Message from @Caster
Discord ID: 363475657130246144
Wow, Kenny. His little sister could've been of age, you don't know that she isn't.
I aint no fur fag
they said the orignal CC is the ral CC ROOM
Trump is a jewish shill
Is based brit in this server
>weebs are evil mosters so no #anime
>adults playing kids games are welcome so <#356288574485954561>
fuck you mods
Oh I'm sure
i like this server
Why do I have the furry role? God dammit, I just want to see some anime tits
Trump bombed god emperor assaf
@Emir Tambor No
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> Changed roles for CC2560#7904, +Cuck., -Patriot
Kiddo, you've got a lot to learn.
Don't alienated the weebs in the movement
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> Changed roles for Gl0r#1995, +Cuck., -Patriot
god mods
<@222904038599950336> a fat retarded coke head that is now in charge of this country
and is not really retarded
rip in peae
Show them to watch JoJo and not weeb shit
I still do not understand what happened to the old server
JOJO is gay
watch enangelion
@DaBears (Fritz_) Berserk is?
tfw the new server will get a lot of new leftists cause this one is a anti weeb one
@Emir Tambor <#356271441265688578>
Friday Night raids
berserk is ok... idk