Message from @Tyler0317

Discord ID: 405226967693000716

2018-01-22 04:03:36 UTC  

Thank you for the advice

2018-01-22 04:05:29 UTC  

I need to lose 20 lbs, lol

2018-01-22 04:38:51 UTC  

@wolfwood You're very welcome.

2018-01-22 06:14:27 UTC  

I will probably have to start with just the bar, lol - apparently they are ~41 lbs?

2018-01-22 06:14:36 UTC  

Gotta learn these lifts

2018-01-22 13:12:00 UTC  


2018-01-22 17:25:01 UTC  

If you're only just getting back into lifting, soreness after your first time hitting each muscle group will leave you with DOMS for about 3 days max.

2018-01-22 17:25:20 UTC  

Getting right back in and working those muscles again per a hopefully good routine like SS or SL will help out.

2018-01-22 17:26:58 UTC  

@wolfwood I went ahead and googled an SS spreadsheet for you to either use or use to help make your own.

2018-01-22 17:27:17 UTC  

Looks like it has a calculator for your %'s as well as the logbook portion of it,

2018-01-22 21:04:03 UTC  

What pre-workout do yall use

2018-01-22 21:04:17 UTC  

I've been using C4 and it's almost too much

2018-01-22 22:11:09 UTC  

@JohnStrasser I don't take anything. I hate the jittery feeling from caffeine/stimulants.

2018-01-22 23:30:15 UTC  

I used Hyde for a couple of weeks and it didn't make me feel good. Very jittery, hot, itchy, tingly. Sometimes I drink an energy drink before I hit the gym and I feel great. Most pre-workouts don't even provide me with energy boosts.

2018-01-23 04:59:44 UTC  

@BryceB-ND Thank you, I will have to take a look and compare it to what I made

2018-01-23 05:03:13 UTC  

Tonight I tried out the press and deadlift after watching the videos. I wish I had that Rippetoe guy to correct my form. It's tough to keep the same movement every time.

2018-01-23 05:03:38 UTC  

@wolfwood You'll get it over time.

2018-01-23 05:05:16 UTC  

Good job to be talking important stuff like form.

That mindset will profit you more than "Let's see how much I can load on this bar, bro!"

2018-01-23 05:06:30 UTC  

Right now I'm taking things slow, with different exercises, to see how sore I am afterwards which will tell me what muscles to work on more than others.

2018-01-23 05:06:50 UTC  

And not overloading anything 😉

2018-01-23 05:07:17 UTC  

A way I tell if i'm doing something right...

-The next day, are the muscles sore, that are supposed to be?

-Am I sore where I shouldn't be?
-I need to change something

2018-01-23 05:07:48 UTC  

Good point

2018-01-23 16:44:12 UTC  

Can I get y'alls opinion on early morning training. I've been doing 0630 boxing training with a trainer buddy of mine, and it's been working but I feel my cardio plateauing and my gains are the going through the same.

2018-01-23 18:01:06 UTC  

Are you eating beforehand?

2018-01-23 18:01:12 UTC  

Getting enough sleep?

2018-01-23 22:39:03 UTC  

Probably not eating as much as I should, but I'm certainty not starved. My thinking is that maybe my recovery isn't high enough in calories and protein, so I'm moving towards maybe having 2 small breakfasts w/ a large amount of protein and carbs.

2018-01-24 02:15:13 UTC  

@JC17-OR#5414 You mentioned gains, are you saying you are struggling to gain muscle from a Boxing-centric regimen?

If so, that would be normal. Boxing/striking aren't hypertrophic stimuluses generally speaking.

2018-01-24 02:43:55 UTC  

That's make sense, I think I'm doing to many things at once. I'm doing boxing with weights and rock climbing plus some cardio and I'm wearing myself out I think.

2018-01-24 02:44:02 UTC  
2018-01-24 02:47:00 UTC  

@JC17-OR Yeah man,

I'm a 'don't reinvent the wheel' type.

When I have a specific goal, I try to follow someone else who has been there.

2018-01-24 02:47:38 UTC  
2018-01-24 14:59:11 UTC  

How do I obtain some steak/red meat without breaking the bank?

2018-01-24 15:01:40 UTC  

@Deleted User At the grocery store, I buy a roast. $12-15 gets you a huge chunk of meat.

Then at home, I cut the roast into the cuts I want and seal them in tupperware.

2018-01-24 15:19:49 UTC  

I'm really thinking about starting to meal prep. When I had more free time, I ate relatively good. Now I've been v. busy with a new job and schedule and eat random stuff that I throw into my lunchbox or stop for food on the road.

2018-01-24 15:20:01 UTC  

@Tyler0317 That's a good idea 👌🏻

2018-01-25 21:44:50 UTC  

@Deleted User I don't wanna trigger Siggy with potentially violent-sounding talk but it seems like in these thousands of videos of black-on-white beatings, the white girl usually just cowers. The black beating is so sloppy that if the white girl just knows and employs some *basic* technique it'd be a total ass-whoopin'.

2018-01-25 21:51:29 UTC  

If youtube is any indicator, the worst thing in the world you can do in those situations is not fight back.

2018-01-25 21:58:53 UTC  

Until you fight back in self defense- then it's a hate crime

2018-01-25 21:59:34 UTC  

I feel like most of them just don't fight back out of fear of persecution

2018-01-25 22:00:26 UTC  

I don't think that's true. I think the Breitbart comment has it right "They train their children to be savage, we train ours to be civilized" or something like that.

2018-01-25 22:00:55 UTC  

That and if you start winning all of their cousins will jump in