Message from @Goodwood of Dank™
Discord ID: 609960538037813256
don't tell the roaches that, otherwise I won't just be able to kill 'em with my shoes
u yeeted a Muslim?
Florida roaches are huge. Shortly before my family moved away (when I was fifteen), I smashed one with a shoe so hard, all that was left was tiny bits of chitin and gooey innards.
*high five
this nigga flies
my mom lived in a house infested with those as a kid lol
and this is the only difference from the house roach
Aside from ability to fly
My sister freaks out every time one flies in
i hate those fuckers
She immediately goes into "OH FUCK INFESTATION" mode
God's m istake
Roaches are disgusting. Every single one could vanish and I'd do a happy dance.
^^ god's mistake
thats the thing, theyll never disappear XD
they can survive mcnukes bruh
never say never
@UnScottable that's a myth
i said people would never confuse gender
i was wrong
pfft trust me
you drop a nuke on florida
the roaches will remain
the roaches represent the inherent evil within
not my style nuke
trust me, you drop a nuke on florida and I'll no longer have a roach problem
anti-roach nuke
insects in general are more tolerant of radiation
simply because they only use genes when they molt
but as far as insects go, roaches are not the most radiation-resistent
but not HEAT
_pushes glasses up_
we don't want any roaches left... SO.. we don't rely on radiation