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Questions tagged [command-line]

A command line is a string given to a command interpreter that tells it actions to take, such as running programs or copying files. The interpreter processes command lines with escapes and substitutions.

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mysql ORDER BY return order differently

Trying to figure out why mysql's ORDER BY clause can return order differently, e.g.: The two files are both generated by using mysql on command line with a single command: mysql mydb -e 'SELECT ...
xpt's user avatar
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1 answer

Why is mycli history file appearing in home directory?

I started using mycli and want $HOME/.mycli-history to be generated and updated from $HOME/.cache/mycli/.mycli-history Moved $HOME/.myclirc -> ~/.config/mycli/.myclirc Created alias mycli='sudo ...
Vivek Jha's user avatar
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Sqlcmd: The -W and the -y/-Y options are mutually exclusive

I am working on SQL server task. I need a sqlcmd result file with complete records with headers. Here is the command and error message below sqlcmd -S [Server_Name] -U [User_Name] -P [Password] -d [...
Yuvaraj's user avatar
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Bitnami mongod fails with 'MongoServerSelectionError'

Bitnami's Mongo image launched under virtualbox works and brings up the text console (debian11 so no X11). Debian instance starts the listener correctly according to ss -atpn. But starting mongosh ...
ArrowInTree's user avatar
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Why should I prefer Invoke-DbaQuery to its alternatives?

The documentation for Invoke-DbaQuery mentions many other similar functions This function is a wrapper command around Invoke-DbaAsync, which in turn is based on Invoke-SqlCmd2. It was designed to be ...
J. Mini's user avatar
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Postgresql refuses connect from Windows psql

I've been fiddling with these for 3 hours now and I can't figure out why my PostgreSQL server on a Debian server accepts connections from my Ubuntu server but not from my Windows 10 or 11 machines. ...
Ken Ingram's user avatar
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command line client included in "SQL Server Management Studio 19"

With a web search I found that sqlcmd is included in SQL Server. Is there a command line client included in "SQL Server Management Studio 19"? I wish to run some SQL scripts in an automated ...
Sybil's user avatar
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Set 'timing on' for the duration of the current `psql` session using command-line options

What is the equivalent of \timing on command in psql, using the psql command-line options? I am aware that this will enable timing for all psql sessions: echo '\\timing on' >> ~/.psqlrc I am ...
Timur Shtatland's user avatar
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How to use mongoexport with a dynamic variable for date on windows batch file?

Here is my working script: mongoexport --db db1 --collection Transaction --out C:\Users\Admin\transactionstats.json --query="{"PaymentDate":{"$gte":{"$date":"...
JRA's user avatar
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Run both of "DROP DATABASE" and "CREAT DATABASE" in CLI with "-c" option of psql of Postgresql

When debugging programs, I need to frequently drop a database of Postgresql, and then re-create it again. To convenient, I want to execute this in a single command line like following: psql -c "...
Leon's user avatar
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How do I retain command history for psql running within PowerShell?

I'm running the following version of psql psql (12.11) on Windows Powershell running on Windows 10. Within the same shell session, when I log in and out of psql, it doesn't retain the previous ...
Dave's user avatar
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In Postgres 12, how do I set a default schema when logging in using psql?

I'm logging in to my Postgres 12 (running on Windows 10) db using an alias, which resolves to PGPASSWORD=$DB_PASSWORD psql -U${DB_USER} $DB_NAME I would like to find a way to tell Postgres which ...
Dave's user avatar
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Is it possible to access a Windows MSSQL server from an instance of Linux?

I'm trying to assess the viability of using Linux within a very-much Windows environment for bash/scripting utilities to be performed. From the documentation I could find, ubuntu access is possible ...
SomethingSomething's user avatar
3 votes
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How to tell SqlPackage.exe to create object existence check script?

I have this code that creates a migration script for me: First Part (Extract) sqlpackage /a:extract /of:true /scs:"Data Source =.; Initial Catalog = Accounts; user id = ...
Ali EXE's user avatar
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How do I escape characters when running COPY command on command line?

I'm using Postgres 14 on CentOS 7. I would like to run a copy command from a bash script. I first tried running the command on the command line $ PGPASSWORD=$DB_PASS psql -U $DB_USER -d $DB_NAME -c '...
Dave's user avatar
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How can I create a mysql database (if it doesn't exist) or replace it (if it exists)?

