Discord ID: 185532750034370560
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Their que is vulnerable it seems.
Add the moonman responds to buzzfeed one
Wrong one
Probably due to the atrocities
Nazi Germany did have the three most powerful nations in the world at the time going after it in a war that cost millions of lives
Sounds like that's why the Berlin Airlift happened
since the Soviets wouldn't let food into West Berlin and people starved
Canada is a sad, disappointing little country
Which unfortunately has a majority of stupid people in it
the minority of smart people have to suffer at their whim ๐ญ
We have universal healthcare too
it's called Obamacare
I know
thank God
Don't you mean
into the gas chamber :v
they did tho
But the gas chambers exist
look at the ruins :v
I want an answe
I want an answer.
And I want it now.
Who the fuck deleted CC?
Are you bleeding retarded, @Chromobears?
Mmm, no, @xX NegroSaki Samurai Xx
You're going to explain
right now.
Nah, I'm not a faggot.
@CaptainDynamite Fucking do something about the spammers in voice chat.
"We took our server back"
Are you kidding me?
So instead of working it out like a reasonable human being, you deleted the server and didn't even try sorting issues out?
I see several issues with the explanation you just gave.
First, he posted more than two or three things.
Second, do you have evidence of the claims you've made?
@Polygon Who are you again?
No one?
>implying polygon is a respected news outlet
>don't feel left out
Well I sure do feel left out
This is what I got from your explanation.
"I didn't have enough confidence in my ability to convince Brit to step down, so I and my buddies deleted the server and made our own."
@xX NegroSaki Samurai Xx would like to talk.
Of course, @WrasslinMan
When I suggested to both Based and Brit that we trim all users who have not been on for 30 days or more, neither Based nor Brit considered it an option.
I was frankly told by both that deleting people from the server would lead to the death of the server.
Ty, @Composers.
Apparently so
I'll be back later
So was the entire Mod team returned to what it was before CC got hacked down(with the exception of some people not being admins)?
Assuming I'm one of them @Juan Rico ๐ฆ
@king Add this to breaking_news: http://abcnews.go.com/US/hugh-hefner-dead-91/story?id=50144683
good good
Now that Hugh Hefner is gone, the heterosexuality of the west has dropped significantly
>steal bitcoins
How would you do that
@Deleted User d0e93084 He may have been a feminist cuck, but he was also ardently heterosexual
He fucked more women than the male population of some towns in America have
Feminism as we know it is cancer
mainly because feminism now actually means feminism
and isn't just used for egalitarianism
Muhammad had 12 wives
How many wives and ex-wives did the Hef have?
Hugh Hefner has only legally been married twice
@Autistic Dog That's your new profile picture
Chance it now
Animation and the constant changing of preexisting lore to satisfy feminists
The gameplay itself wasn't honestly that bad
The animation was terrible
@Deleted User d0e93084 They haven't readded me to the mod team yet
Probably will tomorrow
Good to have your support still, @amygdala
<@&350743715033120769> Why have you not <@&350743889667424256>ed the leftist @Blood yet?
Ty @king
Leftists are by their very nature cucks
so you're a cuck
No, you're welcome here
but being a leftist, it's fair that you be identified as a cuck
Also, national socialism is still socialism
Fascism is arguably more centrist than socialism, but Mussolini was a leftist at heart
Mussolini himself was a socialist before he developed the concept of fascism
thus fascism naturally borrowed a lot from Marxism, socialism, and communism which had preceded it
In a place where you will receive headpats :3
@// tell us your story please.
Reminder that if I was mod, he would be cucked, albeit still allowed to talk as he hasn't spammed the chat or tried to troll anyone
democratic socialism means Vietnam
and we all know how Vietnam turned out
@Zerek44 Were you a part of Centipede Central?
If so, you were invited to this server.
Because CC got shut down.
>implying people in Venezuela have the money to start a small business
>implying a small business in Venezuela wouldn't go under due to excessive government regulation
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