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Questions tagged [sqlite]

A popular open-source embeddable (i.e. non client-server) RDBMS implemented as a C library.

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How to link a virtual FTS table to another table in SQLite and enforce referential integrity?

I've been reading up on the full text search documentation in SQLite and it all makes sense, except there appears to be no accommodation made for actually being able to link FTS rows with rows in ...
Jez's user avatar
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3 answers

Table structure with multiple foreign keys and values

I'm developing a desktop application to help the technician to easily provide updates to an embedded system. The background is very simple the database (SQLite) have several tables, not identical but ...
Mark's user avatar
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1 answer

Issues with Self-Referencing Foreign Key in SQLite

I'm having trouble with a self-referencing foreign key in SQLite. I've created a table to store employee details, where each employee can have a manager who is also an employee. Here's the table ...
reubenjohn's user avatar
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Migrating an existing sqlite database to postgresql

I'm trying to use pgloader to migrate an existing SQLite database to PostgreSQL. In a table of the database there are some columns of type boolean, since there is no dedicated boolean type in SQLite ...
Ta Thanh Dinh's user avatar
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How to know wether a DELETE CASCADE will delete child records?

Lets say that I have a table A which is referenced by table B. Each record in table A may be referenced by multiple records from table B. This would be the classic "A has many B". Table B ...
Cristian's user avatar
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Sqlite fetching speed problem - how to understand explain and compare two queries

I need to join two tables product_features and feature_text to get this output From a previous question i got two answers that both return the expected result for a small sample set: join so that ...
surfmuggle's user avatar
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How can I select all rows from two SQLite tables, but prefer one if there are matching rows in both?

I have two tables, each with a round and an id column and additional data columns. One table is the planned version, the other one is the actual one. E.g.: planned: round | id | value ------+----+-----...
Tobias Leupold's user avatar
-1 votes
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Return data in the same order that I have inserted it with Sqlite3

I'm working with, I think, the lastest version of Sqlite and C++. I have a table with data, and I need to return this data in the order I inserted it. Do I have any guarantee that the columns will ...
VansFannel's user avatar
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I keep getting NULL results

I have 2 tables i am working on. dbo_Returns1 - which has customer-id, return_date, returns, irder_id and dbo_Sales1 which has customer_id, sales, sales_date, order_id Question 1: What % of sales ...
kemi fawole's user avatar
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I need to move from sqlite to a distributed setup. What are my options?

I have an sqlite db that has grown to 30gb and I'm still pushing data to it everyday. I have a couple services that write to it using libsqlite3. Soon it will become too big to keep locally. What is ...
thewolf's user avatar
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Foreign Key Error in SQLite3 CREATE TABLE Command

Looking for fresh eyes on this, I'm running the command in sqlite3 interactive and can't see the problem. Here's the code: CREATE TABLE Personas( PersonID INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, ...
ifiht's user avatar
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How can I find a topmost row and count the rows with only one scan?

Suppose that I have a schema like the following: -- Many rows CREATE TABLE t1(i INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, c1 INTEGER, c2 INTEGER); -- t1's rows with c1 even CREATE VIEW t1_filtered(i, c1, c2) AS SELECT ...
user570286's user avatar
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When generating combinations using a CTE, is there a way to use an index to group the elements of each combination?

I have a project that involves combining a variety of things into their possible combinations. This includes permutations, combinations, with and without repetition, and some more exotic ways of ...
alx9r's user avatar
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How Whatsapp Search/Index Encrypted Chats specially IndexedDB, Searchable Encryption

Our team has developed a Hybrid app which is based on IndexedDB to support cross platforms. This app now has a chat feature and we want to store chats for offline readability. But as a rule of thumb, ...
Abdul Jabbar's user avatar
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Create an affiliate system (also known as a referral program like Rewardful, Tapfiliate) in SQLite?

I want to create a simple affiliate system that pays affiliates who refer a customer a commission of $100. I currently have the following tables generated via an ORM. CREATE TABLE `session` ( `id` ...
deadcoder0904's user avatar
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SQLite: How to include an Sqlean define statement in a `.sql` file?

