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      Information SystemsManagement Information SystemsBluetoothWimax
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    • Decision Support Systems
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Model-driven development: The good, the bad, and the ugly & B. Hailpern P. Tarr
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      Information SystemsSoftware EngineeringSoftware DevelopmentSoftware Quality
In the framework of the domain of Text Mining, and Document Classification in particular, an introduction into the field of Authorship Attribution is presented. Especially syntaxbased features and Machine Learning techniques suggest a new... more
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fax 91-11-26885270.
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      TobaccoBiological SciencesPlant PhysiologyPlant
In the recent years, there has been an explosive growth in the amount of visual data. Automatic Image Annotation (AIA) has been considered the state-of-the-art technique to annotate images with relevant keywords that enable efficient... more
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In the recent years, there has been an explosive growth in the amount of visual data. Automatic Image Annotation (AIA) has been considered the state-of-the-art technique to annotate images with relevant keywords that enable efficient... more
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A comprehensive characterization of the volumetric shrinkage of a commercially important aerospace resin (RTM6) during the various stages of the curing process was studied. The apparent volumetric shrinkage, evaluated from density... more
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      Materials EngineeringPolymer EngineeringChemical Engineeringpolymer science and Engineering
Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETS) consists of a collection of mobile nodes without having a central coordination. In MANET, node mobility and dynamic topology play an important role in the performance. MANET provide a solution for network... more
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      Mobile Ad Hoc NetworksManetAODVBandwidth
Abstract—Cluster based protocols like LEACH were found best suited for routing in wireless sensor networks. In mobility centric environments some improvements were suggested in the basic scheme. LEACH-Mobile is one such protocol. The... more
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      Wireless Sensor NetworksRouting protocolsAdvanced ComputingData transfer
Bank switching in embedded processors having partitioned memory architecture results in code size as well as run time overhead. An algorithm and its application to assist the compiler in eliminating the redundant bank switching codes... more
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    • Embedded processor
This paper presents a performance analysis of reversible, fault tolerant VLSI implementations of carry select and hybrid decimal adders suitable for multi-digit BCD addition. The designs enable partial parallel processing of all digits... more
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      Parallel ProcessingPerformance AnalysisReversible LogicClassical Logic
This paper describes JERIM-320, a new 320-bit hash function used for ensuring message integrity and details a comparison with popular hash functions of similar design. JERIM-320 and FORK-256 operate on four parallel lines of message... more
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      Computer ScienceHash Function
Current research on radio frequency transceivers focuses on multi-standard architectures to attain higher system capacities and data rates. Multiple communication standards are made adaptable by performing channel select filtering on chip... more
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      Computational ComplexityResidue Number SystemCritical path of historyRadio Frequency
In this paper we investigate the problem of cache resolution in a mobile peer to peer ad hoc network. In our vision cache resolution should satisfy the following requirements: (i) it should result in low message overhead and (ii) the... more
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      Distributed ComputingWireless Sensor NetworksComputer SoftwareWireless Sensor and Mobile Adhoc Networks
This paper discusses our research in developing a generalized and systematic method for anomaly detection. The key ideas are to represent normal program behaviour using system call frequencies and to incorporate probabilistic techniques... more
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      Information SecurityIntrusion Detection SystemsAnomaly DetectionSoftware
This paper discusses the complexities involved in managing and monitoring the delivery of IT services in a multiparty outsourcing environment. The complexities identified are grouped into four categories and are tabulated. A discussion on... more
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    • Performance Evaluation
In recent years, reversible logic has emerged as one of the most important approaches for power optimization with its application in low power CMOS, quantum computing and nanotechnology. Low power circuits implemented using reversible... more
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      Low Power DesignHamming CodeReversible LogicLow Power