Message from @ayy lmao
Discord ID: 618595633548230677
Now some might say, what about the poor people who can't afford this? There are free or low-cost ways people can arbitrate/secure themselves as well. Perhaps could also form contracts with their neighbors for protection, protect themselves with their own firearms, already have security as part of the HOA they're already paying for in a community, or join a mutual aid society that provides an arbitration service. The possibilities are endless here.
but that's another story
@Wes The Savage I'm always up for recommendations, I'm still very new to the whole scene
as you can probably tell lol
@ayy lmao Imagine for a second, that 1000 criminals banded together under murdercorp
I could've SWARN I met you somewhere
Murder is now legal as far as they are concerned
I know the name
The problem is, evidently, living under such a system would be too much of a hassle.
Can't trust anyone
Plus nobody else would agree to it
But even if they make murder illegal, they won't find a mutual arbitrator/judge who will agree to their "law" when a conflict occurs
You'd have a target on your head
and no one would pay for such a thing
essentially, you'd be paying to have your rights violated
@The_NothingForEverything They themselves wouldn't even want this because living in perpetual fear isn't fun
well I guess I got a new nice sticker I can flex when talking trash in online politics discussions boys, I can now lable myself panarchist I guess
but yeah I don't care much about lables, it's been great having some reasonable disscussion in here
I'll have to go to sleep now, I'll be back posting more uneducated assumptions to correct soon 😂
Isn't panarchism contained within anarchism?
I just thought of something
Two dudes fighting each other shouldn't be illegal, I mean attacking someone sure but two dudes getting into a fight. They are mutually agreeing and no one has the right to say no <:VoluntaryismEmoji:612152192836698112>
Checkmate LCU
Android keyboards. Autocorrecting yard to hard.
@Selganor why checkmate?
I’m for legal dueling and gladiatorial events, voluntary of course like mma, but yeah, how’s that a checkmate again the LCU?
Maybe you didn’t notice the LCU already played that move
Perhapse I should make it clear I should rarely be taken seriously if nothing serious is going on
molecules can't consent therefore existence is involuntary. Check mate
Calling for a mass negation of the universe
pls send me your shekels
Gotcha selganor
I understand 😅
GG @Mr. Dapperton, you just advanced to level 5!
oh i lvled up