Message from @JackH670
Discord ID: 598789768343584769
mooooom jacks being a abd boy
This is Discordia tbh
it wishes
It lives
Mikey is gonna get yeeted
Git ye tae fok
I may be immune but you ain't <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>
He'll come back stronger
Probably yours
He thinks I look 13 because he's retarded
Jack looks 13, so I may be called a paedophile for blowing a irl shota, so yours <:0000:580108657832886292>
Jack, just show yourself to Anubis
You look 13 <:0000:580108657832886292>
tfw jack is actually 13
I really don't tho
Yes you do <:omegalul:454240115989020672>
Really don't
Mikey does the voice fit the face?
Absolutely not
Id have to look like Phil Mitchell for the voice to fit the face tbh
You'd have to look 20 <:0000:580108657832886292>
Jacks voice makes my butt itch
Deserved tbh
Oh shit