I need to generate an SQL file containing UDF defined with the extension 'define' of Sqlean. Here is a minimum non-working dump.sql file: SELECT load_extension('path/to/sqlean/define'); SELECT define('...
Aristide's user avatar
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Alternative to multi-master replication between local and cloud db when writes are infrequent and only 1 db at a time

Background: I have a closed-source app on my laptop that saves its data in a local SQLite database. I'm working on creating a mobile app for myself that would replicate the functionality of the ...
mikemykhaylov's user avatar
-1 votes
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Embedding PHP variable into Sqlite statement

I have been struggling with this for hours. I am pretty new to Sqlite and have been trying to write a prepared statement, everything works up until I try to get my variable in. The following works as ...
fcreav's user avatar
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What is the best data type for an array like structure in SQLite?

I have a table that stores tracks and I want to add sector times for each track. Each track could have a different number of sectors, the same track will always have the same number of sectors and the ...
av4625's user avatar
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Select random records until a cumulative total is exceeded

I have a table of videos with an id, skill_level and duration column and I am attempting to write a query that will return a playlist of distinct videos that has a total duration exceeding X. select ...
Ashley's user avatar
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Is my schema "correct"?

Is my proposed schema below prone to make overly complex and slow running queries? Is there a better way to layout this database? The situation: I have no formal DBA training. tl;dr section below this ...
HDL_CinC_Dragon's user avatar
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Stop sqlite resetting autoincrement on primary key

If you delete the rows on the end of the table, the autoincrement resets: sqlite> CREATE TABLE my_table ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ); ... sqlite> SELECT * FROM my_table; 1 2 3 sqlite> ...
Tom Huntington's user avatar
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How do you only get data from the table with the foreign key using SQLite?

I want to be able to get data from the table that owns the foreign key as a primary key, only using data in the WHERE clause from the other table. I have tried an inner join and I am getting weird ...
av4625's user avatar
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SQLite - Update of a field in two steps without variable (SpatiaLite)

I work with SpatiaLite, managing databases through SQLite. Unfortunately, this system doesn't allow the use of variables, or at least, I haven't discovered how to use them yet. My objective is to ...
Giene's user avatar
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1 answer

Syntaxis Problem when creating a trigger in Mysqlite

how u doing?, I have a problem that I don't understand, when I create a Trigger in Mysqlite, check it: c.execute("""CREATE TRIGGER ahoraSI BEFORE INSERT ON Productos FOR ...
Carlos's user avatar
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select user with least amount of tiquets between all other users

I have a table where I store users info like this user tickets s.lewis 0 a.barrantes 2 x.mendez 3 j.robert 0 I want to create a query to select the user that has the least amount of tickets ...
Sarah Lewis's user avatar
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User types as foreign keys

Largely theoretical question or idea discussion Lets say we have several simple dictionaries: create table dic1(code integer primary key, description varchar(256)); create table dic2(code integer ...
White Owl's user avatar
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3 answers

Single-tenant SQLite vs Postgres + SQLite

About the app I am building an application which will have 2 clients: web and mobile. Both clients will need to auth to sync the user data. On average, each user will generate 2000 rows of data. The ...
GRS's user avatar
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Optimizing the SQLite database as source data for R scripts

I have an application written in R Shiny that supports a large number of csv's (and 3 new ones are added every day). These files have a structure that is quite unpleasant to handle, so I decided to ...
tomsu's user avatar
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sqlite3.OperationalError: no such column: stock_name from flask import Flask, request, jsonify import sqlite3 app = Flask(__name__) def process_user_input(data): # Retrieve user input from the data stock_name = data.get('...
Steven's user avatar
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How do I migrate SQLite to Postgres for OWASP Juice Shop?

I tried to make a .sql but it's failing. My files here: I also tried using pgloader but that was even more ...
mLstudent33's user avatar
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Is frequent opening and closing of the SQLite file expensive operation?

