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Questions tagged [ds.algorithms]

Questions regarding well-defined instructions for completing a task, and relevant analysis in terms of time/memory/etc.

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Testing if the intersection of affine flats and hamming ball is empty

Suppose as input we are given $W = a + V \subset \mathbb{F}_q^n$ where $V$ is a $k$ dimensional vector space. We are specifically given the basis of $V$ and $a$. Moreover we are given $y \in \mathbb{F}...
Rishabh Kothary's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

Are there any examples of exponential algorithms that use a polynomial-time algorithm for a special case as a subroutine (exponentially many times)?

There are many examples of exponential algorithms that use polynomial algorithms for special cases as subroutines. Still, I was hoping to see one that uses a well-known polynomial algorithm for a ...
GEP's user avatar
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Terminology for computation vs. output

Is there a widely accepted name and/or notation for the computational process of an algorithm as opposed to its output? To clarify, suppose I have an algorithm $A$, and I denote as $A(x)$ the output ...
gumbelgrumbelgumbel's user avatar
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Binary Search with Probabilistic Comparison Errors

In a standard binary search on a sorted array, when you compare the item being searched ($x$) with the pivot ($m$), if $x < m$, then you recurse in the first half of the array; if $x > m$, then ...
John White's user avatar
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Find all partitions at a given edit distance from a reference partition of n items

Suppose we have a given partition of n items, say P, and consider the "edit distance" from this question: Edit distance between two partitions. How can we efficiently find all partitions (of ...
Gohan's user avatar
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What's the state-of-the-art in generic unification?

The Wikipedia page on unification mentions several generalizations of the basic Robinson unification problem. These seem to boil down to Making the terms in the domain of discourse more interesting (...
Duncan W's user avatar
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Are the algorithms developed for the 'gas station problem' and some seemingly derivative problems equivalent?

I have recently been examining the following recently published papers related to the 'Gas Station Problem,' a generalization of the shortest path problem that accounts for fuel consumption by the ...
Ptr's user avatar
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Complexity of single bit recovery version of Integer Factorization problem

Consider the integer factoring problem with exactly 2 prime factors $p.q=N$. Given $N$ find the prime factors $p$ and $q$. The problem is notoriously difficult (on classical computers) and is the ...
TheoryQuest1's user avatar
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Counterexample for the 1-optimal matching algorithm in Gabow's and Tarjan's paper on scaling algorithms for networks

Context I am reading Faster scaling algorithms for network problems by Gabow and Tarjan where I am researching part 2: "Matching and extensions". However, I am a bit confused with the ...
genzee's user avatar
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Min-cost perfect matching, but must pick exactly k special edges. Is it NP-hard?

I'd like to know if the following generalization of min-cost perfect matching is NP-hard. As usual, we are given a graph $G = (V,E)$ with costs on edges $c: E \to \mathbb{R}_{\geq 0}$. In addition, ...
Karagounis Z's user avatar
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What is the proper name for a tree whose edges hold more than one symbols?

To supplement the title, edges from one node may hold strings with the same prefix. For example, a node may have two edges, apple1 and ...
Xavier Z's user avatar
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Can an m * n matrix be given Young Tableau property in O(1) space?

If it can be done with heaps why not Young Tableaux? [1] I know that the analogy is too simplistic but for learning sake, let us consider it. The only limitation I noticed is that while heaps exhibit ...
Chukwujiobi Canon's user avatar
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Time complexity of square root floor

Given a square number in $n$ bits can we compute its square root in $O(n)$ time? In general can we compute $\lfloor\sqrt{a}\rfloor$ in $O(\log a)$ time?
Turbo's user avatar
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Can a RAM machine with polynomial memory be simulated by a multi-tape Turing machine without extra time or space costs?

It is known that many-tape Turing machines can be simulated by a one tape Turing machine with extra runtime costs. Furthermore, a single-tape Turing machine with a larger alphabet can be simulated by ...
BooleanBoy18's user avatar
7 votes
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Is parity of GI easy?

Given graphs $G,H$ let $N(G,H)$ be the number of isomorphisms between them. Is there polynomial time algorithm to compute $N(G,H)\bmod 2^t$ for every fixed $t\geq1$?
Turbo's user avatar
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Quickest known integer relation algorithm in the case of signs

Let $x_1,\cdots,x_n,k$ be integers such that $|k|\le\sum_{i=1}^n|x_i|$. What is the quickest known algorithm to determine $w_i\in\{-1,0,1\}$ such that $k=\sum_{i=1}^nw_ix_i$ where they exist? What is ...
TheSimpliFire's user avatar
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Efficient algorithm to construct simple polygon from non-crossing orthogonal line segments

Given a set of $N$ non-crossing orthogonal (vertical and horizontal) line segments on the plane, is there an efficient algorithm to construct a simple orthogonal polygon that passes through all given ...
Mohammad Al-Turkistany's user avatar
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Closed-form for exact number of iterations of binary search

(This is a cross-post from CS.SE). Consider a sorted list of $n$ elements $x_1, \ldots, x_n$. Using binary search to find $x_k$ in this list takes $f(n, k)$ iterations, where $f : \mathbb{N}^2 \to \...
Electro's user avatar
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Is finding the best permutation an NP-Complete problem?

