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Learning a boolean function using decision tree with small number of queries

I am working on a problem and I am looking to solve the following subproblem : Given a "restrictive" blackbox access to boolean function $\phi$, output a "small-sized" CNF that ...
AlternatingGroupoid's user avatar
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Hardness of Computing Tribes-DNF by Decision Trees

In this paper on "The Polynomial Hierarchy, Random Oracles, and Boolean Circuits", Fact (3.2) states that it is impossible for a polylogarithmic depth decision tree to compute the Tribes-DNF ...
CHLander's user avatar
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If boolean function $f$ is computable by a k-CNF and an l-DNF then it can be computed by a decision tree of depth at most kl

I have seen it stated that if boolean function $f$ is computable by a $k$-CNF and an $l$-DNF then it can be computed by a decision tree of depth at most $kl$. However, I am not able to see why this is ...
TheCollegeStudent's user avatar
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Complexity of constructing minimum depth decision trees

I am interested in the computational complexity of Problem 1: Given a finite, non-empty set $J$, given $A, B \subseteq \{0,1\}^J$ such that $A \cap B = \emptyset$, and given $n \in \mathbb{N}$, does ...
Max Flow's user avatar
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How can one find the "hard" probability distribution on the input for recursive boolean functions?

Update: Since, it seems there is no progress regarding this question, any idea, conjecture, hunch, or advice is welcome. For example, are there any partial or incomplete results? What are the main ...
Jardine's user avatar
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Bounds on the size of smallest decision tree for a boolean function?

Consider a boolean function $f : V \rightarrow \{0,1\}$ with $m$ true points. Are there any non-trivial bounds in $m$ on the size of the smallest decision tree for $f$? It seems to me that assuming $...
MGwynne's user avatar
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