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Questions tagged [decision-trees]

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Learning a boolean function using decision tree with small number of queries

I am working on a problem and I am looking to solve the following subproblem : Given a "restrictive" blackbox access to boolean function $\phi$, output a "small-sized" CNF that ...
AlternatingGroupoid's user avatar
6 votes
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Generalization of the generalization of the evasiveness conjecture

The generalized evasiveness conjecture (Aanderaa, Rosenberg, Karp, Kahn, Saks, Sturtevant) states that any non-constant, monotone ($x\le y \Rightarrow f(x)\le f(y)$, weakly symmetric Boolean function ...
domotorp's user avatar
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5 votes
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Hardness of Computing Tribes-DNF by Decision Trees

In this paper on "The Polynomial Hierarchy, Random Oracles, and Boolean Circuits", Fact (3.2) states that it is impossible for a polylogarithmic depth decision tree to compute the Tribes-DNF ...
CHLander's user avatar
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If boolean function $f$ is computable by a k-CNF and an l-DNF then it can be computed by a decision tree of depth at most kl

I have seen it stated that if boolean function $f$ is computable by a $k$-CNF and an $l$-DNF then it can be computed by a decision tree of depth at most $kl$. However, I am not able to see why this is ...
TheCollegeStudent's user avatar
5 votes
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Lower bound for sorting without using a decision tree model

Can we prove the lower bound for the sorting problem just by Turing machine model? It seems that available proof of sorting is based on the assumption that the algorithm only uses comparison so we can ...
Hao Huang's user avatar
4 votes
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Binary Trees for Nearest Neighbor Search

Given points $x_1, ..., x_n \in \mathbb{R}^d$, consider a binary decision tree $T$ on $\mathbb{R}^d$ with $L$ leaves, i.e. for a point $y \in \mathbb{R}^d$ at every node of the tree, we check whether $...
Claudio Moneo's user avatar
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Is it possible that the Aanderaa–Karp–Rosenberg conjecture is just a bit false?

The Aanderaa–Karp–Rosenberg conjecture is that any non-trivial monotone property on graphs is evasive. It has been proved for several special cases, but for a general graph on $n$ vertices, we only ...
domotorp's user avatar
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7 votes
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Complexity of constructing minimum depth decision trees

I am interested in the computational complexity of Problem 1: Given a finite, non-empty set $J$, given $A, B \subseteq \{0,1\}^J$ such that $A \cap B = \emptyset$, and given $n \in \mathbb{N}$, does ...
Max Flow's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Finding the maximum no. of people who get along in a group [closed]

Suppose that there are 15 people in a room. Assume that each person gets along with other people in the room (but not everyone). (Note that the "feeling is mutual" between any two people who are ...
Christopher Mowla's user avatar
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Approximation class of finding decision trees with minimal depth

We are given some sets $S_1, \cdots , S_n$ and two disjoint sets $A$ and $B$. A decision tree is a binary tree where each node asks "$x \in S_i? $" for some $i$, taking the left branch means "yes", ...
EXPTIME-complete's user avatar
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Algebraic decision trees and adversary arguments

In the comparison tree model, we establish lower bounds on computing $\min$ and $\max$ of $n$ numbers via the adversary argument. Are there problems on which we know lower bounds in the algebraic ...
Sadguru's user avatar
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22 votes
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Easy problems with hard counting versions

Wikipedia provides examples of problems where the counting version is hard, whereas the decision version is easy. Some of these are counting perfect matchings, counting the number of solutions to $2$-...
Turbo's user avatar
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Lower bound on the element distinctness problem

The element distinctness problem asks whether any two elements of the input sequence $<x_1,\ldots,x_n>$ are equal? This problem has a lower bound of $\Omega(n \log n)$ in the algebraic decision ...
Sadguru's user avatar
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1 vote
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Randomized and deterministic query complexity of symmetric functions

The deterministic query complexity $D(f)$ of a symmetric function $f$ is $\Omega(n)$ (except for f = 0 or f = 1). I am wondering if the same result holds for the (bounded-error) randomized query ...
permanganate's user avatar
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Minmax vs Maxmin

I'm reading this paper about building a combat simulator for 8 unit vs 8 unit mini combats in StarCraft: Brood War. The basic idea is to build a search tree simulating these small combats in order to ...
xdhmoore's user avatar
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decision tree complexity and query complexity

I want good sources for starting with decision tree complexity and query complexity , what papers to start with ? what book chapters to read ? I already seen arora and barak book and I begin to read ...
Fayez Abdlrazaq Deab's user avatar
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The Complexity of Properly Learning Decision Trees

Where does this paper prove the middle bullet point of its abstract? I have looked through that paper fairly thoroughly. There are three things I want to read how they're getting around. Reductions ...
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10 votes
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Canonical representation of Binary Decision Tree in Ptime?

I am wondering whether there may exist a way to give a sort of "normal form" for binary decision trees (BDT) in a tractable way. More precisely: a BDT is a tree with internal nodes labelled by ...
Marc's user avatar
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Lower bound for finding repeated elements in sorted array

This is inspired by [1] (which still needs answers). What is the tight lower bound (or optimal algorithms) for the "finding repeated elements" problem: Given a sorted integer array of size $n$, how ...
hengxin's user avatar
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What is the complexity of the equivalence problem for read-once decision trees?