My dump: mysqldump --host=localhost --user=root --password=whatever --single-transaction --routines --triggers --log-error=error.txt --databases mydatabase > out.sql My restore mysql --host=...
acgbox's user avatar
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Why can't I use command \i on psql? It says no such file or directory [closed]

I am trying to use command \i 'C:\Users\Public\person.sql'; on windows on psql. And it says C:UsersPublicperson.sql: No such file or directory Although file does exist. I tried to relocate file on ...
aslan95's user avatar
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2 answers

Equivalent Linux commands for Windows ones to create user and database

There is a manual for configuring PostgreSQL on Windows with these commands: C:\"Program Files"\PostgreSQL\12\bin\createuser.exe --username=postgres --superuser --pwprompt saleor C:\"...
Megidd's user avatar
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SQLite command line shell stuck on ...> , CTRL+D not working

I've just started learning Databases, and the instructor is teaching SQLite with the command line shell. I downloaded from When I enter false ...
Kronecker's user avatar
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Upgrading Postgres 12 to 13: 'pg_upgrade.exe' fails

I'm attempting to upgrade a Postgres instance from version 12 to version 13, following the steps outlined at From an elevated command prompt, I'm ...
Marc.2377's user avatar
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sql command utility version is not working

I have two versions of SQL Command Utility installed on my system as mentioned below(I checked the versions by going to Control Pannel->ProgramsandFeatures). Microsoft Command Line Utilities 11 ...
rk02's user avatar
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Auto running SQL script with Azure database server

I am trying to automate a report that is generated from the database on Azure database server. I am using below script in the batch file but I get the error. Script: osql -U firstname.lastname@company....
rk02's user avatar
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MySQL server will not start/stop

I am currently in the process of setting up a database in MySQL for an application where I will be running PowerBI to do analyses on the data in the database and in a further stage to design an ...
SDR3078's user avatar
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3 answers

Retain indent formatting when compiling a stored procedure without Data Studio

When I compile a stored procedure using CLPplus console (or even in dBeaver), all indentation is stripped out. Only when I compile in Data Studio is the formatting retained, but I would like to ...
Jake v1's user avatar
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Cannot Reset MySQL password

I have been stuck on this for a long time, I tried to follow the instructions located here: When I run the commands I get this as my ...
K. Lok's user avatar
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2 answers

How to Skip Existing Data While Restoring mysqldump File?

I use this query to import data using MySQL Dump (Command Prompt / Command Line) mysql -u root -p database_name < database_name.sql I want to import the large database (only new deltas) as of now ...
manigopal's user avatar
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Import table data using multiple sql file in psql

Local Machine(l1): Windows 10 psql Remote Machine(R1): linux EDB(postgres) On my local I have 1000+ sql script containing insert statement . psql is also installed locally . I need to run this sql ...
user236778's user avatar
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How to load data from another sql file into a main sql file? - MYSQL

I am trying to process the scripts dbcreate_f.sql and dbload_f.sql to create and to load data into a script solution6.sql. I am doing this in MYSQL command line. In solution6.sql I have two statements:...
bean's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I ONLY get the query execution time on the command line without waiting till the data is displayed?

I am testing and comparing execution times of queries with big result sets using the command line. It takes too long to display the result set! Is there any way to see only the query execution time ...
Andranik Markaryan's user avatar
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Is there a difference between running the source command from the mysql command line client and '<' from outside it? if so, when should I use each?

I can run the following commands: C:\myfolder>mysql -uuser -ppassword Then from within the client do: mysql>source C:\path\to\file.sql Or I can do: C:\myfolder>mysql -uuser -...
mal's user avatar
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can I exclude or delete .pem files in backup data myqdl?

I am making a backup of the mysql data folder. In this folder are the databases. The method I am using is described in this post which uses ROBOCOPY During installation, mysql (tested in 5.7.30) ...
acgbox's user avatar
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PowerShell script to send an email with SQL results in HTML format

Does anyone have a PowerShell script to query results from a SQL Server database and send it out as an email in HTML format?
Zammy89's user avatar
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Need help trying to run a batch file from a SQL Agent job

I am trying to run a batch file from a SQL Agent job. This batch file is a connection command and script file that will run. I can run the the actions straight from Command Prompt, but I need it to be ...
mikey10104's user avatar
3 votes
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How to print results in SQLcmd window

I'tm trying to show in SQLcmd window the results of these queries: SELECT SYSDATETIME() AS "date"; PRINT 'EXTRAÍDO POR:' SELECT SUSER_NAME() AS "Owner" PRINT 'PASSWORD SETTINGS'; exec ...
Lucas's user avatar
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Problems running Postgres "createuser" command

I'm trying to run the createuser command on an MacOS 10.15 installation of Postgres 11.6. I have enabled root but there is no postgres user to su as - there's a _postgres user instead: dd@finglas:~ $ ...
Dycey's user avatar
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How do I skip an offline database over the network in MySQL import?

