also not denying that the state is camcerous. I was making the argument that if the state is completely and utterly removed inevitably some sort of local small governments are going to form potentially worsening the situation to before

2019-09-03 23:38:19 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

hence the bacteria analogy

2019-09-03 23:40:48 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

you guys act like living is for free. You will always have some sort of price to pay for living and I'm not talking about funding big police, I'm talking about keeping the minimum required justice so people don't murder fuck each other to death unpunished

2019-09-03 23:42:47 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

I'm talking about keeping the rules to NAP and the justice system only retaliating for offended partys in cases of murder rape theft and all that stuff im not talking about keeping corporations

2019-09-03 23:43:26 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

how are you violating it? Defense isn't violating it

2019-09-03 23:43:37 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

it's about helping people defend themselves who couldn't

2019-09-03 23:44:02 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  


2019-09-03 23:44:09 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

by voulentary funding

2019-09-03 23:44:58 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

can I please explain my views without 5 people snapping in vetween I can't even answer ;_;

2019-09-03 23:45:06 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

there is so many points I wanna make

2019-09-03 23:45:35 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

panarchist would come quite close man

2019-09-03 23:45:37 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  


2019-09-03 23:45:52 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

yeah I'm a mobile pleb my dude

2019-09-03 23:45:55 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

no shifts here

2019-09-03 23:46:07 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

nonono not snapping in a negative way

2019-09-03 23:46:19 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

just because so many messages came I couldn't read and answer all of them

2019-09-03 23:48:16 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

so like, the "state" or firm, don't care how you define it, defends you, in case of a violation of the NAP, and you pay them for it. If you do not pay them for it, you can retaliate kn your own, but there should be some central power who is even capable of helping weak people aginst let's say an entire community agressing against them

2019-09-03 23:48:37 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

without that people wouldn't have anyone to go to if they don't have a lot of big muscular friends

2019-09-03 23:49:04 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

I guess panarchist sounds a lot like what I have in mind

2019-09-03 23:49:23 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

I guess as long as they respect the NAP

2019-09-03 23:49:47 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

could very well be

2019-09-03 23:51:57 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

yeah that is a very good point @Jeebus I'm just thinking (I know I'm going hella crazy rn) but let's say some ten thousand people decide to build a fascist ethno state or whatever and start forcing people into it

2019-09-03 23:52:12 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

I don't think the market would really deal with that for monetary gain

2019-09-03 23:53:09 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

@Wes The Savage I'm always up for recommendations, I'm still very new to the whole scene

2019-09-03 23:53:15 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

as you can probably tell lol

2019-09-03 23:56:53 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

well I guess I got a new nice sticker I can flex when talking trash in online politics discussions boys, I can now lable myself panarchist I guess

2019-09-03 23:57:46 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

but yeah I don't care much about lables, it's been great having some reasonable disscussion in here

2019-09-03 23:58:11 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

and everyone piling on the argument just shows me people enjoy talking about it :)

2019-09-03 23:59:46 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

I'll have to go to sleep now, I'll be back posting more uneducated assumptions to correct soon ๐Ÿ˜‚

2019-09-05 09:07:28 UTC [LCU Social Hub #current-events]  

I like Gabbard a lot more than Joe "haha yes I am progressive" Biden or Orange Man

2019-09-06 12:44:04 UTC [LCU Social Hub #ethics-theology]  

function fuckOffMyDudeItsNotFunny($dude, $thing2BeFuckedOff){
echo "fuck off my dude it's not funny";

2019-09-06 12:44:51 UTC [LCU Social Hub #ethics-theology]  

no shit

2019-09-06 12:45:06 UTC [LCU Social Hub #ethics-theology]  

he's trying to scare us by posting some sort of script into the chat as if discord wouldnt be able to escape that

2019-09-06 12:45:27 UTC [LCU Social Hub #ethics-theology]  

*I'M IN*

2019-09-06 12:45:36 UTC [LCU Social Hub #ethics-theology]  


2019-09-06 12:45:40 UTC [LCU Social Hub #ethics-theology]  


2019-09-06 12:45:48 UTC [LCU Social Hub #ethics-theology]  

insert technical term

2019-09-06 12:46:36 UTC [LCU Social Hub #ethics-theology]  


2019-09-06 12:46:42 UTC [LCU Social Hub #ethics-theology]  

it had to end this way I guess

2019-09-06 12:46:53 UTC [LCU Social Hub #ethics-theology]  


2019-09-06 12:46:54 UTC [LCU Social Hub #ethics-theology]  


2019-09-06 12:47:58 UTC [LCU Social Hub #ethics-theology]  


2019-09-06 23:48:22 UTC [LCU Social Hub #talking-circle]  

I'm very tired

2019-09-12 11:00:46 UTC [LCU Social Hub #talking-circle]  

@ThatPreciseBloke you don't need god for to be morally /ethically / definitely just either, rationality can provide that for you if you think one step further than your own nose tip

2019-09-12 11:02:17 UTC [LCU Social Hub #ethics-theology]  

do I need to say the n word too now

2019-09-12 16:03:44 UTC [LCU Social Hub #ethics-theology]  

@ThatPreciseBloke I don't know how to quote on discord so I'll just make a list.
1. I wasnt talking feudalism I was talking 21. century, we don't need god nowadays, education is widely available and the internet allows for debates like the ones we're having rn.
2. No not everyone comes to the right conclusion using rationality, neither do all people using theology.
3. I can't really tell if that's the case but it seems that we agree on basically everything so you don't need to beg for any pardon.

2019-10-19 22:26:25 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

arbitrary use of n word

2019-10-19 22:26:27 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  

me funni

2019-10-19 22:26:29 UTC [LCU Social Hub #tavern]  


2019-10-25 18:12:24 UTC [LCU Social Hub #talking-circle]  


85 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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