A read-once decision tree is defined as follows: $True$ and $False$ are read-once decision trees. If $A$ and $B$ are read-once decision trees and $x$ is a variable not occurring in $A$ and $B$, then $...
Marc's user avatar
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9 votes
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What is the complexity of decision tree complexity?

Given a boolean function $f$ on $n$ bits, how hard is it to determine its decision tree complexity? (I assume the decision tree is simple, i.e., the allowed questions are the bits of the input.) If $...
domotorp's user avatar
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13 votes
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How can one find the "hard" probability distribution on the input for recursive boolean functions?

Update: Since, it seems there is no progress regarding this question, any idea, conjecture, hunch, or advice is welcome. For example, are there any partial or incomplete results? What are the main ...
Jardine's user avatar
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The randomized query complexity of the conjoined trees problem

An important 2003 paper by Childs et al. introduced the "conjoined trees problem": a problem admitting an exponential quantum speedup that's unlike just about any other such problem that we know of. ...
Scott Aaronson's user avatar
13 votes
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Las Vegas vs Monte Carlo randomized decision tree complexity

Background: Decision tree complexity or query complexity is a simple model of computation defined as follows. Let $f:\{0,1\}^n\to \{0,1\}$ be a Boolean function. The deterministic query complexity of ...
Robin Kothari's user avatar
14 votes
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Provable gaps between decision tree complexity and "true" complexity

The title is a little misleading: but hopefully the question isn't: Grønlund and Pettie's new result showing that 3SUM has only $O(n^{3/2})$ decision tree complexity got me wondering: Is there a ...
Suresh Venkat's user avatar
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How hard is it to compute an approximately optimal non-greedy CART tree?

The question itself is closer to the bottom of this post, and is formulated without any rerefence to the term "CART". Motivation: In traditional CART (Classification and Regression Trees), one ...
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-1 votes
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Time complexity analysis of random forest and k-means?

I am working with random forest for a supervised classification problem, and I am using the k-means clustering algorithm to split the data at each node, where $n$ is the number of points, $K$ is ...
Eric Nunes's user avatar
23 votes
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Sorting using a black box

Assume that we want to sort a list $S$ of $n$ real numbers. Assume that we are given a black box that can sort $\sqrt n$ real numbers instantly. How much advantage can we gain using this black box? ...
AmeerJ's user avatar
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Is there a tight lower bound on the complexity of SSSP on a graph?

I'm an undergrad and I'm not sure if this is the right way to ask this question. I want to know the lower bound on single-source shortest path computation in a general graph. The graph is allowed to ...
user1278599's user avatar
-2 votes
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Sorting : proof for lower bound of Sorting [closed]

I have read the proof of lower bound of Sorting Algorithm that use comparison to know input is NlogN. In this paper, the author use decision tree for this proof. Everything on this proof I have ...
hqt's user avatar
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27 votes
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Coloring complexity of graphs

Suppose $G$ is a graph with coloring number $d = \chi(G)$. Consider the following game between Alice and Bob. At each round, Alice picks a vertex, and Bob answers with a color in $\{1,\ldots,d-1\}$ ...
Yuval Filmus's user avatar
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Tree rotation, a problem similar to Huffman coding

I am not sure whether the following problem has been studied. We have a undirected tree $T$. We would like to construct another tree $T'$. $T'$ is a binary tree. Each inner nodes of $T'$ ...
jian's user avatar
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Is there an accepted name for Ross Quinlan's adaptation of the ID3 decision algorithm to use a Pearson's chi-squared test for independence?

In Ross Quinlan's seminal paper Induction of Decision Trees, Quinlan summarizes the current state of machine learning in 1985 and loudly introduces the ID3 decision algorithm in the context of its ...
MrGomez's user avatar
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Designing an appropriate training set for CART classification using imbalanced data

I'm experimenting with using CART (or maybe Random Forest) to classify genomic data. There are essentially two classes, whereof one is the 'normal' state and the other is the 'exceptional' state. Now,...
Rainer's user avatar
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17 votes
1 answer

Algorithm for optimizing decision trees

Background A binary decision tree $T$ is a rooted tree where each internal node (and root) is labeled by an index $j \in \{1,..., n\}$ such that no path from root to leaf repeats an index, the leafs ...
Artem Kaznatcheev's user avatar
5 votes
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Building a decision tree to approximate a known function (not to learn an unknown function)

I have a function $f: \mathbb{D} \rightarrow \{0,1\}$ where $\mathbb{D} \in \mathbb{R}^{5000}$. I would like to approximate $f$ using a decision tree. Up to now I have only found literature in the ...
rodrigob's user avatar
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Bounds on the size of smallest decision tree for a boolean function?

Consider a boolean function $f : V \rightarrow \{0,1\}$ with $m$ true points. Are there any non-trivial bounds in $m$ on the size of the smallest decision tree for $f$? It seems to me that assuming $...
MGwynne's user avatar
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Learning using decision trees

I have a quick question that I'm stumped on. This is about constructing a decision tree using information gain (entropy). Let's say we have a dataset with two input attributes such that the ...
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