Message from @Caster
Discord ID: 363476429737820160
just like hitler did
holy shit
@hunter japanese have a average of 105 iq, while whites have 100, nd balcks have 85
This, at least doens't have leftist propaganda
they made an anime channel
western plebs
@hunter whos stupid now
@Composers they had one from the start man
we blew them up
With a bomb
we won
IF YOU LIKE BEING A FURRY I think you need some help
@Composers good
And they came back really strong? @hunter
May I suggest therapy?
they made a poll asking users but ignored the response
nobody cares
japan is slowly dying as we speak
Purge <@222904038599950336> please
@hunter and yet somehow they have more advanced robotics tech nowdays then america
@Composers they also said in voice theyre still doing closed mod meetings
You all seem to be suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. The cure will be ready in about...7 years
japan is right-wing country, D E A L
robots are stupid and useless
@hunter lmfao
robots are just a dumb idea
Japan is exporting degeneracy and doesn't poop kids
let them, none of them were a part of CC
This guy raelly deserves the suck role
yea give me a suck role now
they are all from awoo central, garzie's awoo server
Suck role