I need to build a multi-tenant solution with a requirement for strict data isolation (meaning isolated Databases at tenant level). Even the authentication is different for each tenant? I find that ...
Harshal Patil's user avatar
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Sqlite comparison of the same operand types behaves differently

Based on Sqlite docs:, especially this statement: If one operand has INTEGER, REAL or NUMERIC affinity and the other operand ...
mvorisek's user avatar
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Find best intersect (most elements) between Order (haystack) and Pricerules (needle)

Full disclosure I have posted a greater scoped question at SO a couple of days ago with a bounty (no answers yet). Scope here How can a CTE be used to find a match with the most elements? For the ...
surfmuggle's user avatar
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Column accepting more characters than defined

I have a column defined as character varying(20). But it is accepting more than 20 characters. I've already searched but couldn't find anything about it (maybe I'm searching wrong). Has anyone ...
FranS's user avatar
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SQL Lite is giving an "index out of range" error

When I run this code in Rust<i64, _>("creation_utc").unwrap(), I get, Error { code: None, message: Some("the index is out of range (creation_utc)") } But ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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Query for repeating sequences in SQLite

I have an SQLite DB, let's assume the id can be considered as the order of rows, I want to find repeating sequences in the table according to certain criteria. consider this example (http://sqlfiddle....
yossico's user avatar
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How do we recurse through this table?

I have a simple family tree table that includes: PIN Numeric, primary key FATHER_PIN ID of father MOTHER_PIN ID of mother I want to recurse through the tree with: WITH RECURSIVE parent_of(PIN, ...
Pierre's user avatar
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Can you formulate an SQL command for this case?

I have an SQLite table PERSONS with the following columns, all integers: PIN (unique ID) SEX (1 = male, 2 = female) FATHER_PIN (PIN of person's father) MOTHER_PIN I want to find all couples that had ...
Pierre's user avatar
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In GRASS GIS db.execute IN statement works, but NOT IN doesn't

Here is my command for GRASS GIS database (SQL Lite driver used): db.execute sql="UPDATE streams_order SET factor=next_stream WHERE number IS NOT NULL AND next_stream IN (SELECT number FROM ...
Nikolay Yasinskiy's user avatar
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DBMI-SQLite driver error: Error in sqlite3_prepare(): near ".": syntax error in db.execute command

I try to make a query with inner join from grass gis (but in that community this question was concerned as offtopic, so it seems to concern only SQL lite): db.execute sql="UPDATE A SET A.next2=B....
Nikolay Yasinskiy's user avatar
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Can many table names having the same prefix slow down a database?

I understand (maybe wrongly) that SQL databases often use associative arrays based on B-trees and that looking up entries in these arrays entails binary search that lexicographically compares a key ...
user570286's user avatar
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SQLite Upsert - syntax error

I'm trying to use SQLite's upsert syntax as described in their documentation However I get the following error, in both WebSql (SQLite v3.41.2) and SQLite on Android (SQLite v3.40.0) could not prepare ...
Eriedor's user avatar
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storing histogram in sqlite database

I am not a database administrator, but only a scientist who would appreciate your help in solving my issue with storing histogram data in an SQLite database. I have several of them to be stored and to ...
user41796's user avatar
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Order the same column by ascending or descending dependant on the value of another column

I've got a situation where I want to order a column by ascending or descending based on the value of a second column (in essence, if column A is odd, sort column B ascending, otherwise descending). ...
Toll's user avatar
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Database design suggestion for improving existing design

Background I am working on an IoT application that deals with sensors, their configurations and their readings. Following are the requirements of the system, Each sensor can support multiple features....
Hem Bhagat's user avatar
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What is the evaluation clause order in SQLite?

Traditionally in SQL, the main clauses are evaluated as: FROM WHERE GROUP BY HAVING SELECT ORDER BY Among other things, it explains why you can’t use alias from the SELECT clause in other clauses ...
Manngo's user avatar
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update row with age calculation with DOB in related table

SQLite database with a table "events" with a columns events.eventDate, events.ageAtEvent and events.foreignKey_participants, and a table "participants" with columns participants....
Stam Kapetanakis's user avatar
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Sum profits of sales for every sale in SQLite using avg purchase price?

In my SQLite database i have the following tables and data: Products: pro_id. pro_name 1. Item1 Purchases: pur_id pro_id. pur_qty. pur_price 1. 1. 10. 10 2. 1. ...
Anti Atlas Dev's user avatar
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How to sum profits of all products using AVG prices in SQLite?

In my SQLite I have the following tables: Products: Pro_id. Pro_name 1. Item1 2. Item2 3. Item3 4. Item4 Purchases: Pro_id. Pur_Qty Pur_Price 1. 10. 10 ...
Anti Atlas Dev's user avatar

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