Message from @JackH670
Discord ID: 598790169876758539
Git ye tae fok
I may be immune but you ain't <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>
He'll come back stronger
Probably yours
He thinks I look 13 because he's retarded
Jack looks 13, so I may be called a paedophile for blowing a irl shota, so yours <:0000:580108657832886292>
Jack, just show yourself to Anubis
You look 13 <:0000:580108657832886292>
tfw jack is actually 13
I really don't tho
Yes you do <:omegalul:454240115989020672>
Really don't
Mikey does the voice fit the face?
Absolutely not
You'd have to look 20 <:0000:580108657832886292>
Jacks voice makes my butt itch
Deserved tbh
Oh shit
fuckin hell
Should've used a dog not designed to have a strongass bite <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>
Should have just used his mom tbh
It's going to be so nice to finally have a double mattress instead of a single mattress that's collapsed right where the mid of my back is
This is Mikey
You wish
"This is America"
Peak society
We live in her shadow
Her gigantic shadow