We have a matrix $M$ of size $n$ by $n$ where $M[i][j] \ge 0$ and $M[i][i] = 0$. We want to create a permutation of integers $[1,\dots,N]$, like $\langle P_1, P_2,\dots,P_n \rangle$, such that $$ \...
Amir's user avatar
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Why Huffman codes cannot be handled using matroid theory?

In Cormen's "Introduction to algorithms" it is stated that matroid theory cannot be applied to justify the greedy algorithm given for the construction of Huffman's codes. I was wondering ...
user1868607's user avatar
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Evidence extended GCD is in $TC^0$

Despite centuries of search extended $GCD$ is known to accommodate one algorithm which is the Euclidean algorithm (the solution through Integer Linear Programming which needs basis reduction goes ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Bellman-Ford with infinite weights

I have a graph with weights of the form $a \omega + b$ where $a,b \in \mathbb{Q}$ and $ \omega$ is an infinite value, that is, a value such that for any rational number $q$, $q \le \omega$. The ...
user1868607's user avatar
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How to Classify Memory Access Pattern by LLVM or Other Tools?

I am currently encountering issues with using LLVM. Here is my specific problem: I want to study the memory access patterns of applications that are suitable for mapping onto a Spatial Accelerator, ...
Chris_Wu's user avatar
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Reference request: finite field computation over the Word-RAM model

Let $q = p^\ell$ be a positive integer power of a prime $p$, of size $q = \text{poly}(n)$. Over the Word-RAM model (with words of size $O(\log n)$), how quickly can we perform addition and ...
Naysh's user avatar
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Tree of addition chains

Addition chains are a well-known way of building up a number from 1 by adding two previously computed numbers. It is a long-standing open problem to determine the complexity of computing the length of ...
domotorp's user avatar
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Perceptual similarity problem in theoretical computer science

A perceptual hash is a type of locality-sensitive hash, which is analogous if the features of the images are similar. Let $I$ denote the set of images and $y_1 \approx y_2 $ means images are similar (...
David's user avatar
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How well can shortest common supersequence over small alphabet size be approximated?

Given a list $L$ of sequences of the first $n+1$ natural numbers, how well can we approximate the shortest common supersequence of all sequences in $L$? The paper here shows that if $n$ is not ...
Hao S's user avatar
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Polynomial time algorihtms for two variants of the decision version of longest walk problem

I want to know if the following variants of the longest path problem over directed graphs have polynomial time algorithm. As I understand it, the longest path problem doesn't allow repetition of edges....
user1868607's user avatar
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Shortest sequence that contains a given list of sequences as subsequences

Given an alphabet with $n$ characters, and a list $L$ of sequences can we approximately find the shortest sequence that contains all sequences of $L$ as subsequences? Very similar to the question ...
Hao S's user avatar
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Shorter than target vector path algorithm

Consider a generalisation of the shortest path problem on directed graphs with weights in $\mathbb{Q}^k$. Formally, the input is a graph, a source state $s$, a target state $t$, and an objective ...
user1868607's user avatar
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A question on combinatorial algorithm

Given n sets $S_1,...,S_n$ such that $S_i \subset \{1,...,n\}$ is there a poly(n) algorithm to find $1 \leq i_1 < i_2 <.... < i_k \leq n$ such that $|\bigcup_{j=1}^k S_{i_j} | = k$ where $1 \...
Rishabh Kothary's user avatar
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Constructing a DFA with $n$ states for which $L*$ needs $n$ equivalence queries

I'm working on constructing deterministic finite automata (DFAs) with a specific learning complexity when using the L* algorithm developed by Dana Angluin. My goal is to create a DFA of size ( n ) ...
Coping Forever's user avatar
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Detection of intersection between two $d$-dimensional convex polytopes with at most $N$ facets

I am looking for a reference on the current state-of-the-art algorithm(s) for detecting intersection between two $d$-dimensional convex polytopes, with time complexity depending on their number of ...
pyridoxal_trigeminus's user avatar
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Is greedy minimax permutation rejecting sorting optimal?