I am doing a MySQL import from an *.sql file to multiple database location over the network. I'm using cmd batch file to run the command and it's working as I expect it to be. However I notice that ...
FanoFN's user avatar
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Is it possible to reset SA password without stopping SQL Server Service?

I lost a password for sa account. Now I want to reset SA password and at the same time not to restart SQL Server Service or going into single-user mode. I would like to mention that I am windows ...
Rauf Asadov's user avatar
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Trying to run lines on a timer

One of the things I need to do on my job is run lines of SQL code. I need to do each line individually. Which involves highlighting one line, executing it, then doing the next. Sometimes it is up ...
Yuko's user avatar
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How to enforce ON DELETE RESTRICT on MySQL?

This is my SQL code: -- DROP the database if it exists DROP DATABASE IF exists labtest; -- CREATE THE DATABASE CREATE DATABASE labtest; -- SHOW DATABASES; SHOW DATABASES; -- Use the database USE ...
user184383's user avatar
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MariaDB pipped querys not executed

I experience a strange problem on our 3 node MariaDB cluster (10.2.24). Queries send over the command line are received by the cluster but don't get executed. MySQL does not return any errors or ...
subhead's user avatar
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MySQL Error: Data Too Long For Column CHAR(5) - MariaDB 10.3.10 [closed]

When inserting data from CSV to MariaDB 10.3, the following error is generated while trying to insert value '00010' into NCHAR(5) column ERROR 1406 (22001): Data too long for column '...
Ender Lisan Al Gaïb's user avatar
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Mysql Command line Parameter passing to sql file

In windows mysql(5.7 version), I want to run mysql commmand using command line for .sql file as input . Also i was to pass some variable whose value should get used in .sql file. somehow I am not able ...
Raj B.'s user avatar
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How to tell whether mysql was built with libedit or readline?

How to tell whether mysql was built with libedit or readline? I'm trying to configure the mysql client tool to use Ctrl-R for searching command history but not sure which input library my ...
DC Slagel's user avatar
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how to stop OracleRemExecServiceV2 from cmd?

I have Oracle 12c running on Windows 7. When I look at the Oracle's specific services (Control Panel\System and Security\Administrative Tools\Services), I have the following 6 services: So far, ...
wile the coyote's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I force windows to use a specific version of SQLCMD?

I have several versions of SSMS installed on my machine. We have legacy servers running several versions of SQL Server, mainly 2008, 2012, and 2014. I use SQLCMD all the time, but it seems to default ...
Red_Shadow's user avatar
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How to format the output of SQL queries on SQLCMD for SQL Server 2017 on RHEL Linux 7.3?

I have installed SQL Server 2017 on RHEL Linux 7.3, and using SQLCMD utility for querying the SQL Server. When I try to query for example: 'SELECT * FROM SYS.DATABASES'. I get output like the ...
SSS's user avatar
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How to get useful error information from mysql command?

I'm trying to script the creation of a database with tables. I'm encountering errors but the error messages are not helpful to me because I'm a novice. I'm finding the mysql tool is providing mostly ...
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How to deploy install of MS SQL Server 2017 Developer Edition via command-line script - not working

I'm trying to deploy MS SQL Server 2017 Developer Edition via command-line script from a server share that holds the install media onto Windows 10 1803 (June release). However, I'm not having much ...'s user avatar
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Show cassandra help documentation in terminal instead of browser

I've just started playing around with Cassandra through the cqlsh cli. When using the help command for the topics the documentation opens in the browser. Is there a way to show the documentation in ...
numfar's user avatar
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mysql (5.5.) cmd unresponsive when selecting a huge db

I had initiated on Friday night a huge (~800G) dump from my machine to a remote host; Today, (although the command does not seem to have returned yet), I am able to log in to the machine and mysql ...
pkaramol's user avatar
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