Showing posts with label holiday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holiday. Show all posts

Monday, January 1, 2018

Waikiki New Year Wishes

A  L  O  H  A !
Another new day comes to Honolulu

"New Year's Day is 
every one's birthday."
       Charles Lamb

The Beach Is Waiting, Contemplating. . . 

What Will YOU
Write in the Fresh Sand?
What footprints
will you leave?

The Regulars - Joined By A Few Visitors

Time For A Morning Paddle With Your Crew

"What the New Year brings to you 
will depend a great deal on 
what you bring to the New Year."
           Vern McLellan

"For a new year to bring you
 something new, make a move, 
like a butterfly tearing 
its cocoon! Make a move!"
          Mehmet Murat ildan

Thank YOU
Dear Friend!
          Fondly, cloudia

Friday, January 1, 2016

Your Best Year Yet-

- That is My Wish for YOU!

" A cat's eyes are windows 
enabling us to see
 into another world. "
                     Irish Legend

Linking to
City Daily Photo
Photo of the Year

janus *

This is my blog.

I make it.
And yet, I am the 
one receiving gifts
through it every day.

Your visit is the gift
that starts my day,
or keeps me going
in afternoon, or
makes me smile
before bed time.

Now I understand
how time and season
move across the face
of our world.
Yet, it is always 
all the time everywhere.

You taught me that.

Thank YOU
for a wonderful year.
For holding my hand
through a major move.

That You come here,
finding something that
invites you back
means the world to me.

You know who you are.

You are my friend.

Therefore I am

             Fondly, cloudia

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Nature of Gratitude

A  L  O  H  A !

 'Any fool can be happy.
 It takes real heart to
 make beauty out of 
the stuff that 
makes us weep.' 
                     Clive Barker

Linking to
Good Fences

Open Road

“Carpe every damn diem.” 

Justine Musk

"There are years
 that ask questions
 and years that 
             Zora Neale Hurston


In the USA, today is
a holiday dedicated
to gratitude.

The earliest Europeans
on these shores
would likely have
perished if not for
the generosity of the
First Nations 
already here.
The settlers were grateful
to their God, and to
their neighbors.
[one hopes]

I have given thought
to gratitude. One starts
by noticing things to be
grateful for, noticing,
and expressing it.

It became a habit with me,
and a nice one that
certainly improved my life.

But is gratitude a feeling?

My habit of feeling grateful got
somewhat pushed out of the way
in all the folderol of moving.

I was preoccupied with finding
new ways, places clothes, routines.
How could I be grateful for
what was still overwhelming?

So I started to wonder if
it is valid to express gratitude
when you are just not feeling it?

Is that insincere and false,
or is it lovely and powerful?
Saying 'Thank You'
to the universe, to God,
to your subconscious, is a
powerful and insidious thing!

Saying 'Thank You' for arising,
even though I was just
going through the moves
caused chemical reactions
and soon I FELT
grateful again!

Feelings are valuable guides,
but I think we make them
too important. Carry on.
Don't wait till you feel like it.

And who knows?
Maybe soon you 

Thank YOU!
              warmly, cloudia

Thursday, January 1, 2015


A L O H A !
Fresh Start

" Sunshine is delicious,
 rain is refreshing, 
wind braces us up, 
snow is exhilarating;
 there is really no such thing 
as bad weather,
 only different kinds 
of good weather. "
           John Ruskin

So Much Wonder

" We need a renaissance 
of wonder. 
We need to renew, 
in our hearts 
and in our souls, 
the deathless dream, 
the eternal poetry, 
the perennial 
sense that life  
is miracle and magic. "

E. Merrill Root 

Sparkling Promise

“The air was soft,
 the stars so fine, 
the promise of 
every cobbled alley 
so great that 
I thought I 
was in a dream.”
                    Jack Kerouac


What if . . . 
You woke up 
with only
what you were
grateful for

Thank you Sun,
Thank you breath,
Thank you Pixie-cat
and coffee!

Thank YOU
for sharing
here with us.
Where it's a 
party every day;

And the regulars
are the nicest people
all over the globe.

Peace OUT!

Wishing YOU
your heart's content.
Hope to see You
2 0 1 5
Hard to believe. . .

Thursday, December 25, 2014

My Hawaiian Christmas

A  L  O  H  A !        F r i e n d !
“ Christmas doesn't
 come from a store,
 maybe Christmas 
perhaps means 
a little bit more....” 
             Dr. Seuss

Children playing 
with their toys,
visitors dining 
tonight at Roy's

“ Our hearts grow tender 
with childhood memories
 and love of kindred, 
and we are better 
throughout the year 
for having, in spirit, 
become a child 
at Christmas-time. ” 
               Laura Ingalls Wilder

This is sweet, if your have the time.
Really captures the flavor 
of Christmas
in the islands-

            I love you guys - cloudia

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Waikiki Good Fence

A  L  O  H  A !   Mele Kalikimaka by Jimmy Buffet on Grooveshark
" Here we know that Christmas
Will be clear and bright
The Sun will shine by day
And all the stars at night.
Mele Kalikimaka
Is Hawaii's way
To say
'Merry Christmas'
To You. "

Click to see carp & humans

"The two most joyous
times of the year are
Christmas morning
and the end of school."
 Alice Cooper

" I will
honor Christmas
in my heart,
 and try to
keep it
all the year. "
 Charles Dickens

Linking to Good Fences

Wishing YOU
all the Best
of this Season!
                Fondly, cloudia

Monday, December 22, 2014

Most Wonderful

A  L  O  H  A  !
It's A Most Unusual Day (From The Film 'A Date With Judy') by David Rose And His Orchestra on Grooveshark
 Want To Take YOU Higher!

" Imagination is 
a very high
 sort of 
                  Ralph Waldo Emerson

 Click on Photo to Enjoy Smiles

" I think contentment 
the greatest wealth. " 
                   George Shelley

It's beginning to look. . . 

round the corner 
there may wait, 
A new road 
a secret gate."

                       J. R. R. Tolkien


This time of year
we reflect on our
of which
(to me)
YOU are one!
                               Fondly, cloudia

Now for a different view on holiday time:

It's the Most Horrible Time of the Year by The H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society on Grooveshark

Monday, September 1, 2014

Labor Day Shout

A  L  O  H  A !
  " Love and work 
are the cornerstones 
of our humanness. "

 “No one 
who does good work 
will ever come 
to a bad end, 
either here
 or in the world to come” 
                      The Bhagavad Gita

Na ke kanaka mahi'ai ka imu o nui. 

"The well-filled oven 
belongs to him 
who tills the soil." 
brings abundance
                   Hawaiian Proverb

" Do not take advantage 
of a hired worker who is
 poor and needy, 
whether like you,
 or a foreigner 
residing in your town. "
        Deuteronomy 24:14


You & me-

All of us work

either for pay,
or because
it is who we are.

Today in the USA
we celebrate Workers
in a time
when $Capitol$
is in the VIP cue 
but humans

seeking work
are illegal
if they cross over.

You & I
we value people
and we value
their contributions,
"like us"
or foreigners
in our midst.

Thank YOU
for being
One Of Us

I'm proud to share
the work
of healing the world
with You
                 Fondly, cloudia