Message from @KaiserDoom
Discord ID: 617223153365680129
I have my special capitalism shower shorts
I running love the actor. RIP
Oh god
It is officially 6 am you peeps
*Laughs in American*
i.e O'Dark 30
I forgot, you're a liminal demon
you don't follow conventional timezones
and thusly are in an area between EST and Mountain Time
12 here in freedom zone
Did Brain come up with that plan by just reading about history or did he just read a few dystopian novels?
In a nearly perfect world
nigga the sandlands still there
just delete the arab peninsula and we are good
yeah, in what perfect world do the fucking saudis exist
Alex is our Cicero
The absolute state of most subreddits
Yoda is so powerful he can ask for specific proof of the holocaust and the German government will actually provide it instead of whinging and grandstanding.
Yoda is so powerful he can shoot himself twice in the back of the head
Apparently some people that had dirt on Hillary are that powerful to
Even if you could shoot yourself in the back of the head without breaking your wrist the shock would atleast cause you to drop the gun if not knock you unconscious, you'd have to be harder than diamond to get 2 shots off without dropping the gun