Discord ID: 234837334288236545
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Hello dear fellow straight while males
I doubt any of you is straight do
@! Q ! I'm Sandafrican
Shlomo was my friend
You guys support white sharia?
Still cucking Trump you cucks?
Trump is alpha but you guys are not
He is delivering nothing so far
He is crooked
He shilled for votes
And cucked the alt-right
>believe me goyim I'm your friend vote for me
I wonder why Jews are around him...
He is fucking them...
All Trump kids are marrying Jews, I wonder WHY
Our only hope is Barron won't marry a kike too
You guys are pathetic...
I'm mad a bit...
I will go get some rest, see you later guys
@VicariousJambi Making tra to relax a bit...
@Winter giff number pls
Don't alienated the weebs in the movement
At least we can reform them
Show them to watch JoJo and not weeb shit
@DaBears (Fritz_) Berserk is?
Berserk is so dark
@Killbay Guts got fucked as kind, and cucked as adult, kek
Anime is less degenerate than Hollywood
@Killbay This
Furries should ger white Sharia
Japan is exporting degeneracy and doesn't poop kids
Is this a right wing server or a Trump fandom?
You are outcucking cuckservatives...
>I voted for Trump but I'm asking him for nothing
@MrThatGuy no argument
We did it!
If only the West isn't degenerate as Muslims
The best can happens to the West is to enter Islam
You bunch of degenerates
No, I just hate fags like you
Song source?
Constantinople as a Muslim city pre-dates expoloring North America
Stop being a brainlet butthurt
U mad haHAA
Shut up white trash
I am not Turk, just ask me where I am from and I would answer
Use the "?"
Ask me first
Use "?" wtf...
Kara boga bruder hh
Stay mad
Sorry you had no argument
>let me know where you from so I adhom
I am a based nigger
Comeback for what? you had no counter-argument
>I name myself Esoteric Catholicism and I larp online my mom is proud of me
>haHAA i said u turk...
Go DMs the Pope "you are my daddy" or something
Wow, NPC texts being loaded here
The most generic responses really
All of you, literally the ".4chan" NotSoBot command
@Insomniac Morocco, you?
@Insomniac nice, you were in ULP?
Unofficial /leftypol/, I saw your username somewhere, and we have mutual friends...
Ahh, okay
No, it is a Socialist mainly socially conservative server
What you mean?
It is not, I was active there for nearly 2 years
I was in a server like that
I think it is mainly LARP
They blog funny stuff too
>not being 30 yo boomer :^)
Discord is bad for teens tbh
Going too far is the problem
Muh veterans
That's bluepilled and PC
Muh veterans is used mainly to shield critisim of US's military adventurism for Israel's interest
I rarely see it used in another context
Stop being a boomer
90 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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