Message from @Tyler0317
Discord ID: 405554052525719580
Looks like it has a calculator for your %'s as well as the logbook portion of it,
What pre-workout do yall use
I've been using C4 and it's almost too much
@JohnStrasser I don't take anything. I hate the jittery feeling from caffeine/stimulants.
I used Hyde for a couple of weeks and it didn't make me feel good. Very jittery, hot, itchy, tingly. Sometimes I drink an energy drink before I hit the gym and I feel great. Most pre-workouts don't even provide me with energy boosts.
@BryceB-ND Thank you, I will have to take a look and compare it to what I made
Tonight I tried out the press and deadlift after watching the videos. I wish I had that Rippetoe guy to correct my form. It's tough to keep the same movement every time.
Good job to be talking important stuff like form.
That mindset will profit you more than "Let's see how much I can load on this bar, bro!"
Right now I'm taking things slow, with different exercises, to see how sore I am afterwards which will tell me what muscles to work on more than others.
And not overloading anything 😉
A way I tell if i'm doing something right...
-The next day, are the muscles sore, that are supposed to be?
-Am I sore where I shouldn't be?
-I need to change something
Good point
Can I get y'alls opinion on early morning training. I've been doing 0630 boxing training with a trainer buddy of mine, and it's been working but I feel my cardio plateauing and my gains are the going through the same.
Are you eating beforehand?
Getting enough sleep?
Probably not eating as much as I should, but I'm certainty not starved. My thinking is that maybe my recovery isn't high enough in calories and protein, so I'm moving towards maybe having 2 small breakfasts w/ a large amount of protein and carbs.
@JC17-OR#5414 You mentioned gains, are you saying you are struggling to gain muscle from a Boxing-centric regimen?
If so, that would be normal. Boxing/striking aren't hypertrophic stimuluses generally speaking.
That's make sense, I think I'm doing to many things at once. I'm doing boxing with weights and rock climbing plus some cardio and I'm wearing myself out I think.
@JC17-OR Yeah man,
I'm a 'don't reinvent the wheel' type.
When I have a specific goal, I try to follow someone else who has been there.
For gains...
The classic stuff works.
How do I obtain some steak/red meat without breaking the bank?
@Deleted User At the grocery store, I buy a roast. $12-15 gets you a huge chunk of meat.
Then at home, I cut the roast into the cuts I want and seal them in tupperware.
I'm really thinking about starting to meal prep. When I had more free time, I ate relatively good. Now I've been v. busy with a new job and schedule and eat random stuff that I throw into my lunchbox or stop for food on the road.
@Tyler0317 That's a good idea 👌🏻
@Deleted User I don't wanna trigger Siggy with potentially violent-sounding talk but it seems like in these thousands of videos of black-on-white beatings, the white girl usually just cowers. The black beating is so sloppy that if the white girl just knows and employs some *basic* technique it'd be a total ass-whoopin'.
If youtube is any indicator, the worst thing in the world you can do in those situations is not fight back.
Until you fight back in self defense- then it's a hate crime
I feel like most of them just don't fight back out of fear of persecution
I don't think that's true. I think the Breitbart comment has it right "They train their children to be savage, we train ours to be civilized" or something like that.
That and if you start winning all of their cousins will jump in
That's not a problem in a segregated society but it is in an integrated one.
I haven't seen a lot of that, irl or on youtube. I've been in a dustup or two with black dudes along the way and if it's in "a fair one" the other guys have stayed out
In my experience, black dudes (and girls) get excited by fear. They're like dogs that way.
They respect physical force too, just like dogs.
What I've always seen is if they're winning all of them scream and carry on but if you're winning and it looks like their guy (or girl) can't recover they will all jump in
Or just wait until a later date and jump you
Fair fights are a distinctly white concept
@Deleted User gotta fight back