I sketch an impractical, theoretical comparison sort for sorting array $a$ of size $n$. Initialize a list of all $n!$ permutations of size $n$. For each possible pair of indices $i, j$, count how ...
orlp's user avatar
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Question about claw-free graphs

Let $G$ be a claw-free graph, and let $x,y,z,u$ be distinct vertices of $G$. Is the following possible in $G$ ? There are three induced paths through $u$: between $y$ and $z$ (i.e., $y \...
BBK's user avatar
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References for algorithms to compute approximating polytopes for arbitrary convex sets

There is a vast theoretical literature on approximating convex, compact bodies in $d$-dimensional space $\Bbb R^d$ by convex polytopes. One of the main results in this area is that under some mild ...
pyridoxal_trigeminus's user avatar
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Uniform lower bounds in terms of the matrix multiplication exponent $\omega$?

Let $f(n)$ denote the minimum number of arithmetic operations needed for multiplying two $n\times n$ matrices, and $\omega = \inf\{p \ge 0: f(n) = O(n^p)\}$ be the matrix multiplication exponent. Is ...
Mingda Qiao's user avatar
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Shortest path with permutations and fixed dimension

I'm thinking of extensions of the shortest path problem which are solvable in polynomial time. One way to do this is to consider the shortest path problem on a weighted directed graph with weights on $...
user1868607's user avatar
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What algorithms are there for ANN?

I'm a software engineer working on a large project for which one of the subcomponents involves approximately solving the nearest neighbors problem (to a factor of $1+\epsilon$). I was wondering what ...
Jaclyn's user avatar
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Shortest path with affine updates and fixed dimension

One may look at the shortest path problem on a weighted directed graph with weights on $\mathbb{Q}$ as the problem of minimizing a rational value $x$ which is updated at each edge of the graph with ...
user1868607's user avatar
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Is there a conditional lower bound for the k max subarray sum problem?

Consider an array $A$ of integers of length $n$. The $k$-max subarray sum asks us to find up to $k$ (contiguous) non-overlapping subarrays of $A$ with maximum sum. If $A$ is all negative then this ...
Simd's user avatar
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Algorithm to check whether a given set is Sidon

We call a set of natural numbers $\mathcal S$ to be a Sidon Set if $a+b=c+d$ for $a,b,c,d\in \mathcal S$ implies $\{a,b\}=\{c,d\}$. In other words, all pairwise sums are distinct. What algorithms do ...
Sayan Dutta's user avatar
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Rearrange vectors so partial sums are all non-negative

Consider we are given a collection of $n$ vectors in $d$ dimensions, we want to decide if they can be rearranged into $v_1,\ldots,v_n$ such that $\sum_{i=1}^j v_i\geq \textbf{0}$ for all $j\in [n]$. ...
Chao Xu's user avatar
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What is the fastest algorithm for computing exact network reliability?

In the network reliability problem, we are given an undirected graph $G$ on $n$ vertices and a parameter $p\in (0,1)$, and are tasked with determining the probability that $G$ becomes disconnected (i....
Naysh's user avatar
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Maximum cardinality disjoint cycle cover in undirected graphs

I call a maximum cardinality disjoint cycle cover of a graph a vertex-disjoint cycle cover containing the maximum possible number of cycles in the graph. What is known about the complexity of this ...
delete000's user avatar
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Is there a lower bound for the problem of finding the best straight line partition

I recently asked the following algorithms question on another site. The best answer so far is $O(n^4)$ time. The input is of size $O(n^2)$ and the output is just a number so I was wondering if there ...
Simd's user avatar
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Complexity of simplex method

What is the complexity of the simplex method in terms of Big O in the general case? I saw two variants: O(2^n) and O(2^(n+m)), where n is the number of variables and m is the number of constraints
Kitty's user avatar
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$\log^\star n$ is somewhat common in runtimes. Does the superroot ever make an appearance?

Many algorithms and data structures have iterated logarithms ($\log^\star n$) in their runtimes. This function is the discrete inverse of tetration, in that $$\log_a^\star (a \uparrow \uparrow b) = b$$...
templatetypedef's user avatar
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Fine-grained complexity for game-type problems

My specific question is the following. Consider the following problem that I call Strange-TQBF: there is a Boolean function $f(x_1, \ldots, x_n)$ and two players Alice and Bob. They take turns ...
Alexey Milovanov's user avatar
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Recent advances in computer science since 2010?

Since I left school (early 2010s) a couple of recently developed techniques were widely adopted by the industry. For example, Asymmetric numeral systems for compression (e.g. Ubuntu ships with ...

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