Discord ID: 212207491323396097
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Stan Lee brigade when
which was the tastiest? @Todd
Now I'm not gay
but that sounds cute
How'd you manage to score something like that
fair enough
Take a rope?
good friends will be dicks
its fun
mines constantly called me gay for my long hair
it's still long tho
A bit longer than shoulder length
mostly in a man bun
too tall to be a trap
I know sokka, but don't remember his hair
Wasn't Gaytime a name of an ice cream as well?
Wasn't that the finnish breakfast at some restaurant?
A cup of coffe + a cig
Life is suffering
Bingo bongo
Let's restore the Belgian Congo
das be obektiv
Okay, what the hell did you mean with the first half of that
Let's set a boundary first
What would you consider objectively "positive"?
A counter argument would be that they aren't free now
Even provided all the mentioned above
Oh don't get me wrong, I am totally on board with forced colonization
I am just trying to provide a counter point
Having slaves is free labour which in the long run damages the job market and the economy
As the South has shown us
Well, the anglos WERE factually the people who abolished slavery
Leopold, Leopold you bloody genius
What if, and now hear me out, we mass replaced the population of South and Middle Africa with Asian and White people
I want into Africa tho
We wouldn't let commies in
The other day I found out that Tokyo is just Kyoto with replaced letters and I still haven't recovered
The Imperial Truth it is then
He wills it
Let's just combine the most attractive parts of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Sikhism
And then we get Islam 2.0
Virgins waiting for you in heaven?
Hell yeah
All male authority
Do they specifically say that they are female tho
I would be sad
I would honestly prefer reincarnation above most things
Bro I would be fine as a resident on one of those planets
Just don't put me in an eternal afterlife
Christian haven is basically just loosing your free will
Elaborate on the fighting with God part
That sounds really interesting
Dude, I might actually end up a Mormon
Reincarnation > Mormon haven > Erhernal Peace at the side of the Emperor > Islam haven > Christian haven
Fight me
I believe in the Omnissiah, but you can't expect a C'tan to create an afterlife
I am fine with that really
Did they update Smash or?
Which economy, what kind of trade federation
If it's Africa's, then yeah
I mean
They sure love free stuff
A free ride just cuts it
@Laucivol btw is that the public defecation map?
That's a way to dodge a question I guess
@Edelgard von Hresvelg kinda cute, but cringe too
It does not alter the fact that it's cringe
>implying the DM is stupid enough to allow it
What do you seduce on a door tho
I would understand a door seducing you
But the other way...
I mean
It could seduce me
Imagine creating a dungeon with the only traps being highly seductive lifeless objects
I mean
Nah son, I meant like a really fucking hot looking bookshelf
Or a crazy attractive lamp
I might just draw that @KaiserDoom
That sounds amazing
Why does that mention of a whip make it 200% more sexual
(Don't hate the player, hate the game)
@Jack of Trades I'll take that as a compliment
You referring to the 40k tabletop?
I am not so sure about the 7th house, but Mars aligning with Jupiter does sound like tratior Tech priests to me
I feel like getting charisma and fear at once is kinda contradictory
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